Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 294 Distributing equipment to girls

With the advent of the end of the world, the entire world has already changed.

In Xincheng, the buildings that were once left behind have also settled over time, and most of them have been decomposed and collapsed by plants.

There was desolation everywhere, and some insects that Zhao Yin had never seen before the end of the world were hiding in the grass and squeaking. They seemed to have no intention of entering hibernation with the autumn mood.

Zhao Yin walked all the way from the Paradise Base, and he asked Lao Hei to transplant all the vegetation types he encountered into the living space.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

There, there is an open space that Zhao Yin once deliberately left, which is now filled with various trees and wild grasses, and there are also many edible wild vegetables...

Now Zhao Yin has collected one-third of the Nanwan Lake water, forming a lake that flows into the living space along the channels that Lao Hei has already dug. There is no need for Zhao Yin to deliberately irrigate, and all the plants are full of vitality.

In the darkness, a small cricket-like insect flew past Zhao Yin.

He raised his hand and caught it in his palm.

The next moment, the bug disappeared from the palm of my hand.

"Zhao Yin, what's the use of collecting so many bugs along the way?" Song Xiaodao asked in confusion.

Zhao Yin smiled and joked: "If one day in the future, mutant crops can no longer be grown in the living space, these bugs are also protein and can satisfy hunger!"

"Hmph! I have to fill the space ring with food so that I won't starve anymore!" Song Xiaodao pouted, playful and cute.

If ordinary people see her, they will definitely think that she is a beautiful little loli who is inexperienced in the world.

But who could have imagined how brutal this girl is?

Ever since the diameter of the living space exceeded 100,000 meters, Zhao Yin had a plan in mind.

As long as the outside world has it, he must also have his life space.

As for whether those bugs would cause disaster, Zhao Yin was not worried.

He had looked at every bug with his discerning eyes, and none of them were mutated.

If there really is a disaster in the future, Ning Yue can solve it by letting Ning Yue release a piece of ice mist.

Zhao Yin will no longer have to worry about waiting for the food chain to be formed in the future.

road! You have to take one step at a time. If you take too big a step, you will easily get caught!

As we went deeper into Xincheng, we still didn't see a single zombie.

The earth dragon dog was nowhere to be seen.

Zhao Yin finally stopped and released the contracted beast very skillfully.

"Let's all go and start a blanket search of the entire Xin City. I will definitely find the Earth Dragon Dog tonight!"

"Yes! Master!"

All contract beasts responded respectfully.

Then all the people flying in the sky and running on the ground dispersed towards all directions in Xincheng.

At this time, Lion Da Mao finally understood how his master found him.

Now that I think about it, my original idea of โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹escape was so ridiculous!

At the same time, it felt happy in its heart. How lucky was it to be able to meet its master?

The lion has big fur and shuttles through the wilderness at high speed, with excitement in its eyes.

"My dog โ€‹โ€‹brother, where are you? Do you know that you are as lucky as me and will meet your master soon..."

Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao stayed where they were. While waiting for the contracted beasts to return, he released everyone in the life space.

Zhao Yin lit a bonfire, cut off dozens of kilograms of Grade A carp meat, placed it on the flame, and roasted it himself.

The two sisters Zhou Lili were a little overwhelmed and flattered. They sat around the bonfire with Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue, Wen Ni, Wang Xiaolei, and the corpse demon Zhang Jie.

Instead of letting them work, the master treated them to wine and meat.

The two sisters have never been in the position they are today.

"Master, I...I'll bake it,'ve worked too hard." Zhou Lili stuttered.

In front of Zhao Yin, she felt like sitting on pins and needles.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "Today, have a taste of my craftsmanship!"

After saying that, Zhao Yin casually took out two bottles of evolution potions, one E-level bottle and two D-level bottles!

He threw a bottle of D grade to Zhou Lili and a bottle of E grade and D grade to Zhou Dandan!

Then take out the corresponding corpse crystal.

"After dinner later, you will be promoted to C-level!"

Both sisters looked at Zhao Yin blankly.

I never expected that he would make such a choice!

"You don't want to fight for me?" Zhao Yin asked calmly.

When the two sisters met Zhao Yin's eyes, they felt that his eyes were deep and unfathomable.

"No, we want to!" Zhou Lili held the potion, stood up quickly, knelt down in front of Zhao Yin, and kowtowed respectfully: "Thank you, Master!"

She cried, and finally understood that if she had been obedient earlier, she might have gained her master's trust.

In front of Zhao Yin, the only way to be the person around him is to be sincere and calm.

Zhou Dandan's face flushed with excitement: "Master, Dandan is willing to die for you!"

She also knelt down and bowed deeply, revealing her waistline and her skin as white as snow.

Zhao Yin nodded. In the past few days, he had carefully considered the matter of the two female slaves.

Thinking about it, they will not easily violate their own rules in the future.

Wang Xiaolei almost died in the first place. In the final analysis, they were still too weak.

Zhao Yin has no shortage of resources to enhance their strength. Since they are still his female slaves, it is necessary to increase their strength.

Not to mention just promoting them to C level, even if they are B level, it would be easy for Zhao Yin to deal with them!

Zhao Yin started to distribute equipment while grilling fish.

Wang Xiaolei still holds Zhao Yin's blast gun, and Song Xiaodao still uses the blood evil sword.

The B-level Qiushui Sword is still with Ning Yue.

As for Zhou Lili and her sister, Zhao Yin took out all the C-level weapons in the space ring and let them choose.

Except for the golden war stick that the little monkey replaced, Zhao Yin didn't like the remaining weapons.

In the end, Zhou Lili chose a Qianlong Sword.

[Qianlong Sword: Grade C, Type Extraordinary Weapon, Sturdiness 100, Attack 135, Additional Effect Slashing Speed โ€‹โ€‹+35]

And Zhou Dandan chose a bow!

[Wind Bow: Grade C, Type Extraordinary Elemental Long-range Weapon, Sturdiness 98, Toughness 150, Attack 125, Additional Effect: Shooting Speed โ€‹โ€‹+50, Special Effect: Consume Energy, Condensing Wind Elements into Arrows]

In fact, Zhou Dandan has a B-level talent for shooting. After owning the Wind Bow, her combat power will definitely surpass most of the same-level evolvers.

The key is that even without arrows, this bow can condense wind elements by itself!

This does not conflict with Zhao Yin's use of the Star Chaser Crossbow, which requires a large number of arrows.

Zhao Yin nodded and put away all the remaining weapons.

Then he took out all the C-level women's clothing, seven pieces in total.

[Peach Blossom Cheongsam: Grade C, only defense-related equipment, sturdiness 135, attack 75, with the additional effect of movement speed +50]

[Cool Running Overalls: Grade C, only defense-related equipment, sturdiness 150, attack 75, with the additional effect of movement speed +50]

[White Gauze Palace Dress: Grade C, only defense-related equipment, sturdiness 120, attack 75, with the additional effect of defense +35]

[Female OL: Grade C, only defense-related equipment, sturdiness 135, attack 85, with the additional effect of movement speed +60]

[Summer Girls School Uniform: Grade C, only defense-related equipment, sturdiness 140, attack 75, with the additional effect of defense +80]

[Nurse Suit: Grade C, only defense-related equipment, sturdiness 145, attack 78, with the additional effect of defense +70]

"Song Xiaodao, choose one too!" Zhao Yin's eyes fell on Song Xiaodao.

This girl was originally given a C-level green gauze skirt, but she took it and exchanged it with Ning Yue for a D-level sailor suit.

Her equipment is too backward now.

Song Xiaodao saw the school uniform at a glance. The white shirt and pink short skirt looked better than the sailor suit she was wearing.

"Zhao Yin, don't think about confiscating my sailor suit!" Song Xiaodao grabbed the school uniform in his hand and stared at Zhao Yin like a kitten protecting its food.

Zhao Yin nodded and said gently: "What's yours is yours."

"Then I'll change clothes for you right away!" Song Xiaodao immediately became happy.

Zhou Lili liked the OL suit, which was very suitable for her temperament. Zhou Dandan chose the white gauze palace suit.

Wang Xiaolei chose suspenders. She was not as cunning as Song Xiaodao and still had a childish temper.

The last remaining nurse uniform and peach blossom cheongsam, Zhao Yin was about to put away, and suddenly saw Winnie staring at the two sets of clothes with shining eyes.

"Winnie, do you want it too?" Zhao Yin stopped putting it away.

Winnie nodded immediately: "Yes, Master, Winnie wants it."

Zhao Yin put down the two sets of clothes, Winnie immediately grabbed the nurse's uniform, and then stared at the peach cheongsam with big eyes, as if she was in hesitation.

Zhao Yin could feel her struggle, so he simply gave both equipment to Winnie.

After all, it was his contracted beast. Among all the people present, Winnie was even more trustworthy than Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue.

"Thank you, Master!" Winnie immediately pounced on Zhao Yin, sat in Zhao Yin's arms, and wrapped her hands around his neck.

She kissed him on the face with her warm and fragrant lips: "Master, Winnie loves you, and is willing to be your master, Pi Yanzi..."


Zhao Yin felt a chill and quickly asked Winnie to stop.

The human-shaped contracted beast could actually be infected, which he had not expected.

He suddenly couldn't look directly at Winnie's beautiful little face.

After dividing the equipment, Zhao Yin let Winnie go, and continued to grill fish while drinking with the girls.

The aroma of fish, mixed with the aroma of wine, spread far into the night.

Two hours later, the contracted beasts returned one after another...

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