"Master, no contracted beasts were found. A group of corpses was found 30 kilometers to the east!"

The first one to come back was Da Mao, who immediately reported to Zhao Yin in his heart.

"Master, no earth dragon dogs were found. 30 kilometers to the east, there is a huge group of corpses, about 100,000!" The second one to come back was Tu Dan.

Then, the third one was Lao Hei, and the fourth one was Xiao Bai...

Twenty minutes later, all the contracted beasts returned one after another.

Xincheng is not very large, and all the contracted beasts patrolled once, which was equivalent to Zhao Yin conducting a carpet search 21 times.

As a result, no contracted beast found the earth dragon dog that Zhao Yin was looking for.

"Is it only the vicinity of the corpse group that has not been searched?" Zhao Yin frowned.

"Everywhere has been searched, only that place is left."

The little monkey said in his heart: "There are nearly 100,000 zombies. Judging from their size, most of them are D-level, and there are also many C-level ones. There must be a zombie king there. Without your order, I dare not enter at will."

This also explains why no zombies were seen nearby.

They were all summoned there by the zombie king.

Zhao Yin pondered. When he came to Xincheng in his previous life, it was already the second year of the apocalypse!

At that time, he and Lin Tianfeng were still in obscurity.

Information about the apocalypse was very closed.

I don’t know if there was a zombie king here.

But he was sure that the earth dragon dog was definitely the native of Xincheng, and it had not left until Lin Tianfeng signed the contract.

Only the area near the corpse group was not searched. If the earth dragon dog was still there, it must be there... But how could it, a mutant beast, survive in the corpse group?

At this time, Zhao Yin was worried that his rebirth had a butterfly effect, causing a zombie king to come to Xincheng, and then killing the earth dragon dog that he was determined to get?

But no matter what, Zhao Yin had to kill the corpse group.

Zhao Yin stood up, put away all the supplies, and then sent Winnie and Zhou Lili back to the life space.

"All people and animals, follow me to attack the corpse group. If you find the earth dragon dog, contract it. If you can't find it, avenge it!"


In the old site of Xincheng Railway Station, deep in the corpse group, in a dark basement.

A half-grown little yellow dog curled up in the corner, trembling all over.


It raised its head with difficulty, closed its eyes, and cried.

Bean-sized tears rolled down the corners of its eyes.

This is a Chinese pastoral dog, which can only be regarded as medium-sized. Its hair is dirty and messy, and its tail is tucked.

Opposite the little milk dog, in another corner, there are some human remains scattered.

That was its former owner, a beautiful and kind girl.

A few days before the end of the world, the little milk dog was just weaned and was abandoned by its former owner at the garbage station. It was the owner who took it home when he passed by after school.

The owner's mother didn't like small animals and ordered the owner to throw it out. It was the owner who fought hard to allow it to live in this basement.

On the night of the apocalypse, the owner came to feed it dog food in the middle of the night.

The little yellow dog remembered that the owner said that the bag of dog food was bought secretly by her with her living expenses.

Therefore, the little yellow dog and her beloved owner survived.

However, although there was dirty water seeping into the basement, there was only half a bag of dog food, and the owner was weak and died not long after.

The little yellow dog didn't want to die, it wanted to just stay like that and keep looking at its beloved owner.

So it ate the dog food, and when it was hungry, it picked up its own feces on the ground and ate it, and then ate it again, and then ate it again... It survived for a month.

After the meteorite rain stopped, the little yellow dog went out bravely.

It wandered around nearby, searching for some spoiled food to eat, and came back to see the owner when it was full.

Gradually, a strange smell appeared on the owner, and slowly turned into a skeleton...

The little yellow dog went to worship every day, and the owner's skeleton was so cute.

Later, the little yellow dog found that his strength was getting stronger and faster, and gradually, he was no longer afraid of those zombies.

At that time, the little yellow dog had already walked out of the sadness of the death of his master and was very happy every day.

If nothing unexpected happened, it would accompany its master and continue to exist like this...

But three months ago, a zombie king suddenly appeared here and summoned a large number of zombies.

They all wanted to eat the little yellow dog. At that time, the little yellow dog was very angry and quietly killed many zombies, but after all, it was no match for the zombie king...

The little yellow dog could only hide, but it was raining all night... A few days ago, a guy who looked like a human and a corpse came nearby.

That guy was very powerful, more terrifying than the zombie king, and he found this basement directly, beat the little yellow dog half to death, and crushed the owner's bones before leaving...

I remember that madman said that it was a mutant beast that a person named Zhao Yin wanted to subdue, and he would come to beat it every day in the future.

The seriously injured little yellow dog could not leave the basement. Sure enough, that guy came once a day and beat it up every time.

Just last night, the little yellow dog almost died. The guy took out a piece of delicious bread, let it recover, and then continued to fight...

At this moment, the little yellow dog looked at the broken bones of its owner, and tears dripped slowly like the urine of a patient with prostatitis.

"Woo... woo...!"

He is still a child. It's too much to bully a dog!

Who is Zhao Yin? I don’t know him at all, so why do I think he is his contracted beast?

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

The little yellow dog trembled all over, raised his head nervously, and stared at the door.

A bald boy with a pair of dead fish eyes hummed a pre-apocalyptic song hoarsely: "Little dog, be good, open the door, Uncle Xiaojian is coming in, let Zhao Yin's dog know, what?" It’s love… la la la… la la la…!”

He was walking towards the basement step by step, holding an animal whip made of steel wire in his hand.



"Little dog, be good, kneel down and call me Master!"


Zhao Yin stood on top of Lao Niu's head, looking at the endless tide of corpses.

One hundred thousand zombies formed a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​corpses!

In the current period of time when zombies are scattered, so many zombies can be summoned, and the zombie king is about to evolve to B level!

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough C-level corpse crystals as fuel, so I can't make extraordinary metal arrows yet."

Zhao Yin endured the pain and took out a large amount of iced black tea and compressed biscuits and distributed them to everyone and the beasts and corpse demons.

"Today, all the contracted beasts are B-level, and even the pseudo-mutated beasts have fully developed their B-level potential. We will kill 100,000 zombies at once without attracting monsters tonight. Are you all confident?"

All the contracted beasts immediately howled.

"Master, give the order and do it!" The little monkey drank the iced black tea and immediately activated the ability to become gigantic.

A terrifying figure stood in the center of the herd, holding a heavy city gate in each hand, with fighting intent in his eyes!

"Master, Da Mao, please appreciate the true power of the gravity field tonight!" The mane on Da Mao's neck danced with the night wind.

When it comes to being handsome, apart from Zhao Yin, Da Mao is the only one in the team.

"Master, my horns are hard!" The old cow's voice was also full of murderous intent.

At this moment, all the contracted beasts couldn't wait.

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