"What the hell!" Lin Tianfeng looked at the apocalypse in front of him, and suddenly yelled like crazy, then squatted down and cried with his head in his hands.

It was obvious that he had not had a good time in the month after the apocalypse. He was thin, his lips were chapped, and his dirty white shirt was stained with blood. It was unknown where he was injured.

Lin Tianfeng was tired of crying, so he stood up and walked forward carefully.

He had the courage to go out, not because he was so brave, but because he would starve to death if he didn't eat.

Zhao Yin tightened the bone-cutting knife in his hand and followed him with a cat-like step.

Lin Tianfeng's speed was very slow. He searched for three hours, and there were black ashes everywhere. Where was there anything to eat?

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

He suddenly raised the kitchen knife to his neck, his expression was nervous, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Zhao Yin watched from afar and realized that the Lord of the Contract almost committed suicide at the beginning of the apocalypse.

But Zhao Yin knew that he could not die.

Lin Tianfeng slowly put down the kitchen knife, his expression became firm again, and he continued to move forward.

"Help... Help...!"

Suddenly, a voice came from the ruins not far away, with a pleading: "Is there anyone outside, can you help me?"

Lin Tianfeng's trance became clearer and he walked over.

It was a collapsed family building, and the sound came from the ruins on the bottom floor, which was relatively intact.

Because the collapse above formed an insulation layer, the survivors inside survived, but they could not get out at this time.

Lin Tianfeng asked hoarsely: "Save you? Is there anything to eat?"

"Everything that can be eaten is finished. I will definitely treat you to a big meal at Fulin Building after I go out!" The woman's voice could not hide her excitement: "Move the cement quickly, and I can go out!"

"Go to Fulin Building for a big meal?" Lin Tianfeng's mouth showed a self-deprecating look.

Obviously the woman inside didn't know that this was the end of the world.

Without food, how could Lin Tianfeng spend his energy to save people?

He turned around and was about to leave.

"Where are you going? Why don't you save me? Hey, hey...!" The woman inside heard the footsteps going away and suddenly became anxious: "Please, save my child!"

"You have a child?"

Lin Tianfeng stopped and asked, "How old is it?"

"Just five months old!" The woman said hurriedly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Tianfeng's mouth, and he said, "I'll save you."

The woman's voice was strong, and she must not have been hungry, so...

Pieces of concrete fragments were moved away by Lin Tianfeng, and soon a hole was revealed.

It was a large space inside, like a kitchen that had not collapsed.

A dirty woman was sitting on the ground holding a baby.

"Thank you, brother...!"

Before the woman finished speaking, Lin Tianfeng crawled in and searched desperately.

There were still some rotten vegetable leaves left in the smashed refrigerator, and he grabbed them and stuffed them into his mouth without caring at all.

There were a bunch of snack bags and empty water bottles on the ground. It was obvious that the woman survived by relying on these. Lin Tianfeng unscrewed the empty water bottles one by one and dripped the remaining water stains into his mouth.

Then he picked up the snack bags and licked the food residue inside.

He was so hungry that this little thing didn't work at all. After confirming that there was really no food left, he looked at the woman with bloodshot eyes.

"Brother...!" The woman felt Lin Tianfeng's obvious malice and shrank back subconsciously. The baby in her arms seemed to feel something and cried loudly.

"Why didn't you leave some food for me?" Lin Tianfeng asked hoarsely.

"Brother, don't joke. How would I know that you would be hungry...?" The woman's voice trembled: "Isn't it time to go out? I'll treat you to whatever you want to eat."

"You treat me?"

Lin Tianfeng sneered and murmured: "It's the end of the world. I've only seen you as a living person. Where can I treat you?"

"Brother, what did you say?" The woman was shocked.

Lin Tianfeng did not respond, his eyes became colder and colder, and suddenly looked at the baby in her arms: "Where is the baby's milk powder, where did you hide it?"

He had heard that the woman had a child before, so he changed his mind and came to save her.

It was just because the woman cared about her child very much, even if she didn't eat it herself, she would definitely leave some food for the child.

"The milk powder is in the bedroom, which has collapsed a long time ago. It's because of me that the child can survive...!" The woman faced Lin Tianfeng's eyes, her voice suddenly paused, and she just subconsciously looked at her chest.

Lin Tianfeng's eyes moved down, and he immediately understood something. With a gulp, he swallowed his saliva and walked towards the woman.

"Brother...you...help me!"

Amid the woman's terrified screams, Lin Tianfeng directly snatched the baby from her hand, threw it on the ground, and tore the woman's clothes...

More than ten minutes later, Lin Tianfeng got up, full and full, and he was suddenly much more energetic.

"Child... my child... wuwu!"

After he let the woman go, she crawled to the baby who was abandoned on the ground and found that the baby's head had just hit the steel bar and was already dead.

Zhao Yin was hiding outside the cave entrance, listening to the woman's heart-wrenching cry the whole time.

There was no expression on his face.

After the end of the world, humanity was annihilated, and most people became beasts. There were countless people who were worse off than the woman.

What does it have to do with him, Zhao Yin?

Lin Tianfeng yelled: "Don't cry, the child's death now is actually a relief, you should thank me!"

The woman shuddered and slowly raised her head to look at Lin Tianfeng. At this moment, something seemed to have changed in her.

Her eyes were no longer as timid as before. Her clear eyes also turned red, full of resentment, staring at Lin Tianfeng.


Lin Tianfeng slapped her in the face: "Do you want to die too? How dare you look at me like this?"

The woman's head tilted, but she slowly lowered her head.

"I declare that you will be my granary in the future. Don't worry, if I can find food, I won't let you starve to death!"

After Lin Tianfeng finished speaking, he bent down and tore off the woman's clothes completely.

Tear them into strips with force, and then connect them together to form a rope.

Lin Tianfeng tied her hands behind her back first, and then spliced ​​a rope around the woman's neck, and dragged her out of the cave directly.

The woman didn't say a word or resist throughout the whole process, but just numbly followed Lin Tianfeng forward.

Zhao Yin looked at the watch on her wrist. It was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Tianfeng has not found the star crystal with SSS-level supernatural power.

Zhao Yin took off his gas mask, and the remaining smoke in the air faded a lot. He took out a pack of dry noodles from his backpack and ate it with a bottle of Dongpeng Special Drink.

Just as he finished the dry noodles and was about to take the last sip of the drink, his expression suddenly froze.

Lin Tianfeng seemed to have discovered something, and quickly moved a piece of broken concrete on the road and took out a blood-red crystal from it.

Lin Tianfeng's face was full of doubts, as if he felt that this crystal was different.

"Teacher Lin, is that you?"

Suddenly, a low voice came from behind.

Lin Tianfeng turned around and saw Zhao Yin, who was carrying a backpack and only wearing a military uniform on his upper body, walking towards him with a bone-cutting knife in one hand.

Zhao Yin smiled: "It turns out to be you, Teacher Lin!"

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