At this moment, the big carp still didn't realize that he had fallen into a dangerous situation.

Most of its body was already out of the water, and it was still waving its fins as it slowly crawled towards the snacks on the shore.

At this time, Ning Yue didn't ask anything and directly activated the superpower.

Large swaths of ice fog condensed around the carp, and soon after, the temperature of the lake dropped rapidly.

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The big carp felt his whole body tremble, a chill came over him, and his dull head became a little clearer.

However, it was too late.

As the lake water around it froze, the big carp's movements immediately slowed down.

It struggled hard, shattered the ice, turned around and tried to escape towards the center of the lake.

The next moment, Zhao Yin raised his hand and released all the contracted beasts.

"Da Mao, gravity field!"

"Monkey, old cow, go and lift it ashore for me!"

"Other contracted beasts, attack freely, just don't kill them!"

After saying that, Zhao Yin spilled a batch of iced black tea on the ground.

All the contracted beasts immediately rushed forward, picked up the ice tea and drank it. The next moment, all attributes were doubled!

The lion's hair immediately jumped into the water, opening the gravity field, click click click...

Now as Da Mao's strength increases, the gravity field becomes more and more terrifying!

The frozen lake water is compressing and sinking at an extremely rapid rate.

The movement speed of the big carp has been greatly reduced again.

Immediately afterwards, the monkey activated the giantization and madness powers, jumped into the water, and the two city gates in his hands also grew in size rapidly, boom!

A sudden slap on the carp.

The big carp finally escaped dozens of meters, but was photographed back by the monkey.

The next moment, Lao Niu also rushed into the water, enlarged his size, turned on his huge power, and crashed suddenly!


The big carp was directly hit by it and turned over, with its belly facing up, but before it could turn over, the door panel in the little monkey's hand hit again.


The big carp was dazed for a while after being photographed, and then was hit by the old cow again.

The terrifying attack power of the little monkey and the old cow, coupled with the blessing of ice black tea, were able to break through the defense of the big carp. After a few attacks, the fish blood had dyed a large area of ​​water red.

The other contracted beasts surrounded the wounds made by the little monkey and the old cow and attacked crazily.

The big carp that had lost its underwater domain faced a group of perverted B-level contracted beasts, and it was simply a massacre.

No resistance!

At this moment, even if it reaches S level, it cannot resist Zhao Yin's butcher knife.

Everything went more smoothly than expected.

With the cooperation of the little monkey and the old cow, the big carp was already dying when it was knocked ashore.

Large areas of fish scales fell off and lost their luster.


Zhao Yin finally waved his hand. The fish that came ashore had almost no fighting power except for its brute strength.

He got off Xiaobai and came to the carp.

"Zhao Yin, there is a piece of fish meat there!" Song Xiaodao suddenly said.

In this hunt, the contracted beasts were basically the ones taking action. Song Xiaodao couldn't break through the defense and never made a move.

At this time, she was staring at a large piece of fish meat, at least seven to eight hundred kilograms. It was unknown which contract beast had scratched it off from the big carp, leaving only a piece of fish skin still attached to the body.

"Get it down and make fish soup tonight!" How could Zhao Yin not know what little Loli was thinking.

He also wanted to taste the taste of Grade A fish soup.

That piece of meat won't grow back anyway.

Unexpectedly, after Song Xiaodao borrowed the butcher knife from Zhao Yin, he expanded the wound directly along the piece of meat, and dug out nearly a ton of fish meat directly from the carp.

The big carp trembled violently in pain.

"Song Xiaodao!" Zhao Yin scolded loudly.

After all, this fish is about to become his contract beast.

Little Lolita doesn’t follow martial ethics!

"Anyway, we need to consume healing potions, so why not dig out more meat?"

Foodie Loli turned back and blinked innocently: "It only has seven seconds of memory, and it won't hold grudges against you!"

Zhao Yin was helpless for a while, how could he train such a little thing to pluck his hair?

It's such a loss, even Zhao Yin can't do this kind of thing.

But thinking about it, it seems that what Song Xiaodao said makes sense.

He did not dare to delay, for fear that the carp would lose too much blood, so he quickly stepped forward to make the contract.

If you count the dead Vulture, six giant rats, nine vultures, six real mutant beasts, plus Qingyu and Winnie...

This is the twenty-fourth contract beast contracted by Zhao Yin!

Zhao Yin raised his hand, pressed on the head of the golden-scaled carp, and slowly released the soul of the contract...

After a moment, a weak voice came from Zhao Yin's mind.


The voice sounded like that of a girl.

This is the soul of the contract, a manifestation of the analysis of soul information, and also represents the character and physiology of the carp.

Zhao Yin immediately took out a bottle of C-level healing potion. After thinking about it, he realized that the golden-scaled carp had reached level A, and it was difficult for C-level healing potion to be effective.

He put it away again and replaced it with the only bottle of B-level healing potion.

Even if it is B level, one bottle will not be able to regenerate its severed limbs, but it should be enough to treat this kind of injury.

Zhao Yin's voice came from his heart: "Open your mouth!"


The golden-scaled carp responded weakly, opening its mouth with difficulty.

Zhao Yin opened the B-level healing potion and threw it into the mouth of the golden-scaled carp.

Soon, a strong green fluorescent light slowly spread across the wounds of the carp, and the flesh and blood grew rapidly...

Zhao Yin took the opportunity to walk over and quietly put away a large piece of fish cut by Song Xiaodao.

Song Xiaodao blinked, excited, and returned the butcher knife to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin put away the shield and butcher knife, waiting for the golden scale carp to recover.

After a while, its wounds were restored to their original state, but its spirit was still extremely weak.

Next, Zhao Yin performed the great naming ceremony that was destined to make a contracted beast dare not forget in his life.

Zhao Yin closed his eyes and thought for ten minutes.

"From now on, you will be called Carp, named after your race. Even if I contract with your people again, you are the only one who is qualified to be called this name!"

The carp was not opposed to this name: "Thank you, Master. Carp is willing to die for you!"

"Very good!" Zhao Yin nodded with satisfaction, and raised his hand again to press on the carp's head: "I will send you back to the life space, which will be your home in the future. Remember, there is a black carp in the pond, and you are not allowed to eat it!"

"Got it, Master." The carp said respectfully.

It has no memory, but the soul of the contract gave it the ability to remember. From the moment Zhao Yin contracted it, it would never forget any details between it and its master.

The next moment, the carp disappeared in front of him.

Zhao Yin looked up at the sky. It was already evening.

The fire clouds in the west reflected half of the sky red. On the Nanwan Lake, where the water level dropped seriously, the sparkling waves also reflected a fiery red.

The temperature in my hometown is slightly warmer than in the north. The vegetation on the shore of Nanwan Lake is also withering. The yellow sycamore leaves are slowly drifting with the autumn wind.

"Zhao Yin, shall we rest here tonight?" Ning Yue suddenly suggested.

There was no zombie nearby, and the scenery was beautiful. After all, Ning Yue was still in love.

She gently held Zhao Yin's arm.

Zhao Yin looked back, and the setting sun shone on the girl's face. Her skin was so tender that water could drip out.

His heart was shaken. He had planned to rest for a few days at the base, but he couldn't help but experiment with purple crystals, and harvest and plant crops.

In fact, he hadn't rested well for too long.

But Zhao Yin still shook his head: "Wait until the earth dragon dog is tamed, I will bring you here to play again."

"Really?" Ning Yue was immediately surprised.

Song Xiaodao also happily hugged Zhao Yin's other arm: "Stinky Zhao Yin, you are not allowed to lie to us this time!"

"Let's go, go into the city, and find the earth dragon dog tonight!"

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