Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 298: Monster Catching Net and Cat-faced Shoes

Soon, all the star crystals on the table were opened.

[182 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 114 pieces of sandwich bread, 119 bottles of iced black tea, 125 pieces of compressed biscuits, 2 pieces of instant noodles, 1 can of tuna]

[2 yellow peaches, 1 can of canned beef]

[D-level healing potion bottle 2]

[8 pieces of F-level equipment, 2 pieces of E-level equipment, and 1 piece of D-level equipment]

[A pack of star salt]

[Cat-faced shoes: Grade B, extraordinary defensive equipment, toughness 360, movement speed 100, side effects: consumption of 100 energy points, movement speed +300]

[Monster Catching Net: Level A, extraordinary auxiliary equipment, toughness 750, effective in capturing and trapping, additional effects: changing size, camouflage]

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

In addition to common supplies, there are three rare items!

Zhao Yin had finished eating his star salt a long time ago, and now another pack came out.

Cat-faced shoes are a pair of women's sneakers with a cat-face decoration on the white upper. They are the first pair of C-level women's shoes produced by Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin took a look at the shoes on the feet of several girls. Except for Song Xiaodao, who had a pair of D-level big leather shoes, the others were all wearing rubbish.

Zhao Yin directly assigned the shoes to Ning Yue.

As for the monster catching net, it is an upgraded version of the beast catching net, with a strength of up to 750 points, which is enough to catch ordinary B-level mutant beasts, or the zombie king!

This is Zhao Yin’s biggest gain tonight!

Zhao Yin was in a good mood. After putting all the supplies into the space ring, he drank half a bottle of corn wine.

At this time, the two sisters Zhou Lili had already cooked the broth, and the contracted beasts had almost rested and started eating. .

Zhao Yin thought for a while, but was still reluctant to give the A-level fish meat to the zombie demon and gave him a piece of B-level vulture meat.

"After you've eaten enough, even if you dig three hundred meters into the ground, you still have to find that Earth Dragon Dog for me!"

Zhao Yin said calmly: "If you want to see a dog in life, you will also want to see a dead dog in death!"



Carrying half a bottle of foreign wine, with four or five bottles scattered around him, the young corpse demon slowly climbed up from the wet mud.

Little did he know that because the basement was buried deep in ruins and the sound insulation was too good, the enemy he was waiting for had already arrived.

The little yellow dog heard his evil laughter, slowly woke up, and weakly opened his eyes.

It couldn't remember how many times it had passed out today.

Every time it was about to die, Song Xiaojian stuffed it with a piece of sandwich bread and then continued to beat it.


Seeing Song Xiaojian walking over again holding a wire whip, the little yellow dog let out a mournful cry.

Its tears rolled down again.

But the little yellow dog didn't beg for mercy, because he knew it was useless.

It had bowed to the young corpse demon, kowtowed to him, begged him... none of them could awaken the conscience of this corpse demon.

Song Xiaojian tilted his bald head, stared at the little yellow dog with dead fish eyes, and stopped.

"Hit—!" Song Xiaojian yelled.

'Snapped! ’

The wire whip suddenly waved in the air, causing a sonic boom, but it did not hit the little yellow dog.

The frightened little yellow dog clamped its tail, hugged its head, and shrank into the corner.

"Hey Hey……!"

Song Xiaojian laughed happily.

"Look, you look like Zhao Yin, the same fear of death, the same dog!"

No matter what action the little yellow dog made, Song Xiaojian could think of that bastard, so he would beat him severely every time, each time harder than the last.

"I don't blame him for refusing to save anyone. After all, he has no obligation to help anyone...but...!"

"But why did he try to trick me into taking my knife...?"

"I promised my parents that I would use everything to protect her. It's that bastard...!"

Song Xiaojian grew more and more hateful as he spoke. Bloodlust flashed in Dead Fish's eyes as he swung the wire whip.


"Give me back my knife!"


"Damn Zhao Yin!"


A few minutes later, the little yellow dog was beaten so hard that it was covered in blood and lay straight on the ground twitching.

Song Xiaojian finally stopped, took out a piece of sandwich bread, opened the dog's mouth and stuffed it in.

The little yellow dog swallowed instinctively, and the wounds on his body slowly overflowed with a layer of faint fluorescent light, slowly recovering.

Despite being treated with extraordinary food, its vitality and energy are still on the verge of collapse...

Song Xiaojian was finally satisfied. He put the wire whip into the space ring, raised his head and drank the wine in his left hand.

Then he burped: "Comfortable!"

Finally, the young corpse demon walked out of the basement.

Along the way, I sang the same song.

"Little dog, be good, I will come again next time...!"

In the night, Zhao Yin sat on a large meteorite, holding a kitchen knife in one hand and a rag in the other, slowly wiping the blood on the knife.

The fireworks in his mouth flickered on and off.

All around, within three kilometers, all the people and beasts were scattered everywhere, digging frantically.

Any suspicious places in the ruins were dug up and examined.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin suddenly raised his head and looked towards the south.

Three kilometers away, human footsteps suddenly appeared, not belonging to one of them.

Within a radius of 20 kilometers, Zhao Yin has been monitoring, and there was no sign of anyone before!

Therefore, this person must have come out of the underground!

Zhao Yin did not forget the zombie demon that killed the zombie king.

He immediately summoned all the contracted beasts in his heart.

Three kilometers, for the contracted beasts, it will arrive very quickly.

"South, three kilometers, go immediately!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he took Winnie and the two slave girls beside him back to the life space and jumped on the head of the old cow.

"Zhao Yin, did you find the dog?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"Found a person, it may also be a corpse demon. The disappearance of the earth dragon dog may be related to him!" Zhao Yin said.

Even if it is not a corpse demon, even if the disappearance of the earth dragon dog has nothing to do with the other party.

The other party can survive near the corpse group, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Moreover, here, there are not only corpse groups and mutant beasts, but also zombie kings and corpse demons!

The team moved forward at a high speed, and the footsteps of the human were getting closer and closer.

It seems that the other party is also coming in this direction, and the speed is getting faster and faster...


At this time, Song Xiaojian's face was full of confusion.

"Why did the corpse group suddenly disappear?"

He only stayed in the basement for a few hours, and there was no trace of the 100,000 corpses.

He was going to find out the reason, and his speed was also increasing. Suddenly, Song Xiaojian's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Then, his eyes widened.

"Zhao Yin...?"

A rumbling sound of footsteps came from the opposite side.

It was a group of terrible mutant beasts, each of which was of amazing size, and a group of vultures in the sky escorted them all the way.

On the head of the bull, a familiar figure was standing.

He was tall, wearing a black slim suit and black shiny leather shoes. He was like a sword, with a sharp edge, looking down at him from a high position.

Song Xiaojian rubbed his eyes hard to make sure that he was not seeing wrong.

Then, his eyes immediately turned blood red.

"Zhao Yin——!"

Song Xiaojian's hoarse voice pierced through the night sky and echoed in a radius of dozens of miles.

At this moment, Zhao Yin also saw Song Xiaojian, a little surprised, but not too emotional.

Just a little headache.

Song Xiaojian was one of the few corpse demons that he wanted to kill but could not kill at will.

Zhao Yin subconsciously glanced at Song Xiaodao beside him.

The little girl's face was pale at this moment.

After all, they met!

For a long time, she missed her brother, but was afraid to see him.

Song Xiaojian was not a human being.

The key was that he had offended Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin had only promised to give her a chance to put the magic-forbidden collar on Song Xiaojian.

Then he spared Song Xiaojian's life!

But Song Xiaodao knew that it was difficult for her to do so.

She had been looking forward to her brother never appearing again in her life.

But...he! Still came!

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