After one night, all the chestnuts had been harvested, and one third of the 200,000 corns had been harvested.

In the life space, two hills, one large and one small, were piled up.

Ning Yue and Wang Xiaolei also filled their space rings with cooked food.

"Zhao Yin, what were you and Winnie doing just now?" Ning Yue came to Zhao Yin's side.

Zhao Yin simply told the story again.

"It's a pity that we can really make extraordinary food!" Ning Yue didn't come back to his senses for a long time: "It's a pity that we got too little purple crystal."

"It's too little, otherwise, we don't have to worry about the lack of mutant beast meat in the future, and we can boldly try to explore the extraordinary." Zhao Yin said in a low voice.

Ning Yue looked at the hill of harvested crops and said: "Zhao Yin, free up two S-level space rings, Wang Xiaolei and I will move the food to the newly built granary!"

Zhao Yin nodded, freed up the two S-level space rings in his hand, and gave them to the two girls respectively.

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After they turned and left, Zhao Yin called back the six mutant beasts.

Take out all the extraordinary food without grade and distribute it to them.

In an instant, the six mutant beasts widened their eyes.

"Master, what is this?"

The little monkey held a chestnut.

It felt different from the chestnuts it had eaten before.

"This is extraordinary food, which can help you develop your potential." Zhao Yin said.

All the mutant beasts were immediately shocked.

After they were promoted to Class B, they no longer had suitable food to develop their potential.

"Thank you for the reward, Master. You are the god in the little monkey's heart!"

"Bald Egg thanks my great Master. You are the guiding light on Bald Egg's life path!"

"Long live the Master. Lao Niu is willing to insert the head of an SSS-level strongman for Master Pi Yanzi!"

"Xiao Bai is willing to have Pi Yan... two..."

"Lao Hei... five!"

"Da Mao is willing... ten thousand SSS-level...!"

The six contracted beasts flattered him and started eating excitedly.

Soon, their attributes increased a lot.

Zhao Yin did not check their attributes immediately, but walked to the silver-skinned fruit tree.

He took out Nongfu Spring and began to ripen them frantically.

A batch of leaves from the silver-skinned fruit tree can produce about 100 leaves. Watering 30 bottles of Nongfu Spring can ripen a batch.

Zhao Yin directly ripened 16,000 leaves and consumed 4,800 bottles of Nongfu Spring.

For Zhao Yin, who now owns nearly 15,000 bottles of Nongfu Spring, it is not too much of a burden.

During this period, Zhao Yin can get three silver-skinned beast fruits for every three batches of leaves that are successfully ripened.

After 16,000 leaves are successfully ripened, the silver-skinned beast fruits have accumulated to a terrifying 480 pieces!

Last time, only Lao Niu did not get the silver leaves.

The other five mutant beasts have all developed their D-level spiritual potential.

As for the silver-skinned beast fruit, Lao Hei, Tudan, and Damao have never gotten it.

This time, Zhao Yin not only replenished the silver-skinned beast fruit for them, but also, except for Xiaobai, the spiritual potential of the other five mutant beasts has all been developed to C level!

And Xiaobai has directly developed to B level!

[Adult Tongtian Monkey: B-class mutant beast, strength 710, agility 760, stamina 600, defense 780, spirit 520, bloodline talent: gigantism, frenzy, fire control]

[Adult Buffalo: B-class mutant beast, strength 730, agility 560, stamina 700, defense 810, spirit 425, bloodline talent: huge force, armor]

[Flying White Tiger: B-class mutant beast, strength 670, agility 780, stamina 528, defense 680, spirit 750, bloodline talent: extreme speed, psychedelic field]

[Adult Male Lion: B-class mutant beast, Strength 685, Agility 750, Stamina 520, Defense 715, Spirit 428, Bloodline Talent: Gravity Field, Extreme Speed]

[Vulture King: B-level mutant beast, Strength 687, Agility 740, Stamina 512, Defense 690, Spirit 430, Bloodline Talent: Arrow Feather, Wind System]

[Rat King: B-level mutant beast, Strength 700, Agility 745, Stamina 510, Defense 700, Spirit 435, Bloodline Talent: Earth Escape, Extreme Speed]

At this moment, the six contracted beasts, whether in terms of combat power or endurance... have all improved a lot.

Especially Xiaobai, its spirit has reached 750!

Any life form whose spirit power is not as good as Xiaobai, no matter what level, can only be slaughtered!

Zhao Yin was in a good mood, looking at the remaining silver-skinned fruits.

He now had too many treasures of this level to handle. Zhao Yin thought about it and suppressed the urge to eat one himself.

He called Rat Six and let it eat one to try.

Shu Liu had no reaction after eating it.

The information displayed by the silver-skinned beast fruit only mentioned mutant beasts, and it could not work on pseudo-mutant beasts.

As expected, there was no surprise.

"It seems that there is still a big gap between pseudo-mutant beasts and mutant beasts!"

Zhao Yin gave up the attempt directly.

At this time, Song Xiaodao walked out of the wooden house, and Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight.

[Human female, awakened by superpowers, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 310, agility 315, physical strength 200, spirit 150, talent: brewing! Superpowers: S-level wind system, B-level true vision eye, life countdown: 489866 days]

Her awakened talent is brewing!

"Zhao Yin, I suddenly feel that I can make wine!" Song Xiaodao rushed over and hugged Zhao Yin's arm.

Zhao Yin was very curious, and he actually had a talent for making wine.

He was looking forward to the wine made by the child. What was the difference between it and ordinary wine?

Now, he had countless food and could not eat it all.

"Make it as you like!" Zhao Yin said generously.

"I'll make it for you to try now." Song Xiaodao pointed at Zhao Yin's S-level stove and non-stick pan, and couldn't wait to show his talent: "Can you lend it to me?"

"Take it if you want to use it."

Zhao Yin took out 10,000 D-level corpse crystals for her.

With the flame temperature of the D-level corpse crystal, it was more than enough to make liquor.

Song Xiaodao washed the pot, took a hundred chestnuts directly, and put them into the pot without peeling them.

"Brewing chestnut wine?" Zhao Yin asked in surprise.

"I feel that wine brewed from chestnuts can taste better than sorghum wine." Song Xiaodao thought for a while and said.

Zhao Yin understood it in his heart, just like he had a talent for shooting, he had never learned shooting, but he seemed to be born proficient in long-range weapons.

Song Xiaodao's talent was the same.

"Then you take your time."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he walked aside and continued to take out the amethyst to experiment.

He tried to use Nongfu Spring and soak the amethyst powder, and then water the mutant crops... As a result, after the Nongfu Spring was absorbed, the amethyst powder was left, which had no effect at all.

Then he asked Winnie to directly infuse the mutant crops with extraordinary energy.

As a result, one F-level amethyst was consumed and two sorghums were ripened... The properties of the sorghum did not change at all.

Zhao Yin even tried to make extraordinary fertilizers by himself, let the mutant beasts take turns to pull feces, and then let Jenny inject extraordinary energy into it... As a result, a non-grade compound fertilizer was produced, which could only ripen the crops.


It took a whole day, and Zhao Yin tried to make a breakthrough in the mutant crops, but all failed.

There was no harvest, but a few amethysts were lost.

Finally, he had to give up temporarily.

At this time, all the crops had been harvested. The little monkey burned all the corn vines into ash and melted them into the soil. Then Zhao Yin personally participated in planting crops.

In the next three days, Zhao Yin planted one million rice plants, 100,000 sorghum plants, 300,000 soybean plants, and 200,000 corn plants.

As for sugarcane, it was not planted in the form of seeds. Zhao Yin asked the rats to cut off the sugarcane nodes, then use Nongfu Spring to germinate, and finally bury it in the soil...

Zhao Yin had a total of 57 sugarcanes and planted about 900 new seedlings.

In addition to the nodes that can be planted, the cut part of the sugarcane, about 15,000 kilograms, was collected by Zhao Yin in the space ring.

It can be used as fruit, juiced and boiled into sugar, and can replenish energy.

All crops were planted.

Zhao Yin's Nongfu Spring had less than a thousand bottles left.

At this time, Zhao Yin had been in the life space for four and a half days.

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