It was daybreak, and the heavy rain that had been falling all night finally stopped.

The weeds all over the field became a little denser again, and many low saplings grew half a foot tall overnight.

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Zhao Yin stood in front of the tent, looking at the mountain of rat corpses.

There are 396 gray rats in total, each one is about the size of a medium-sized dog. It is estimated that the dismemberment can produce 20 kilograms of fresh meat, which is about 8,000 kilograms.

Each of the six dead giant rats can be dismembered to produce about 300 kilograms of rat meat, which is 1,800 kilograms.

In total, nearly 10,000 kilograms of rat meat can be obtained!

It's just a pity that these are the meat of pseudo-mutated beasts and cannot increase the strength of the mutant beasts!

However, even if it is pseudo-mutated beast meat, the taste is not comparable to any meat before the end of the world.

"Black Rat King...!"

Zhao Ying just opened his mouth, stopped quickly, and changed the subject sharply: "The king of Wang Nima, I will call you Lao Hei from now on, Lao Hei, you take six E-class giant rats and peel off the skins and bones of these rats. Remove all the entrails!"

"Monkey, you are responsible for cutting off all the mouse claws, collecting them together and sending them to the tent!"

"Song Xiaodao and Lao Niu are going to collect firewood. I need 50,000 kilograms of firewood in place before dark!"

Zhao Yin directly issued a series of orders.

It is worth mentioning that after the Black Rat King woke up, he went to the place where the White Rat King died. Unfortunately, he didn't see even a rat hair, and he always acted very unhappy.

At this time, the Black Rat King received Zhao Yin's order, and hesitation immediately appeared in his eyes. Those gray rats were all his former subordinates, and the giant rats were the offspring of him and the White Rat King.


Zhao Yin kicked the Black Rat King on the butt, causing it to stumble: "Have you woke up yet?"

The Black Rat King was startled and hurriedly knelt at Zhao Yin's feet, trembling all over.

After becoming Zhao Yin's contracted beast, although it still retains its memory, its affection for its master is even far greater than its previous treatment of the White Rat King.

"From now on, I will deprive you of your identity as rats, and you will no longer be allowed to think about the feelings of the same clan. You have only one identity, and you are my contract beast and slave, Zhao Yin!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, the Black Rat King and the six giant rats all screamed and fell to the ground and rolled over.

The collars transformed by the souls of the contract in their minds slowly tightened their souls, bursting into flames, and burned!

At this moment, the recognition of race slowly fades away in memory...

For them, Zhao Yin's words are heaven's punishment!

After a while, after the awareness of the race dissipated, the Contracted Soul returned to normal.

Seven rats were crawling on the ground.

"Master, I know I was wrong, and I ask for your forgiveness!"

"Ask the great master for forgiveness...!"


When the little monkey and old cow on the side saw this scene, they all trembled, secretly glad that they had not resisted their master in the first place.

In fact, it is difficult for a contracted beast signed by the contract soul to have the mentality to disobey its master.

Only the Black Rat King is so obsessed that he can barely question his master's orders, but Zhao Yin only needs one thought to deprive him of everything!

The other six giant rats simply followed the Black Rat King into misfortune.

"Be obedient and work hard with me. You will definitely become the most powerful mutant in the future...!"

Zhao Yin was about to draw a pie for the Black Rat King, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of the little monkey and the old cow beside him, and remembered that he had said the same thing to them before.

He changed his words: "You will become the most awesome mouse!"

As a contracted beast, the Black Rat King did not doubt his master's words at all, and suddenly became excited: "Master, Old Hei will work hard, go and cut the rat meat now."

Zhao Yin nodded with satisfaction: "Go!"

The claws of the Black Rat King and the six giant rats are extremely sharp. They can disembowel a gray rat corpse in a few strokes. After pulling out the internal organs, they can pull out the bones with a few strokes.

Finally, when the skin was pulled off, there was a complete piece of rat meat. Even the sharp claws of the gray rat were simply torn off and thrown aside without the little monkey having to cut them off.

The technology is not comparable to that of Zhao Yin before!

Seeing this, Zhao Yin was completely relieved and simply ordered the little monkey to follow Lao Niu and Song Xiaodao to chop firewood.

Zhao Yin returned to the tent by himself. He was not idle either. He lit the wood and set up a hanging pot. Then he chopped up the internal organs of the White Rat King and threw them into the pot with water and salt.

Often high-end ingredients require only the simplest cooking methods.

Soon, the rich aroma of meat spreads...

Outside the tent, the morning light had already appeared, and soon there were signs of dryness on the wet earth.

Many craters have been filled with mud washed away by rain. The world is still very desolate, but it has become much smoother.

At least it no longer looks riddled with holes.

Song Xiaodao jumped back, followed by the transformed little monkey and the old cow, both of which were dragging thousands of kilograms of newly cut wood.

"Hey, what smells so good?" Song Xiaodao sniffed.

Zhao Yin did not close the invisible tent, but the scent spread out.


The little monkey swallowed his saliva and pointed at the tent to remind Song Xiaodao. She immediately ran towards the tent. The little monkey put down the wood and quickly followed.

Only Lao Niu was indifferent, but after thinking about it, no one helped him load firewood on his back, so he simply shook off the wood on his body and followed the invisible tent.

At this time, Zhao Yin was holding a machete and cutting a huge wooden pile into a short wooden table. The large iron basin next to him where Song Xiaodao usually bathed was filled with a large basin of offal soup. There was still a pot of offal soup in the hanging pot. Boil a pot, sizzling and steaming.

"Zhao Yin, what is that?" Song Xiaodao's eyes were wide open, and he swallowed his saliva.

"How is the firewood?" Zhao Yin asked.

"About three or four thousand pounds." Song Xiaodao said.

"Let's go after we finish the offal soup."

Zhao Yin slowly placed the shaved 'dining table' next to the fire, and placed two sets of bowls and chopsticks and two wash basins.

"I'll serve the rice!" Song Xiaodao quickly picked up the wooden spoon in the iron basin, filled a large bowl, and placed it in front of Zhao Yin first, and then filled a large bowl for the old cow and the little monkey.

Finally, she filled a large bowl for herself.

The wooden spoon was also made by Zhao Yin just now, and it was very rough.

"Come and eat." Zhao Yin said.

He didn't pay attention to this before, maybe because of the dream last night, Zhao Yin's ideas had changed.

Song Xiaodao and the little monkey walked up and immediately picked up the bowl and gobbled it up.

They haven't eaten fresh meat for too long!

Including Zhao Yin, he couldn't wait to eat his tongue.

Zhao Yin suddenly saw the old cow still standing there, and then he remembered that it was a vegetarian animal.

"Old cow, eat meat from now on!" Zhao Yin said casually.

The old cow looked confused. Let it, a cow, eat meat?

But it still didn't dare to disobey Zhao Yin's order. It walked over slowly and lowered its head to drink a mouthful of offal soup.

The next moment, the old cow instinctively wanted to vomit, but then it widened its eyes.

Zhao Yin laughed dumbly: "Who said that herbivorous animals can't eat meat?"

"Before the end of the world, many unscrupulous breeders fed swill to cattle and sheep. In fact, you just lack adaptation."

"Besides, you are a mutant beast. Can your stomach and intestines be compared with those of cattle and sheep? This is your best tonic!"

"I know, master." The old cow seemed to finally understand something.

"Eat!" Zhao Yin waved his hand.

Soon, the old cow also followed the little monkey and devoured it.

Seeing this, Song Xiaodao hurriedly fought with the two beasts for food, but unfortunately she was still eating too slowly. The large iron basin of offal soup quickly ran out, and Song Xiaodao only grabbed two bowls.

"Zhao Yin, they... they are bullying people!" Song Xiaodao pointed at the two beasts and said dissatisfiedly.

This girl is protecting the food again!

In fact, Zhao Yin was only half full, the two mutant beasts were too capable.

He added more firewood to the fire and handed the machete to Song Xiaodao: "If you want to eat, go cook it yourself, the ingredients are there."

After the rat king's internal organs were processed, there were two or three hundred kilograms, and Zhao Yin had only cooked less than thirty kilograms before.

Anyway, the space ring couldn't hold it, so Zhao Yin planned to eat it all in the next few days.

Song Xiaodao directly placed the large iron basin on the fire, added water, and cut nearly thirty kilograms of internal organs. Including meat and soup, there were more than one hundred kilograms of offal soup.

Zhao Yin added salt, and the two people and two beasts started eating again.

Soon, Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao could not eat anymore, but the two beasts were still eating.

Until they finished all the offal soup, the little monkey still looked at Zhao Yin with unsatisfied eyes.

"Okay, take a break and go to work, and continue eating in the evening."

Even if they are rich now, there is no mining, so how can they continue to mine?

The old cow immediately looked away and crawled on the ground to rest. Even the usually lively little monkey seemed to suddenly feel sleepy and closed his eyes to take a nap.

Ten minutes later, their stomachs, which had just been full, visibly deflated.

"Zhao Yin, they...!" Song Xiaodao pointed at the two beasts in surprise.

Zhao Yin raised his hand slightly to stop Song Xiaodao from continuing to speak, and opened the Eye of True Vision.

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