The temperature was still around forty degrees, and the air was filled with thin smoke that had not completely dissipated.

There are potholes everywhere, the buildings in the community have been basically destroyed, and only the dark roots of the green plants are left.

Zhao Yin wore a gas mask on his face, put some food and water in his backpack, and held a bone-cutting knife in one hand.

A roll of magazine was tied with tape on his left forearm, and the butcher knife was inserted there.

The whole world was dead silent.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯

In this apocalypse, he has long been accustomed to being alone.

Zhao Yinxing was alone, as if he was the only one left in the world, walking alone into the hazy smoke.

Go straight to the family home of Gwangju No. 2 Middle School!

Along the way, Zhao Yin saw countless corpses, some had half of their bodies burnt by flames, some had their heads smashed through by meteorites...

When the apocalypse came in the early hours of the morning, most people were indoors and ended up buried in buildings.

But these bodies did not decay due to high temperatures.

Zhao Yin knew that in the early hours of tonight, all the dead people would get up again. As they devoured flesh and blood, their broken bodies would grow completely. They would then continue devouring flesh, flesh and star crystals, begin to evolve, and eventually become a nightmare for the survivors. .

When Zhao Yin passed by a shopping mall that had not completely collapsed, he vaguely felt prying eyes.

He paused in his steps and turned his eyes to look indifferently.

The upper floors of the mall collapsed. Due to the quality of the construction, the bottom floor barely survived.

There is plenty of food and water in the mall, the area is large enough, and the fire protection and heat insulation are complete. It is not surprising that some people survive.

Zhao Yin didn't intend to pay attention and continued to move forward.

At this time, in an office in the mall, a dark face was lying behind a crack in the wall, with bright eyes staring at Zhao Yin's back.

Until Zhao Yin disappeared into the ruins, his expression slowly relaxed.

This is a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old. The school uniform on his body is dirty and torn, and the color is almost invisible.

"Okay, now that he's gone, there won't be one more person to share our food with."

"Brother, isn't it good for us to do this?"

In the corner behind the boy was a little girl of eleven or twelve years old.

One of her arms was obviously broken, and it was sandwiched between two burned wooden boards and wrapped with tattered cloth strips. There were dark brown blood stains.

"The food section of the supermarket collapsed, and we don't have much food left. How can we feed one more person?" the boy sighed.

"But didn't Brother Wang go to the collapsed place to look for food?" The little girl pouted unconvinced.

"Brother Wang has been gone for three days, are you sure he can come back?" the boy asked.

The little girl fell silent and slowly lowered her head.

The boy stepped forward and stroked the little girl's head: "Xiao Dao, when my parents left, I promised them that I would take you to survive no matter what. I swear in the name of Song Xiaojian!"

If Zhao Yin were here, he would definitely recognize that the little girl who is only eleven or twelve years old is Xiao Dao.


Zhao Yin didn't know what he missed, and he quickly shuttled through the ruins.

Along the way, he sensed several survivors' places, but he ignored them all. He was not far from the family community of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin paused and turned around to look at a crater not far away. Under the dim sunlight, there was a faint blood-colored light refracting.

He quickly jumped down from the crater and started digging with his bone-cutting knife.

Not a moment later, a blood-colored crystal the size of a walnut was caught in Zhao Yin's hand.

Star crystal!

Zhao Yin did not expect to find the first star crystal so quickly.

The information about the star crystal in the previous life is reflected in the blood of almost every survivor.

The meteorite rain that lasted for a full month was mixed with a kind of blood-colored crystals, which were later called star crystals. Most of them were buried in the ruins.

Zhao Yin had only heard that at the beginning of the end of the world, there were star crystals on the surface. With the zombie outbreak in the early hours of tonight, all the star crystals on the surface were swallowed by zombies.

Only a handful fell into the hands of survivors.

Later, if the survivors want to get the star crystal, they must either kill zombies and take it out from their bodies, or rely on luck.

Star crystals can produce all kinds of things. No one can tell clearly how many types they are, even seven years after the end of the world.

All star crystals have the same appearance. They may just give out food and water, or they may be a pack of toilet paper... With luck, they can give out extraordinary equipment and evolutionary potions...

The most difficult thing to prescribe is the power awakening potion.

Superpowers, which everyone is flocking to in the apocalypse, have exceeded the imagination of mankind before the apocalypse. In front of superpowers, any evolved person can only bow his head and submit, and ordinary people are worse than pigs and dogs.

However, items of the same type also have strengths and weaknesses, and were later planned from F level to SSS level.

For example, a piece of bread, F level may only help people quickly recover their physical strength, and it will be a huge help to recover minor injuries.

But if you are above level F, you may directly increase your physical fitness and regenerate your severed limbs...

Zhao Yin squeezed it hard and found that the star crystal in his palm was intact. Then he remembered that this body had not evolved in any way.

He placed the star crystal on a piece of hard cement in front of him, raised his bone-cutting knife and smashed it hard.


Several cracks appeared on the star crystal, and then a ball of white light emitted, which lasted for three seconds.

Waiting for the white light to dissipate, a green military jacket appeared in place.

It’s actually a piece of equipment!

The first star crystal after the apocalypse gave out equipment.

Although based on experience, this military uniform is only F-level.

But even so, the toughness is definitely not comparable to the clothes on his body.

Ordinary iron tools can hardly cut it.

This is a good sign, and a glimmer of joy flashed in Zhao Yin's eyes.

He took off his clothes and put on the military uniform, and immediately felt safe.

Zombies broke out tonight, and with this military uniform, the safety level was raised to a higher level.

He carried his backpack and continued to move forward with a bone-cutting knife.

The road was unobstructed, but no star crystals fell on the surface. Soon, Zhao Yin came to the family compound of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School.

This place has long become a ruin and a dead silence. If Zhao Yin hadn't known in advance that Lin Tianfeng was here, he would never have thought that there were still living people here.

The zombies and strange beasts had not had time to mutate, and the survivors were still immersed in the sudden disaster at this time.

Most people would instinctively choose to stay in a safe place and continue to observe.

But some people are exceptions, such as Lin Tianfeng, an English teacher in junior high school.

He was holding a kitchen knife at this time, and crawled out of a half-collapsed basement with a listless look, and there was fresh blood on his white T-shirt.

Lin Tianfeng looked at the devastated world in the dim sunlight, and fell into a daze for a moment.

Little did he know that a pair of cold eyes were staring at him from behind the broken wall.

Zhao Yin understood that if he appeared too early, it would change the timeline of Lin Tianfeng, and it was very likely that he would miss the star crystal carrying the "Contract Soul".

In the previous life, Zhao Yin met Lin Tianfeng three days later.

At that time, Lin Tianfeng had already obtained the Contract Soul.

It was just that he had not contracted any contract beasts. Lin Tianfeng's strength was just that of an ordinary person. When he was looking for supplies, his leg was broken by a broken wall, and it was Zhao Yin who saved his life.

Previously, Zhao Yin did not know when Lin Tianfeng got the Contract Soul.

But now it is confirmed that the time is today!

The zombie outbreak tonight will devour most of the star crystals on the surface. In Lin Tianfeng's current state, it is impossible for him to compete with the zombies for them, let alone have the strength to dig blindly in the rubble.

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