"Who are you……!"

Lin Tianfeng subconsciously glanced at the bone-cutting knife in Zhao Yin's hand, with a sly smile on his face.

"I have a niece who was a junior high school student in No. 2 Middle School last year and was your student. We met during the parent-teacher conference." Zhao Yin said with a smile.

"It turns out it's you." Lin Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile bloomed on his face.

In fact, I can't even remember who Zhao Yin is, but as long as I'm not here to rob his granary, that's fine.

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Zhao Yin seemed to let out an inadvertent sigh and pointed at the star crystal in Lin Tianfeng's hand: "Teacher Lin, what is this?"

Lin Tianfeng held Xingjing's hand and quickly put it into his trouser pocket, smiling: "I picked up a small gadget, keep it as a souvenir!"

Zhao Yin raised the remaining sip of Dongpeng Special Drink in his hand, put it to his mouth and was about to drink it, then he seemed to suddenly remember something: "It's the end of the world, and Teacher Lin is still interested in this kind of handicraft. He is indeed a scholar! "


Lin Tianfeng discovered that Zhao Yin actually had a drink in his hand. Although there was only a small sip left, it was also rich in sugar, which was what he needed most at the moment.

"Brother, you don't look very thirsty. Since you are interested in this artificial gemstone, how about I exchange a sip of drink with you?"

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

Zhao Yin suddenly had a serious look on his face: "You want to exchange useless things for my drink?"

"Brother, give me this drink, and you will be my big brother from now on!"

Lin Tianfeng begged: "Besides, you still have a lot of food in your backpack, and you don't care about a sip of drinks."

Zhao Yin successfully captured the rich greed in Lin Tianfeng's eyes when he looked at his backpack.

The smile on his face was still bright: "I do still have a lot of drinks. Since Teacher Lin wants it so much, then... let's change it!"

When Lin Tianfeng heard this, the greed in his eyes deepened, and he readily handed the 'artifact' to Zhao Yin.

"Brother, can we go together? It's the end of the world now. The more people we have, the more safety we have."

Lin Tianfeng restrained his eyes and tried not to look at Zhao Yin's backpack.

Zhao Yin calmly put the star crystal into his pocket, threw the drink to him, and suddenly became indifferent.

"No, I don't like others calling me brother."

After saying that, Zhao Yin turned around and left. Now that he heard Lin Tianfeng calling him eldest brother, he wanted to kill someone.

Lin Tianfeng was disappointed for a while, but he couldn't force Zhao Yin, so he could only hide the drink close to his body, and then led the woman to continue looking for supplies.

After Zhao Yin turned around, murderous intent emerged in his eyes.

He didn't reveal it because he wasn't sure whether this star crystal was the one from his previous life.

If not, Lin Tianfeng must be left to continue searching, and the timeline on him must not be interfered with too much, otherwise Lin Tianfeng may not be able to get the star crystal.

Therefore, Zhao Yin took the star crystal away from the person who hated him deeply in the most calm way.

After Zhao Yin came to the corner of a broken wall, he smashed open the star crystal.

What came out this time was not white light, but golden light, which was very dazzling.

After a full minute passed, the golden light dissipated, and a golden vial appeared in place!

Zhao Yin quickly grabbed it in his hand and opened the cork, revealing a drop of golden liquid inside.

It felt like flowing blood, and with just one glance, Zhao Yin was sure.

This is the SSS level power awakening potion!

Even with his firm willpower, Zhao Yin's hands could not help but tremble.

In the entire world of the previous life, there were only a few people with SSS-level powers!

When the medicine bottle was opened, Zhao Yin felt his soul trembling. He had only felt this terrifying aura from an SSS-level superpower.

Although Zhao Yin had imagined countless times in his mind what it would be like after obtaining SSS-level powers.

But when I actually got it, it still felt like a dream.

He raised his head and drank the golden liquid.

It was hard to tell what it felt like. The golden liquid quickly melted into Zhao Yin's body when it fell into his belly, and a cool feeling spread all over Zhao Yin's body.

It was not earth-shattering as imagined, nor was it full of burning sensation like the B-level powers in the previous life. The SSS-level awakening potion was actually extremely refreshing.

Zhao Yin's mind was empty and he slowly closed his eyes.

I just feel that something has changed in me, and as time goes by, this feeling becomes deeper and deeper...

Half an hour later, Zhao Yin opened his eyes.

The whole world has changed. Things that could not be seen clearly in the past are now extremely clear, and one can clearly see tiny gravels hundreds of meters away.

The faint sound of wind in the distance can be heard clearly...

All of his perceptions are several times stronger than those of normal people. With his current ability, no disturbance within a kilometer can escape his perception.

The soul of the SSS-level superpower contract is to enhance spiritual power.

He has just awakened now, but when his mental power becomes stronger in the future, his perception will be even more terrifying!

This is only the early-stage effect of SSS-level abilities.

The real ability of the Contracted Soul is to enslave any life form except humans!

Even seven years after the apocalypse, the terrifying alien species that were talked about by everyone were praised as mythical beast-like existences, comparable to SSS-level superpowers. As long as Zhao Yin could surrender, he could still use them for his own purposes.

And it is not limited by Zhao Yin's own strength!

The biggest reason why the Soul of Contract was rated as SSS level is that there is no limit on the number of contract servants. Theoretically, as long as Zhao Yin is strong enough, he can form a beast army, sweep across the end of the world, and become the emperor!

Of course, the premise is that Zhao Yin must be able to find so many beasts and be able to subdue them!

Zhao Yin quickly calmed down. He understood that before contracting the mutant beasts, he was just an ordinary person.

Just like Lin Tianfeng in his previous life, even if he became an SSS-level mutant, he was almost killed by a wall.

What Zhao Yin had to do next was to find enough star crystals to improve his own strength, and then find mutant beasts to subdue the contract.

Of course, there was one more thing to do, to kill Lin Tianfeng!

He swore to cut Lin Tianfeng into pieces.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine pieces would not work!

Zhao Yin closed his eyes and soon heard someone talking about five hundred meters away.

Although it was not clear at this distance, it must be Lin Tianfeng and the woman who had not walked far.

Lin Tianfeng sat on a piece of rotten concrete and felt hungry again. Baby food is not enough for adults.

He glanced at the woman beside him and ordered, "You, come here."

The woman had disheveled hair and only a bra on her upper body. Her black hair fell down, covering her face and reaching her white chest.

She was motionless and her expression could not be seen.


Lin Tianfeng stood up and slapped her: "I give you face, do you believe that I will kill you and eat your meat?"

The woman still stood there like a wooden man with her head down.

"Speak, are you deaf or dumb?" Lin Tianfeng slapped her again.

Before the end of the world, he was just an ordinary teacher with a low salary and lived a life of idleness.

After the end of the world, he could control the life and death of others without any constraints.

Coupled with the oppression of struggling to survive, he completely lost his humanity at this time.

The woman's head tilted after being hit, and a drop of blood flowed down the corner of her mouth.

Finally, she slowly raised her head, staring at Lin Tianfeng.

Lin Tianfeng was stunned for a moment, then he became furious and roared: "Bitch, I want to see whether your bones are harder or my slap is harder!"

Pah... Pah...!

He slapped the woman's face several times.

But she still stood there, staring at Lin Tianfeng with resentment. If eyes could kill, Lin Tianfeng would have died countless times.

"Damn it!" Lin Tianfeng cursed, his hands were weak, he couldn't really beat the woman to death.

He simply stopped caring about her expression and pulled the rope around her neck.

He directly hugged the woman and sat her on his legs, tore off her clothes, and leaned over...

Gulp... Gulp...!

"Lin Tianfeng, stop eating."

Suddenly, a butcher knife with a cold glow was placed on Lin Tianfeng's neck.

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