Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 297 Wang Xiaolei's special ability

Zhao Yin finished a bottle of wine and cleaned up the battlefield.

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Song Xiaodao brought all the corpse crystals and star crystals to Zhao Yin.

76 E-level corpse crystals, 100584 D-level corpse crystals, and 1215 C-level corpse crystals!

564 star crystals!

Zhao Yin was anxious to find the earth dragon dog, but at this time, all the contracted beasts and Song Xiaodao's three daughters had to replenish their physical strength immediately.

After setting the fire, the little monkey was already tired and dozing off.

If there was a crisis at this time, it would be impossible to deal with it.

Zhao Yin immediately took out 300 kilograms of A-level fish meat and asked Zhou Dandan and her sister to cook soup with B-level beast meat.

Then Zhao Yin spread the food prepared in advance on the table and took out three bottles of corn wine.

Song Xiaodao's three daughters plus Winnie, four girls, surrounded Zhao Yin and started to eat.

Of course, Winnie ate corpse crystals.

Corpse crystals became abundant again, Zhao Yin simply transferred 10,000 D-level corpse crystals into a space ring and gave them to her.

As for C-level corpse crystals...

Zhao Yin said to Zhou Dandan who was cooking broth on the side: "I plan to use all the C-level corpse crystals as fuel. You melt these metals for me to make arrows. The corpse crystals are definitely not enough. Make as many as you can!"

After that, Zhao Yin took out all the extraordinary metals he had obtained before, as well as all the C-level corpse crystals.

"Understood, Master!" Zhou Dandan came over and collected them all with the space ring.

"Zhao Yin, do we need so many arrows?"

Song Xiaodao said: "If we save some of the metal, we can make at least 10,000 arrows, but I don't know how many C-level or above corpse crystals are needed to melt them!"

"Judging from the size of the zombie group tonight, the zombie king that was killed in advance is about to evolve to B-level."

Zhao Yin said slowly: "It is certain that many zombie kings have evolved to B-level now, but we haven't encountered them yet."

So, he has to make arrows as soon as possible.

Sharpening the knife does not delay chopping wood, and it is worth it to consume as many corpse crystals as possible.

If there is no accident, Zhao Yin can continue to use the arrows made of extraordinary metal.

Next, Zhao Yin did not mention the arrows again and took out all the star crystals.

All the girls looked at him expectantly.

"Zhao Yin, can you open a few for me?" Song Xiaodao blinked his big eyes.

Zhao Yin took out fifty star crystals and pushed them in front of Song Xiaodao, saying disdainfully, "Take them!"

Song Xiaodao immediately smiled with curved eyebrows and eyes: "Don't worry, Zhao Yin, when I grow up, I will definitely not let you suffer any loss."

Zhao Yin's eyes twitched, and he glanced at Ning Yue, who was also staring at the star crystals, and was also eager to move.

Ning Yue, who had always been reserved, did not ask Zhao Yin for them.

How could Zhao Yin be partial? He gave Ning Yue, Wang Xiaolei, and Winnie fifty each.

"Master, Winnie loves you!"

Winnie didn't know how to be polite at all. In front of everyone, her soft and fragrant lips fell on Zhao Yin's face.


She kissed him hard.

Zhao Yin's heart suddenly jumped.

Winnie's beauty was irresistible to any man. He had to admit that he was attracted by his contracted beast.

Seeing that Song Xiaodao and Winnie were like this, Ning Yue also blushed and kissed Zhao Yin on the other side of his face.

They separated immediately after touching, she was still not used to being intimate in front of so many people.

Zhao Yin's heart was surging, and the girl's lip fragrance remained on both cheeks.

At this time, Wang Xiaolei was confused.

Should I also show something?

She pinched her fingers and lowered her head. Just thinking about it, she felt her face getting hot.

At this time, Zhao Yin's eyes fell on Wang Xiaolei's face. After the end of the world, she didn't have the same good life as Song Xiaodao. In addition, she had just been seriously injured some time ago, her face was sallow, and there were a few freckles on her nose.

"Open the star crystals, don't waste time, we still have to find the earth dragon dog after dinner." Zhao Yin urged.

Wang Xiaolei immediately breathed a sigh of relief and opened the star crystals with the other three girls.

Zhao Yin suddenly added: "If you open the superpowers, I can't use them, I will give priority to those who open them, and the same goes for other equipment."

The other three girls were excited, only Winnie didn't seem to care too much.

Zhao Yin didn't waste time and opened the remaining corpse crystals one by one.

Suddenly, Song Xiaodao screamed: "Wang Xiaolei, did you really open the superpower?"

Zhao Yin raised his head suddenly and his eyes fell on Wang Xiaolei.

The yellow-faced little Lolita was still sitting there in a daze, holding a bottle of potion in her hand, and seemed at a loss.

In the transparent glass bottle, the silver liquid was shining.

[Talent Superpower Potion: Grade A, Type Gangqi High-level Superpower Potion, after taking it, it will open the hidden talent superpower of the evolver's bloodline, A-level Gangqi]

Rare melee superpowers, but it's a pity that it's only A-level!

For ordinary evolvers, it is definitely a treasure that they pursue throughout their lives, but for Zhao Yin, it is not necessary to get it.

Compared with adding icing on the cake for himself, Zhao Yin prefers to improve Wang Xiaolei's combat power!

But he didn't expect that the little girl opened a superpower potion the first time she opened a star crystal.

You know, even Zhao Yin, although he opened so many star crystals, only a few of his supernatural powers were truly opened by luck.

Swiftness and the Soul of Contract were all searched by him with the memory of his previous life. The Eye of Insight was obtained in the forbidden land. The Thunder Power was obtained from the old cripple, and the Self-Healing Power was given by the strongest Emma!

Even Ning Yue's Ice Power was snatched from others in the process of searching for Damao!

Only Song Xiaodao's Wind Power was completely based on luck!

"Boss, is this really a power?" Wang Xiaolei looked at Zhao Yin, still incredulous.

Wang Xiaolei knew how precious the power was.

She didn't expect it to be so easy to get.

"That's right, a bottle of A-level melee power, I don't need it."

Zhao Yin nodded, feeling a little complicated: "Xiaolei, I will send you back to the life space and open your power talent. If the old cripple is still here, he will definitely be happy for you!"

When she mentioned Wu Xuegui, tears slowly overflowed from Wang Xiaolei's eyes.

The calm was broken in an instant.

When Wu Xuegui was alive, he never had too high expectations for her. He just hoped that she could live and live better.

Wang Xiaolei has been thinking that one day in the future, she will be able to become a strong man like Song Xiaodao and protect others.

She did not refuse, and suddenly knelt down in front of Zhao Yin like Wu Xuegui.

"Boss, Xiaolei... Xiaolei...!"

The little girl organized her words for a long time, and finally said: "Thank you, boss!"

No one can remain calm after getting superpowers.

In the end of the world, strength represents the qualification to live and the status of living!

She has always lived under the protection of Zhao Yin. In the final analysis, everything is Zhao Yin's gift.

But from today on, it will never happen again!

She can also do something for the boss, and she can speak with more confidence.

Zhou Lili and her sister looked at Wang Xiaolei with envy.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and patted Wang Xiaolei's shoulder, and instantly took her back to the life space.

Then, he calmed down and continued to open the star crystal.

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