"There is still an empty space in the life space. As long as we get enough Nongfu Spring, we can plant it all!"


A happy smile appeared on Ning Yue's face.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "I plan to build another large water pool in the remaining open space to collect more water from the outside world."

Water is the source of life. Now, compared with the entire life space, the pool in the middle is too small.

"Also, when the living space continues to upgrade in the future, I plan to introduce all types of plants from the outside world."

The golden crystal has been buried, but there are no ordinary plants in the living space.

Zhao Yin had a guess that when a sufficient number of ordinary plants were introduced in the future, some mutations might actually occur due to the golden star crystal.

If the living space can really grow into a world in the future.

Then a life cycle system is needed. In the future, not only plants will be introduced, but also various animals...

Zhao Yin shook his head, thinking a little far.

The work in the living space has been completed, and the corpse demon and all the contracted beasts are resting.

Only Song Xiaodao was left busy.

She has cooked more than a hundred pots of chestnuts in the past few days, mixed them all with koji, and put them into fifty large wooden barrels for fermentation.

At this time, she sealed the last barrel of wine and chestnuts. The little girl clapped her hands, smiled, and shouted to Zhao Yin from a distance.

"Stinky Zhao Yin, you'll be able to drink the wine I brewed in a few days!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Xiaodao." Zhao Yin was rarely polite to her.

"Then do you have any reward?"

Song Xiaodao came over, with a cunning look on his face.

Zhao Yin took out a cooked chestnut: "Does this count?"

"Stinky Zhao Yin, you reward food every time, can you try something new?" Song Xiaodao pouted.

"Don't forget it."

Zhao Yin knew that she was going to bring up the subject of his fiancée again, so he immediately stopped the topic.

The next moment, before Zhao Yin could put away the chestnuts, Song Xiaodao snatched them away: "Who said I don't want them?"

She peeled the chestnut, took a big bite, and smiled with happiness on her face.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and rubbed her head, a look of endearment flashing in his eyes.

Today, there is no shortage of food.

But the child is still the same child and never seems to have enough.

Next, Zhao Yin left behind all the contract beasts and corpse demons.

Let Wang Xiaolei take care of their diet.

When Zhao Yin took Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao out of the life space, he threw the long-stored sky-devouring vulture head to the corpse demon.

"Master!" The corpse demon excitedly held his head and began to chew on it.

It was already the morning of the fifth day when Zhao Yin appeared in the outside world with his two women.

"Brother Zhao, you are finally out!"

Jiang Shan had been standing outside Zhao Yin's invisible tent. He hadn't seen the people or animals around him for four or five days. Jiang Shan almost thought that he had left without saying goodbye.

"Brother Jiang, is something wrong?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Your two female slaves passed out three days ago. I revived them and asked them to eat, but they didn't eat a bite!"

Jiang Shan sighed: "Those two girls said that the master didn't allow them to eat. They were so stubborn. They passed out again yesterday. I knew it was Brother Zhao's order. I didn't dare to let anyone rescue them. I don't know whether they are dead now." No."

For two days, Jiang Shan was terrified. After learning that it was Zhao Yin's order to punish the two female slaves to kneel, he did not dare to interfere anymore.

But he was worried that they would really die. After all, they were Zhao Yin's people. If Zhao Yin still cared about them, Jiang Shan didn't know how to explain it.

After hearing this, Zhao Yin remembered that the two female slaves had to kneel as punishment.

Unexpectedly, they haven't left yet.

Soon, Zhao Yin came to the place where they were punished to kneel. The two sisters had already fallen into a coma, with only the slight rise and fall of their chests, as if they would die at any time.

They were still clinging to each other, in a kneeling position.

In just a few days, both of them lost a lot of weight, their faces were covered with black ash, and their lips were chapped.

"It's come to this point, and they haven't left yet?" Song Xiaodao said in surprise.

The little Loli was still chewing the chestnut in her hand, and circled around the two female slaves: "Well, life is so hard, you didn't die!"

"Zhao Yin, do you want to save them?" Ning Yue asked, with expectation in her eyes.

"Get some broth for them." Zhao Yin said coldly.

Ning Yue stepped forward, took out a pot of broth, and poured a bowl for each of Zhou Lili's sisters.

With the moisture and energy supplemented by the mutated beast meat, the two sisters quickly woke up.


Zhou Lili looked at Zhao Yin confusedly, as if she couldn't distinguish between reality and dreams.

Zhou Dandan pursed his lips and cried: "Master, please don't drive us away again, 嘤嘤...!"

The two female slaves would rather die than leave. It was no longer as simple as coveting the nourishing life around Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin didn't want to think too much about the real reason.

"I will send you back to the living space and clean up yourselves. You can eat the mutant crops as you like, but you must continue to work for me after you are full."

When the two women heard this, they trembled instantly.

Both of them could not calm down and kowtowed to Zhao Yin excitedly: "Thank you, Master!"

"Master, Dandan will definitely listen to you in the future."

Zhao Yin vacated an S-level space ring. He did not give it to Zhou Lili, but to Zhou Dandan.

This is intentional to let Zhou Dandan take over the dominant position among the two sisters. After all, Zhou Lili has a lot of eyes, while Zhou Dandan has a simple mind.

"Under the chestnut tree, there is an extraordinary stove and a big pot, which need to burn corpse crystals. After you rest for half a day, start cooking immediately. I want to fill this space ring as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master!" Zhou Dandan took the ring obediently.

Zhao Yin took out another 20,000 D-level corpse crystals for her, waved his hand, patted the shoulders of the two sisters, and instantly put them into the life space.

Then, he turned and looked at Jiang Shan: "Brother Jiang, I'm leaving today."

"Brother Zhao is leaving now?"

"Where is Leader Lu? I'll go and say goodbye to her."

Jiang Shan's face changed immediately. With Zhao Yin here, this base will always be safe.

If possible, Jiang Shan hopes that Zhao Yin will stay here forever.

But it is obviously impossible.

"Five days ago, the base hired 500 evolvers with the mutant crops given by Brother Zhao. These days, the boss took them out to kill zombies and has not returned."

Lu Ling moved quickly, and Zhao Yin pondered.

Recruiting temporary workers with mutant crops and killing a wave of zombies first to accumulate strength for the base is the wisest choice.

"Then I won't say goodbye to her."

Zhao Yin thought about it, released Lao Hei again, dug a granary in the inner city, and stored 300,000 kilograms of mutant corn again.

Jiang Shan looked at Zhao Yin excitedly, not expecting him to take the initiative to give mutant crops.

And he gave 300,000 at a time!

"Boss, this is your base. If you are tired outside, please feel free to go home!"

Jiang Shan bowed deeply to Zhao Yin, and even changed his address.

Zhao Yin didn't care about hundreds of thousands of crops. He just wanted to spend money to buy peace of mind.

After all, he was the one who threw the pot!

After storing the food, Zhao Yin simply exchanged a few words with Jiang Shan.

Then he released Lao Niu, took Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao, and sat in the beast-carrying golden house.

After leaving the base, the breeze blew into the beast-carrying golden house along the door curtain, and Zhao Yin relaxed.

After running around for many days, even though he had a C-level physique, he felt tired.

"Zhao Yin, where are we going next?" Song Xiaodao knelt beside Zhao Yin and imitated Ning Yue, gently kneading his legs for him.

Ning Yue was on the other side, and Zhao Yin's head rested on her snowy legs.

Zhao Yin slowly closed his eyes, enjoying the two girls' light fingers, gently kneading his body.

He took out a bottle of wine and took a big gulp: "Let's go to Xincheng!"

This is already the territory of Zhongzhou, not far from Xincheng.

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