Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 296 C-level female slave, 100,000 zombies

Zhao Yin jumped off the old cow and gave instructions in a low voice.

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"Song Xiaodao rides on Xiaobai, Ning Yue rides on Lao Hei, and Wang Xiaolei rides on Da Mao!"

"My dear grandson, go into the depths of the zombies and look for the zombie king. If you can kill it, kill it. If you can't kill it, hold it back for me. Then go back and kill all the contracted beasts together!"

"I know Zhao Yin!" "I know the boss!"

The three women immediately mounted the three contract beasts and each took out their weapons.

At the same time, the corpse demon unfolded its bone spurs and flew directly into the depths of the corpse group.


When Zhao Yin said the last word, the man had turned into an afterimage and disappeared among the beasts.

He took the lead and was the first to rush into the group of corpses.


The Golden Bell Shield directly knocked away more than a dozen zombies, and then, Zhao Yin's whole body turned into a whirlwind, and the butcher knife was swung out of the afterimage.

puff! puff! puff!

In an instant, more than a dozen zombies were hacked to death by him, and large amounts of black blood spilled out. No zombies could get close to his body... A blood path led straight to the depths!

All the contracted beasts were shocked, their master's bravery made their blood boil.


The little monkey has all three powers activated, his golden armor is shining brightly, with red and black flames spreading.

As it moved forward, it rumbled into the group of corpses like a moving volcano.

The two city gates carry terrifying power in its hands.

Many zombies were roasted by the high temperature until they were covered in smoke before they even came into contact with the little monkeys, and then they were hit by Mount Tai.

Every time the city gate fell, a dozen zombies were smashed into pulp and then engulfed in flames...

Immediately afterwards, Lao Niu also rushed into the group of corpses. The iron armor all over his body flashed with a dark luster. Under his huge power, he directly crushed a path of blood...

Arrows and feathers all over the sky, accompanied by wind blades, fell from the sky and chopped up a large number of zombies.

It was Bald Egg who led the vultures to rush above the corpses!

Da Mao opened the gravity field, led all the giant rats to open a separate battlefield, and entered from the corpse group on the other side.

All giant rats are not inferior to real mutant beasts in strength, agility, and even defense.

No zombie can stop them!

As for Lao Hei and Xiao Bai, they carried Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao and opened up a third battlefield...

An hour later, Zhao Yin killed two to three thousand zombies alone.

His speed finally slowed down, the mental power in the energy ring had been drained, and he began to eat compressed biscuits.

Looking back, I saw a tidal wave of corpses swarming crazily towards the people and beasts in the three battlefields behind me.

Even C-level zombies can't even break through their defenses as long as the energy of the contracted beasts is not exhausted.

Nowadays, the contracted beasts have been promoted to B level and are full of energy. They are still energetic at this time.

The three teams were like three whirlpools, wildly swallowing the tide.

In just one hour, nearly 30,000 zombies had died in the hands of the contracted beasts.

"No, these zombies are blindly sending themselves to death without any formation. Is there no zombie king commanding here?"

Zhao Yin was confused. How could there be so many zombies without the zombie king gathering?

If there is a zombie king, why doesn't he come out to take command?

At this time, Zhao Yin had an idea in his mind. The zombie king here had been killed in advance, and it had just been killed not long ago, so the zombies had not had time to disperse.

This is the only possibility!

Only the zombie demon can easily kill the zombie king in a group of 100,000 corpses!

In order to confirm this guess, Zhao Yin went directly to the center of the corpse group.

After a while, he finally saw the corpse demon's adopted grandson.

At this time, the corpse demon was full of excitement and was chasing C-level zombies among the corpses.

Those zombies didn't understand why this 'zombie' suddenly attacked the same kind at first. As the zombie demon started killing, all the zombies became frightened and fled in all directions.

The zombie demon picked out tall C-level zombies behind him to kill them.

His idea is simple, I like Xingjing!

"Good grandson!" Zhao Yin shouted.


The corpse demon looked at Zhao Yin with its dead fish eyes, immediately gave up the group of corpses in front of him, and ran towards him quickly.


The zombie demon seemed to be very happy when he saw his father on the battlefield. He grinned stupidly and held a dozen star crystals collected earlier: "Master!"

"here you go!"

Zhao Yin took the star crystal and complimented him, then asked: "Didn't you find the Zombie King?"

The corpse demon nodded: "Master!"

His ferocious face was covered with zombie brains and blood, but in Zhao Yin's opinion, it was no longer as disgusting as it was at first, but rather cute.

There was a corpse demon standing there, and no zombie dared to approach Zhao Yin.

"Go back to your two grandmothers and protect them from the zombies."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he flashed and rushed into the group of corpses.

The corpse demon looked at his father's terrifying speed, his handsome suit, the kitchen knife and shield in his hands... Even every strand of his hair was so handsome!


The corpse demon no longer delayed, turned around, unfolded its bone wings, and rushed towards Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao.

Without the command of the Zombie King, as time passed, the group of zombies was rapidly decreasing.

And as the group of corpses gradually thinned out, the contracted beasts killed them faster and faster...

Two hours later...

The entire battlefield fell silent, and one hundred thousand zombies were slaughtered!

Zhao Yin stood there, breathing heavily, his physical strength was on the verge of exhaustion.

All the contracted beasts also showed signs of fatigue.

Even Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue and Wang Xiaolei were pale.

One hundred thousand zombies, even the entire Heaven Base in the previous life, seeing such a huge group of zombies, had no choice but to run for their lives.

Unknowingly, in this life, Zhao Yin has grown to this point!

Zhao Yin grinned, smiled, and then entered the life space to take a look.

Both female slaves have been promoted to C-level!

[Human female, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 305, agility 310, physical strength 250, spirit 180, superpower: F-level peeping eye, life countdown: 488742 days]

[Human female, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 300, agility 320, physical strength 210, spirit 190, talent: B-level shooting, life countdown: 489866 days]

The basic attributes of the two sisters are good, and even the most important mental power surpasses Song Xiaodao.

Zhao Yin took them and Winnie and left the life space.

"Monkey, set fire to the corpse." Zhao Yin ordered.

After the words fell, he threw a piece of compressed biscuit to the little monkey.

The little monkey activated the giant superpower and the fire superpower, and ran through the battlefield. Soon, the entire battlefield was ignited, and after a moment, all the corpses were burned to ashes.

Zhao Yin took out two compressed biscuits again and handed them to Song Xiaodao and Tudan: "Blow away the ashes!"

After Song Xiaodao and Tudan replenished their energy, two strong winds swept wildly, and the ashes blown up were like thick smoke, blowing a mile away along the wind direction...

"All people and beasts, collect the corpse crystals immediately!" Zhao Yin ordered at last.

Then he did nothing himself, put out the invisible tent, moved out the chair, took out the corn wine, and drank half a bottle in one breath.

Only then did he look slightly drunk, looking at Winnie in a nurse's uniform, with her beautiful buttocks sticking out, and slowly picked up a piece of corpse crystal.

A little agility, it's impossible to be faster!

Zhao Yin suddenly didn't know whether she was too fast or too slow every time she threw herself into his arms...

Why did she succeed every time?

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