Jiude touched his head embarrassedly:”I have been taking medicine, it shouldn’t be a big problem, don’t worry so much.”

Habby held the fish with a surprised look on his face:”Hey~ Lucy and dad have a better relationship.”

Lucy’s expression became proud again, and she raised her chin slightly to show off to Habby:

“There is no other way. Dad paid all the rent I owed for the past four years. Not only that, he also gave me birthday presents every year, so I made peace with Dad with great difficulty.”

Habby showed an envious expression on his face, lowered his head and looked a little sad:

“”It’s great that someone pays the rent for Lucy. I don’t have money to buy fish now.”

His voice was a little tearful.

Hearing the crying, Lucy imagined many sad things. She looked at the silent Habby with a loving expression on her face.

“It’s really like this, so pitiful, but don’t worry, Habby, as a member of the team, you can come to me if you don’t have food to eat.”

She patted her chest and looked very confident:”I still have a little money (pocket money given by Jiude), I can treat you to many fish meals.”

The goal has been achieved, Habby raised his head and showed a bright smile on his face:

“Hey, then let me thank Lucy.”

He turned to look at Natsu who was watching the fun on the side and said,”Natsu, we have found a way to pay for our food in the future.”

“o O! ? Habby, you actually lied to me!!”

Habby spread his hands and said,”I didn’t say anything, I just stated a fact. The rest is Lucy’s own imagination. It has nothing to do with me. So, what exactly did Lucy come here for??”

“By the way, now is not the time to talk about this, Xiaoyang. My father is sick and keeps vomiting blood. The medicine he takes is not very helpful. After examining him, Wendy said she can only provide relief but not a complete cure. Can you cure him?”

“Let me take a look.”

Xiao Yang summoned the water divination plate, looked at it for a while and said to Jiu De:

“Have you had poor appetite, stomachache, bloating, and significant weight loss before? Have you been vomiting blood and having blood in your stool recently?”

Jiude was stunned when he heard this:”Yes, I have all the symptoms you mentioned.”

Xiaoyang put away the water plate:

“You are most likely suffering from stomach cancer, which is caused by irregular eating, lack of sleep, and mood swings. According to the water divination, your illness is now in the middle and late stages, and you will die in about three years.”

Lucy’s pupils shrank, and she walked anxiously to Xiaoyang, saying in a crying voice:

“Well, what should I do? Xiaoyang, can you cure my dad??”

“It was very relaxing, and I could try out the magic I got a while ago.”

The snowflakes above Xiaoyang’s head glowed, and two little people, a man and a woman, appeared in the air.

【Clouds in the morning】

【[Shuangtian Guidance, I refuse]

As the words fell, two flower spirits emitted a faint light, and changed from human form into two flowers, one was a sunflower emitting (bcfj) light yellow, and the other was a lily emitting milky white.

They floated towards the shocked Jiude, and stopped on his left and right sides. When the flowers stopped, the light on them began to expand outwards, gradually turning into an ellipse to wrap Jiude.

After 30 seconds, the cover disappeared, and Jiude inside was revealed. His cheeks, which were originally a little sunken, became full again, and his face regained its color, forming a sharp contrast with his initial sickly state.

He clenched his fists, looked at his stomach, and a surprised expression appeared on his face:

“I feel full of strength, and my body hasn’t been this good for a long time. It’s like I’m back to my youth.”

Xiaoyang waved his hand:”Returning to youth is too exaggerated, I just want you to go back to the time when you were not sick.”

“Although the body has recovered, it is still necessary to maintain a good lifestyle to maintain this health.”

After hearing this, Lucy put her hands on her waist and shouted:”Did you hear me, Dad? Don’t work so hard anymore. You can’t make enough money. You have to eat three meals a day and exercise regularly. I will check on you every once in a while.”

Jiude smiled and agreed:”Okay, I got it. I will take good care of myself from now on and will always pay attention to Lucy’s activities.”

“Hello, is Jiudesheng here?”

A male voice suddenly came from the guild gate. Everyone looked over and found two staff members in work clothes standing at the door.

Jiude raised his hand:”I’m here, just put the things in.”

Hearing the customer’s response, the two staff members walked out of the gate and then brought in many large and small items and food from outside.

Jiude walked up to Xiaoyang and bowed to him:

“Hello, thank you for your help Mr. Yang Ming, you are really a great wizard. It was my fault that Phantom attacked Fairy Tail before, these things are my apology gifts”

“My daughter told me that you like delicious food and rare props, so I specially prepared some. I ordered these foods from the Debo Hotel. I hope they suit your taste. The magic props are still on the way, so it may take two days to give them to you.”

The other members of the guild were stunned to see this scene. As magicians, they had never seen such a polite answer.

Xiao Yang was also stunned for a moment, and soon he said:”You’re welcome, it’s just a matter of convenience. I like the food of the Debo Hotel very much. After all, it is the most popular restaurant. You spent money.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Just as you like”

[But… it’s just a convenience. Jiude smiled helplessly.

[It is just a convenience to determine that the body cannot be cured here. This is a wizard. I thought money could solve everything. Now it seems that this idea is ridiculous. Lucy has taken the most correct path. She is worthy of being born from 1ucky. 1ucy is so lucky.

[Leila, if you saw such a wonderful daughter, you would definitely be proud of her.

Jiude showed a gratified smile on his face and looked at the daughter who made him proud.

Lucy stared at the high-end dish sent to Xiaoyang with wide eyes:

“You must be kidding! When did you prepare this? I remember I dragged you here directly. Where did you find the time to prepare this?”

“Didn’t we meet a man who greeted me on the way here? He was my assistant. He brought these.”

“Actually, I had prepared all these things before. I was planning to send them over in two days, but I didn’t expect you to just drag me over here. It would be awkward to come here empty-handed, so I just happened to bring these with me.”

Lucy:”Σ(OДO that man!! But you only replied with one word”good”, and he understood it! ?”

Jiu De said helplessly:”I nodded, didn’t Lucy see it? The words and actions mean that the things that were ordered before can be done. Some things cannot be said openly. In the business world, the more you say, the more you expose.”

“Σ(oДOYes, is that so? Forget it, let’s not talk about this. Dad will take you to visit Fairy Tail, you will definitely like it here.”

Lucy took Jiude to visit the guild.

Mira put a glass of juice next to Xiaoyang:”Was the magic just now time magic? It can go back to the time when you were not sick.”

Xiaoyang, who was a little thirsty while eating, drank half a glass in one breath.[]

“Phew, it feels good. It’s not time magic, it’s a concept magic, a more advanced magic.”

“No matter blessing, curse, or injury, as long as I am inside the shield, when I reject these things, everything will disappear and return to the state before I got these things.”

“When I refuse to be hurt, the hurt disappears. When I refuse to be healed, the healing does not exist.”

“Hey~ What a great power! Xiaoyang can always easily break my cognition.”

“By the way, how did Wendy end up asking you for help?”

Mira rested her chin with her left hand, with an intoxicated expression on her face.

“When she came to me with the cake, her face was red, so cute, I couldn’t help but teach her everything Leibi had told me before.”

“It should be… perfect. Anyway, she was very happy in the end.”

[At the beginning, I almost felt like burrowing into the ground. Mira probably didn’t expect that Wendy would come to me about that matter. By the way, if Levi wasn’t there at the time, would Wendy really have been able to ask?

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