Song Xiaojian laughed happily.

"Haha, Zhao Yin, if I see you again, I will pull out all your hair and make you bald!"

"Xiaodao, Xiaodao, wait for me!"

"Soon, I will rescue you from that devil...Haha...!"


[Golden Scale Carp: A-level mutant beast, strength 1350, agility 1200, stamina 900, defense 1400, spirit 15, bloodline talent: water control]

In the Eye of Insight, the information was immediately read.


At this time, Zhao Yin also saw clearly that it was a huge golden carp, nearly ten times the size of the previous big fish!

Each scale on its body was as big as a window, and its big mouth was big enough to swallow a house. At this time, its fish eyes slowly turned and looked at Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin's heart trembled, and he immediately communicated with the life space. The next moment, he disappeared again at the bottom of the lake.

A trace of confusion appeared in the numb eyes of the giant fish...

Zhao Yin returned to the lake, his heart still beating.

It turned out to be an A-level mutant beast!

Underwater, Zhao Yin was in a very passive position in terms of speed and strength, while the other party really proved the saying, like a fish in water!

There is no way to match it!

"Master!" "Master!"


All the contracted beasts sensed the tension in Zhao Yin's heart and gathered around.

Zhao Yin's eyes swept over all the contracted beasts.

None of them were suitable for fighting underwater... No, he still had Xiaobai!

Xiaobai's psychedelic ability was simply a bug!

Zhao Yin was shocked, and immediately conveyed the matter in his heart, and then waved his hand.

"Xiaobai, come here, and go out with me to clean up the carp later!"

"Xiaobai will never let the master down!" Xiaobai's ears stood up.

It held its head high and deliberately glanced at the little monkey.

"Look, at the critical moment, the master still trusts me, Xiaobai, the most!"

The little monkey snorted and ignored the arrogant white cat.

"Isn't it just a BUG ability? When encountering an opponent with mental defense, it runs faster than a rabbit."

Zhao Yin took out his clothes and put them on, then took out the Golden Bell Shield and the kitchen knife, and then drank iced black tea with Xiaobai.

He felt safe at this time, turned over and rode on Xiaobai.

"Let's go, don't let the carp run away!"

The next moment, Zhao Yin and Xiaobai appeared at the bottom of the lake again.

Sure enough, the carp was still there, slowly shaking its huge body, stirring up the water at the bottom of the lake.

The next moment, it found Zhao Yin.

The carp's eyes flashed with excitement, and it suddenly swam over here.

"Xiaobai, hurry!"

Zhao Yin quickly patted Xiaobai's neck, the carp was too fast.

With 1200 points of agility and the speed bonus in the water, he came close in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a touch of pink bloomed in Xiaobai's eyes... The carp's body suddenly paused, and the fish's eyes became dull.

"Master, it's done!" Xiaobai's excited voice was transmitted.

The tension on Zhao Yin's face also relaxed, and he transmitted his voice: "Go over and put it in the life space contract."

Xiaobai immediately shook his four furry claws and swam at the bottom of the lake like a dog. Although the speed was very fast, it was not on the same level as the carp.

Soon approaching the carp, Zhao Yin put away the kitchen knife and freed his hands to press the scales of the carp.

However, the next moment, the carp suddenly turned around, bang!

The huge fish tail suddenly whipped towards Zhao Yin and Xiaobai!

At close range, Zhao Yin had no time to react.

His heart sank suddenly, and he did not expect this scene at all!


The next moment, Zhao Yin and Xiaobai flew out of the lake.

Directly whipped hundreds of meters away.

Zhao Yin's mind was still confused.

Fortunately, for safety reasons, he took out the Golden Bell Shield and drank iced black tea.

Otherwise, he would have been seriously injured if not dead!

Xiaobai, who was sitting under the seat, had no Golden Bell Shield to protect him, and was whipped to the point of rolling his eyes.

But with its defense and the blessing of iced black tea, it was not injured, but just dizzy.

At this time, the carp swam over again at an accelerated speed, and the water at the bottom of the entire lake was shaking violently. Xiaobai couldn't even stand steadily in the waves.

"Go back!"

Zhao Yin didn't have time to think about it, and for safety reasons, he communicated with the life space again.

The next moment, he and Xiaobai returned to the space wetly.

"Master!" "Master!"


All the contracted beasts surrounded him again. The little monkey didn't feel the joy in the master's heart, and looked at the white cat with contempt.

Xiaobai immediately felt wronged, hanging his wet head: "I'm sorry, Master, it's me... I'm useless."

Zhao Yin also frowned and fell into deep thought.

The carp's mental power is only 15 points, why is it not afraid of psychedelic powers?

Soon, Zhao Yin thought of something and slapped his forehead.

"It's not that your powers are useless, the problem is with the carp, it's the fish's memory, which is only seven seconds."

Psychedelic powers are mainly to stimulate the opponent's memory, dig out the deepest obsession in the heart, and immerse in memory and illusion, unable to extricate themselves...

With seven seconds of memory, what can you expect the fish to remember?

Zhao Yin understood everything!

Xiaobai was comforted by his master, but his mood was still low. He felt that he could not help his master and was like a guilty cat.

The key is the contempt from the little monkey, which makes it feel uncomfortable.

"In the water, we can't subdue this carp, let alone kill it."

Zhao Yin's purpose from beginning to end was not to escape, but to sign a contract!

Today's crisis made him realize that sometimes he still had to fight in the water, and that herring was not worth relying on.

"Lao Hei, I can only rely on you. Follow me from the bottom of the lake later and lead the carp to the shallow water!"

"Yes! Master!" Lao Hei responded naively.

It is not as jumpy as Xiao Bai, but its eyes are also shining.

Now it has a growing sense of presence in the team.

Zhao Yin took out another bottle of iced black tea, drank it for Lao Hei, then rode it and left the life space again.

The carp was still wandering around looking for food, and seemed to have forgotten about Zhao Yin.

The next moment, it found Zhao Yin again and swam over here.

Lao Hei led Zhao Yin to dive down quickly. As soon as their four feet touched the mud, ripples of supernatural power spread out, and then they quickly sank into the ground.

The carp pounced in vain and was stunned again.

Soon, Zhao Yin urged Lao Hei and popped up at the bottom of the lake three hundred meters away.

"Come here~!" Zhao Yin shouted loudly.

The voice was drowned by the lake water, but it was enough to alarm the carp.

It immediately shook its big tail, turned around at high speed, and chased Zhao Yin.

With its huge body and extreme speed, it arrived in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, Zhao Yin and Lao Hei sank into the ground again.

Soon, he popped up from a few hundred meters away: "Come on, your snacks are here!"

The carp was provoked one after another, and seemed to be angry, and its speed suddenly increased.

Zhao Yin was prepared and sank into the ground again...

A few minutes later, Zhao Yin approached the shore.

The water depth here is less than five meters.

On the shore, Lao Niu, Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue finally found the mountain-like carp back.

In the sun, every scale of the fish was shining with golden light.

The huge body of nearly 300 meters long had amazing pressure and overwhelming momentum!

Little did they know that it had given up its advantage in the water and entered Zhao Yin's home court!

"What is Zhao Yin doing... Is that an A-level mutant beast?" Song Xiaodao said in surprise.

At this time, Lao Hei had brought Zhao Yin to the shore. The big carp frantically used its fins to dig the mud and chased after it desperately.

"Ning Yue, freeze this piece of water for me!"

Zhao Yin rode Lao Hei on the shore, and his eyes returned to indifference.

At this time, he looked calm and peaceful.

If he didn't show off now, when would he show off?

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