Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 291 Song Xiaojian's Expectations

"Old Hei, dig another pool on the side to store drinking water!"

Zhao Yin ordered: "As for this lake, except for irrigation, everyone can swim freely in the future. In the days to come, all people and animals must pay attention to hygiene."

In the past, no one or beast was allowed to enter the pool, except for the zombie demons who had the privilege of swimming.

At this time, they all became excited when they heard that there was such a big lake where you could swim.

Especially the two sisters Zhou Lili and Zhou Dandan.

I still remember that Zhao Yin stripped them naked and hung them up because they were swimming without permission, and almost tortured them to death.

"Thank you, Master...!"

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"Master, you are the electricity in my heart, the light in my heart...!"

"Long live the master... Lao Niu is willing to hide Yanzi...!"

In the flattery of the contracted beasts, Zhao Yin left the life space.

After returning to the outside world, Zhao Yin remembered that he was at the bottom of the lake before entering the living space.

Forgot to take the herring out with me.

He didn't bother to go in anymore, so he used his powerful strength and swam at the bottom of the lake.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow appeared in front of him.

It was a big fish thirty meters long, approaching very quickly.

Zhao Yin was about to open his eyes of insight when suddenly, the light at the bottom of the lake illuminated by the water surface suddenly dimmed!

The next moment, a huge fish mouth suddenly descended and swallowed the big fish in one bite...

Zhao Yin's eyes suddenly widened.


At this moment, Xincheng, the former site of the railway station.

With this place as the center, nearly 200,000 zombies gathered in a dense mass of corpses.

Waves of zombie roars echoed over the already deserted city, eerie and terrifying.

Today, the sky is clear, but here, it is like hell on earth.

The stench of corpses was overwhelming, sweeping over ten miles in radius.

Most of the zombies here are D-level. E-levels are rarely seen. Some of them have been promoted to C-level...

At this moment, somewhere underground in the sea of ​​corpses.

This used to be the exit tunnel of the train station, but now it has become the lair of a certain zombie king.

A bald boy sat on the ground and gasped.

One of his arms was broken, and a large stream of dark brown blood was flowing from it.

His body was stained green and his tattered casual clothes were in tatters.

Song Xiaojian's bald forehead was shiny and covered with beads of sweat.

And his pair of dead fish eyes looked towards the opposite side with excitement...

There is a dying zombie king.

The zombie king's lower body was melted by Song Xiaojian's strange blood, and his whole body was in ruins.

It still wanted to crawl towards Song Xiaojian.

But a broken sword deeply pinned the Zombie King's body to the ground.


Song Xiaojian laughed, and the hoarse sound he made was like the crow of a chicken.

"I'll kill you later!"

He took out a bottle of healing potion and drank it.

Soon, Sen Bai's bones slowly grew along the broken part of the shoulder. Then, under the influence of extraordinary energy, neck membrane, flesh and skin grew...

A few minutes later, Song Xiaojian's body recovered as before.

He stood up and walked towards the Zombie King, slowly grasped the hilt of the sword, then exerted force and pulled it out suddenly.

Then he flipped his wrist and swung the sword hard... click!

The Zombie King was already extremely weak, and before he had time to react, his head rolled down.

Song Xiaojian held the broken sword in both hands and slashed suddenly, his head was split into two halves.

He bent down and put his hand into the skull, and quickly took out six corpse king star crystals and C-level corpse crystals!

Song Xiaojian directly stuffed the corpse crystal into his mouth, chewed it for a while, and then opened the star crystals one by one.

Three pieces of equipment were produced, a space teleportation scroll, a bottle of C-level healing potion, and a bottle of Nongfu Spring!

“Cao Nima’s Nongfu Spring!”

Song Xiaojian cursed, furious.

The corpse king star crystal that was finally obtained was actually issued with this kind of garbage, which made everyone angry.

Song Xiaojian could not tell the level of the three pieces of equipment. His knowledge of extraordinary materials mainly came from long-term exploration, plus he once captured an exploration-type superpower.

Of course, that superpower ended up being Song Xiaojian's meal.

The three pieces of equipment are a pair of military boots, a casual top and a dark long sword.

Song Xiaojian held the broken sword in one hand and the long sword in the other, colliding with each other.


The long black sword was immediately cut off by the broken sword.


Song Xiaodao cursed angrily again, and then threw it away.

His eyes fell on the last casual clothes and shoes, and Song Xiaojian's face finally looked better.

The casual clothes he was wearing were top-notch C-level equipment that had been torn apart from previous battles.

This casual outfit is exactly the same as the one he wears.

So far, this is the first time Song Xiaojian has taken out shoes. The sneakers on his feet can no longer be remembered as being pulled out from the body of the survivor.

Song Xiaojian put on his casual clothes and then put on his military boots.

He experimented for a while, and as soon as his feet exerted force, he suddenly jumped out.

Song Xiaojian was so shocked that he had no time to stop himself and knocked down the wall.


With his peak C-level corpse demon physique, this hit was not light.

"I'm crazy!" Song Xiaojian cursed.

Then he was pleasantly surprised: "With at least four hundred points of movement speed added, these military boots must be A-level or above, maybe even S-level!"

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

Gradually, Song Xiaojian started laughing wildly, and his tears came out.

"Zhao Yin, Zhao Yin!"

Song Xiaojian laughed and gritted his teeth.

"Today, I have this pair of shoes, why don't you die?"

Two months ago, Song Xiaojian was randomly teleported to Huizhou, and he happened to fall into a zombie king's lair.

At that time, he didn't have any top-grade equipment, and he almost died at the hands of the zombie king.

It was hard to escape, but he was seriously injured and dying, and the treatment potion at that time was used up.

Fortunately, he was a corpse demon, and as long as he didn't die, his injuries would slowly recover as time passed.

He took half a month to recover from that injury.

For the remaining one and a half months, Song Xiaojian frantically searched for equipment.

He will never forget that even if Zhao Yin didn't use the contracted beast, he crushed him with his own strength.

Later, Song Xiaojian reviewed the game and felt that it was all the power of Zhao Yin's top-grade equipment.

So, he was also frantically looking for equipment...

Song Xiaojian touched his bald head: "Zhao Yin, you electrocuted my hair, this bald head is for you, if I don't kill you, I, Song Xiaojian, will never grow hair again even if I am ugly!"

There was a ruthless look in his dead fish eyes.

He didn't know where Zhao Yin took Song Xiaodao at this time, but he knew that Zhao Yin had been contracting mutant beasts everywhere.

At the beginning, Song Xiaojian searched for equipment everywhere, probably out of instinct, and returned to his hometown unconsciously.

Recently, he found that there was a mutant beast in Xincheng, which was a local dog.

This is also Zhao Yin's hometown. Song Xiaojian is sure that the bastard will come back sooner or later.

So Song Xiaojian stayed in Xincheng.

Recently, he wandered around Xincheng and found this zombie king...

"If you come back, you will definitely come to contract that mutant dog. I'll wait for you!"

Song Xiaojian grabbed a handful of corpse crystals like a madman, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it for a while.

Perhaps because he had been alone for too long, he talked to himself from time to time, sometimes cursing, sometimes asking and answering questions...

Suddenly, Song Xiaojian's whole body shook, and then a powerful energy surged rapidly in his body...

"Another breakthrough, finally reached level B?"

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