[Growing macaque: E-level mutant beast, strength 42, agility 47, stamina 48, defense 35, spirit 15, bloodline talent: gigantism, frenzy, fire control]

[Adult buffalo: E-level mutant beast, strength 45, agility 44, stamina 50, defense 66, spirit 8, bloodline talent: huge strength, armor]

A high-quality mutant beast offal soup increased the agility of the two beasts by 5 points, strength by 2 points, and defense by 3 points respectively!

As expected, the fastest way for mutant beasts to grow is to eat high-quality mutant beast meat!

If the meat of the entire rat king is consumed in the future, it is estimated that it will be enough to develop their E-level potential to the peak.

Zhao Yin used the true vision eye to look at Song Xiaodao again, and her attributes did not change at all!

Everything is still the same as in the previous life.

Humans cannot quickly increase their attributes by eating mutant beast meat.

Half an hour later, both beasts woke up.

"Get to work!" Zhao Yin ordered.

He quickly got up and followed Song Xiaodao to continue chopping wood. Zhao Yin was the only one left in the tent. He suddenly remembered that he still had a can of beef.

So Zhao Yin took it out.

Now that there is no shortage of meat, there is no need to keep this can of beef.

After he opened it and ate it, he checked his attributes and found that his strength had indeed increased a little.

Then, Zhao Yin cleaned up the tableware and took out the rat skin of the White Rat King, cut it into pieces, and hung it in the tent to dry in the shade, preparing to process it and make leather armor.

In one morning, the bodies of four hundred gray rats and six giant rats were cleaned up by a few rats.

Lao Hei came to the invisible tent and transmitted his voice: "Master, the work is done!"

Zhao Yin hummed and was cutting the rat skin.

Lao Hei saw clearly that what he had in his hand was the skin of his wife. He was stunned for a moment, but his emotions did not fluctuate too much.

Now, the obsession that belonged to the past has been completely deprived by Zhao Yin.

"Take me to see." Zhao Yin said, and walked out of the invisible tent.

Nearly 10,000 jin of rat meat was piled up into a small hill, with banana leaves washed by rainwater underneath, and a larger pile of rat bones, as well as a pile of rat skins and claws next to it.

"Master, the meat, skins, and claws of the six giant rats are all here." Lao Hei motioned Zhao Yin to walk through the rat meat hill.

Behind him was a pile of dismantled items from the corpses of E-level giant rats.

"Well done!" Zhao Yin praised, took out 30 chestnuts from the space ring, threw them to Lao Hei, and said, "Take them and share them."

Lao Hei was immediately excited. After the end of the world, there was no more food. Even though it was the rat king, the supplies it usually enjoyed were mostly zombie rotten meat and corpse crystals.

It has been a long time since I have eaten this kind of food!

Lao Hei picked up a chestnut, stuffed it directly into his mouth with the skin, chewed it a few times and swallowed it, squinting his eyes to enjoy it.

It ate six in one breath, and the remaining 24 were shared by the six giant rats.

All the rats expressed their gratitude to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin waited for them to finish eating, then gave the order: "After they have finished eating, get back to work!"

"Cut all the gray rat meat into slices and hang them in the taller woods. Don't get it dirty."

"Wash the internal organs, slice them, and hang them separately from the rat meat!"

"Hang the rat skin in the bushes on the other side. Remember to dry it in a cool place, not in the sun!"

Now that there is not so much salt for pickling, Zhao Yin plans to smoke the rat meat and internal organs into jerky, so that it is convenient to store.

Rat skin is also an important material. Even if Zhao Yin does not need it for the time being, he can use it to exchange for the necessary materials with others in the future, and even cook it for the contracted beasts at critical moments!

After giving the order, Zhao Yin turned and went to the other side.

In the morning, Song Xiaodao and the two beasts cut nearly 30,000 kilograms of firewood.

Zhao Yin ordered them to move all of them to the tall woods and place them in the directions indicated.

Once this wet wood is ignited, the whole forest will be filled with thick smoke, and the temperature will rise. Smoking and baking will quickly sterilize and dehydrate the rat meat.

When it gets dark, 50,000 kilograms of wood are placed.

It's just that nearly 10,000 kilograms of rat meat, if you want to cut it into slices and hang it up, it's still a big project at the speed of seven rats.

According to Zhao Yin's requirements, the meat of each gray rat must be cut into hundreds of slices.

In addition, how to hang it is also a troublesome matter. You need to climb the tree to cut off the small branches first, and then put the rat meat on the broken branches one by one.

If you can't finish it in an afternoon, do it overnight!

That night, Zhao Yin slept alone in the tent.

Including Song Xiaodao, he was sent out to help hang the rat meat.

The next morning, after Zhao Yin got up, he found that Gao Linzi had been on fire, and the smoke covered the sky.

In order to prevent the fire from getting too big and setting the whole forest on fire, Zhao Yin called Lao Hei and six giant rats and ordered: "Go and watch the fire. If the forest burns and destroys my jerky, I will use your meat to fill it!"

The seven big rats trembled when they heard this and quickly went into the forest.

Smoking jerky is a long process. Zhao Yin saw the pile of rat bones.

There are still residual meat residues, fascia, bone marrow and cartilage on the bones!

It is impossible to eat all these things before they rot.

But if they are smoked like jerky, the dehydrated bones are not worth chewing.

"Although I am no longer short of food, I can't just watch it rot. How many people have nothing to eat in the end times!"

Zhao Yin still called Song Xiaodao, Little Monkey, and Old Cow: "Anyway, you have nothing to do, just move all the bones to Gaomu Forest and smoke them together."


Until the third morning, the rat skins were dried in the shade and the meat was almost smoked.

Zhao Yin asked all the contracted beasts to collect the rat skins and meat. He sat in the tent with Song Xiaodao and took off the rat skin of the White Rat King.

Zhao Yin cut out two sets of leather armor parts, one large and one small, and then cut a small piece of the tail skin and cut it into leather cords.

Song Xiaodao used the Rat King's claws to poke small holes in the leather armor parts, and then used leather cords to string them together and tighten them to make a complete set of leather armor!

Although it looks a bit rough, the defensive strength alone is definitely better than that of ordinary D-level defensive equipment!

After the two sets of leather armor were made, only one-third of the entire Rat King skin was used.

Zhao Yin thought about it, called the little monkey again, and after letting it activate its dual superpowers, he also tailored a huge set of leather armor for it.

In the end, only some scraps of the Rat King skin were left.

Zhao Yin simply asked Song Xiaodao to piece them together, and made a big pocket on the chest of the little monkey's leather armor, making a backpack for Song Xiaodao.

It will be much more convenient for them to collect corpse crystals and star crystals in the future, and it will also be convenient to carry supplies when going to battle.

Next, he took out all the claws of the rat king, and after some research, he found that although the two hind claws were also very hard, they were not sharp enough.

He has not yet figured out how to use them.

But the two front claws are definitely killers!

The eight claw knives are two feet long, flashing with cold light, just like eight short knives.

Zhao Yin directly disassembled the eight claw knives of the two front claws and gave one to Song Xiaodao and the little monkey as a melee weapon in the future. He also found the two front leg bones of the rat king and spliced ​​them on the other two claw knives.

It turned into a long sword, and Zhao Yin gave one to the little monkey and Song Xiaodao!

The mace and the broken Tang sword were confiscated directly.

Then, Zhao Yin made two more long knives for himself as spares, and used the remaining two rat king claw knives as short knives!

"Okay, go and help collect rat meat!" Zhao Yin waved his hand.

After the little monkey shrunk his body, he took off his new leather armor, and carefully packed it into a bundle with a leather rope and carried it on his back as if it were a treasure. The short rat king claw was inserted into the belt around his waist, and the long rat king claw was held in his hand.

Then he jumped and followed Song Xiaodao out.

Zhao Yin was busy all morning and was about to rest when Song Xiaodao suddenly ran back.

"Zhao Yin, Zhao Yin, Lao Hei and the others caught a few thieves!"

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