In fact, the little monkey had deliberately held back when he attacked before, but he was not sure whether the Black Rat King was dead or not.

He immediately checked the E-level giant rats and found that there were still six of them with weak life breath!

The little monkey was instantly excited and thought to himself: "Squeak... When the master wakes up and finds out that I have made such a great contribution, he should reward me!"

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Song Xiaodao was also very excited: "Great, when Zhao Yin wakes up, he will definitely reward us!"

The little monkey was stunned. What does it have to do with her?

I caught the rats myself.

How can this girl who only knows how to cry get a reward?

"Take it back, and when Zhao Yin wakes up, all of them will be contracted into contracted beasts!" Song Xiaodao said excitedly.

The little monkey immediately carried the Black Rat King and strode towards the invisible tent.

Song Xiaodao tied the tails of the six giant rats with vines and asked the old cow to drag them towards the tent.

Soon, a black rat king and six giant rats were all taken outside the tent.

Song Xiaodao took out a bucket, collected rainwater to wash all seven rats clean, and then stayed there with the two beasts.

If the life breath of any rat weakened, he would immediately add a few chestnut leaves. When the life breath was too strong, the little monkey would immediately come forward to add a stick.


Zhao Yin had a dream, very long.

In the dream, his parents came back, he could eat hot meals cooked by his mother every day, and hear his father's good night at night.

It turned out that he could also enjoy the love of his parents like those people. When he was cold, someone would nag him to dress, and when he was lonely, someone would put down his work to accompany him.

He was no longer alone, and when relatives were concerned about his property, he was forced to choose to sever ties one by one, including his grandparents.

He was no longer a child without discipline since he was fifteen years old.

He is no longer the playboy who gradually let go of himself in loneliness and lack of love, and became unruly and unrestrained, and was called a playboy by others.

He is no longer the one who hangs out in nightclubs every day, and wakes up in the morning with a strange woman beside him, and he will never know their names in the end.

Zhao Yin dreamed that he was 22 years old, and the end of the world did not come.

He married the woman named Su Huan, and after marriage, Su Huan gave birth to a pair of children for him.

He dreamed of him again, in his prime, successful in his career, and became a well-known entrepreneur in Guangzhou. Like most successful people, he has three female secretaries in his office, Jiang Xiner, Ning Yue, and Song Xiaodao!

He once bought a monkey at the zoo and a buffalo at the slaughterhouse.

The two animals are Boss Zhao’s favorite pets...



Three hours later, Zhao Yin finally woke up with a silly smile.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the familiar blue ceiling, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.

There was a pain in the back of his head.

It turned out to be just a dream!

Zhao Yin smiled bitterly, and in an instant, he accepted the reality and sat up.

He vaguely remembered the scene after the side effects of glutinous rice wine occurred. Zhao Yin looked down and saw that there was still a scar on his chest that had not completely disappeared.

He was not dead. It must be the monkey and Song Xiaodao who saved him!

Zhao Yin walked out of the tent and saw the old cow standing in the heavy rain. Song Xiaodao and the little monkey were squatting under the belly of the old cow.

Use the huge body of the old cow to block the wind and rain.

A row of giant rats lay there quietly.


The little monkey was the most sensitive. He found Zhao Yin in an instant and immediately jumped in front of him: "Master, Master, you finally woke up!"

"Zhao Yin, woo woo...!"

Song Xiaodao also crawled out from under the belly of the old cow and suddenly threw himself into Zhao Yin's arms.

"Damn Zhao Yin, why did you make yourself like this? Do you know that you just scared me to death? Woo woo...!"

She waved her little fist and hit Zhao Yin's chest. Maybe she just wanted to act like a spoiled child, or maybe she only knew how to be afraid at this time.

Zhao Yin hugged Song Xiaodao and asked, "Why didn't you go in to take shelter from the rain?"

Song Xiaodao rarely heard Zhao Yin speak so normally. He looked up at him and was stunned.

"Master, these mice are still alive. I caught them!" The little monkey pointed at the seven mice and said in his heart.

Song Xiaodao let go of Zhao Yin, stroked the wet hair on his forehead, wiped the tears from his face and said.

"I was worried about accidents, so I didn't bring the mice into the tent. I watched them with the little monkey and Niu Niu."

Zhao Yin then looked around carefully. There were dead mice everywhere.

These included the bodies of six E-level giant rats and the white rat king.

And the little monkey was left with only one arm.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and touched the monkey's head: "Next time I'll prescribe a healing potion, I'll treat you again."

The monkey jumped around Zhao Yin, flattering him happily: "Master can definitely prescribe a healing potion, Master is the best!"

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the old cow, and seeing that his eyes and horn had recovered as before, he realized that his D-level potion was probably gone.

But he said nothing, the cow's survival was more important than the bottle of healing potion.

He came to the Black Rat King, slowly squatted down, raised his hand and pressed the Black Rat King's head, and directly activated the contract...

After a while, Zhao Yin felt the Black Rat King's weak life breath in his mind...

The contract was successful!

This rat king has the ability to escape underground. Although its combat power is far inferior to that of the dead white rat king, it can keep Zhao Yin alive longer.

It can be said that the value of this black rat king is even higher than that of the white rat king for Zhao Yin. If the black rat king had not been concerned about the life and death of the white rat king, a hundred little monkeys would not be able to catch it!

Next, Zhao Yin planned to treat the black rat king's injuries. He reached out to touch the ring, only to find that his five fingers were empty.

"Zhao Yin, this is your space ring!"

Song Xiaodao took the ring off his hand, handed it to Zhao Yin and explained: "You were unconscious before, and the little monkeys were too seriously injured. I can only...!"

Zhao Yin waved her hand and interrupted: "You did a good job. When I open the next space ring, I will give it to you as a reward."

Song Xiaodao immediately hugged her arm excitedly: "Really? Then you should open it earlier!"

"This kind of thing can only depend on fate. Maybe you should pray to the Bodhisattva sooner or later." Zhao Yin changed the subject.

Song Xiaodao immediately let go of Zhao Yin's arm, clasped his hands together, knelt on the ground and closed his eyes. I don't know how she prayed.

Zhao Yin smiled and ordered: "Monkey, go and drag the body of the White Rat King to me!"

The effect of high-level mutant beast meat on low-level mutant beasts is like the use of evolutionary potions by human evolutionists, which can activate the potential genes in the body and increase strength based on the level.

The only shortcoming is that it needs to be consumed in large quantities for a long time, which is not as fast as the development of human potential by evolutionary potions.

Zhao Yin remembered that the Black Rat King had a deep affection for the White Rat King. Now that it has become his contracted beast, it is better not to skin and bone it in front of it.

The little monkey squeaked twice and ran over there.

Soon, the White Rat King, which weighed almost two tons, was dragged back by the little monkey by its tail.

Zhao Yin quickly took out the machete and dissected it on the spot. First, he cut off the four claws of the White Rat King along the joints.

The sharp claws of the rat king can directly tear apart the heavy armor of D level, and even almost destroyed Zhao Yin's machete.

At least it can catch up with C-level weapons!

Zhao Yin solemnly put it into the space ring, and then began to peel the skin.

The defense of the white rat king is as high as 82 points, all on this rat skin. You should know that the heavy armor defense of the little monkey was only 60 points at the beginning, which is completely different from the level.

Zhao Yin peeled it very carefully and peeled off the whole rat skin completely.

The white rat skin is nearly eight meters long, the widest part is nearly five meters, and the narrowest part is the fur of the tail, which is also more than one foot wide.

The most useful torso fur is four meters long and three meters wide, like a huge sheet!

It is completely enough for Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao to make two or three sets of leather armor each, and there is still a lot of surplus!

After Zhao Yin put away the rat skin, he picked off the rat meat piece by piece, and the bones were disassembled and put into the space ring.

Even the internal organs were processed by Zhao Yin and thrown into the invisible tent, ready to be cooked into offal soup at dawn.

The White Rat King was dismembered, and the space ring was filled again.

Zhao Yin took out the chestnut leaves and asked Song Xiaodao to help feed the Black Rat King. He walked to the six E-level giant rats and signed contracts one by one.

Soon, six weak breaths appeared in his mind.

Zhao Yin took out a pile of chestnut leaves, chopped them up with a machete, and poured rain water into the mouths of the six giant rats.

Half an hour later, the sky was already dawning.

The Black Rat King and the six pseudo-mutant giant rats all woke up.


"Master, Master, Master...!"

Voices rang in Zhao Yin's mind.

Zhao Yin finally couldn't help but smile.

His dream of a legion was one step closer, and all the losses were worth it!

"Xiaodao, Monkey, Lao Niu... Take them to clean up the battlefield and bring back all my rat meat!" Zhao Yin gave an order.

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