Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 287: Extraordinary Food without Grade

"Of course!" Zhao Yin nodded.

He had never thought that a mechanical life that didn't eat food could actually make extraordinary food.


Winnie walked forward slowly, trying to lift the iron pot, but her strength was only 1, and she couldn't move it at all.

"Leave it to me, just tell me the method." Zhao Yin rolled up his sleeves and lifted the big pot.

"Master, those who don't need water, pour it all out, just leave the amethyst powder." Winnie said.

Zhao Yin slowly poured the water out of the pot, leaving only the amethyst powder sediment at the bottom of the pot.

"Then what?"

"Then... then..."

Winnie frowned and fell into thought.

Zhao Yin could feel that she seemed to have some memory of making extraordinary food, but it was very vague.

She only remembered that she didn't need to add water?

At this time, Winnie spoke again: "Master, you need to melt the purple crystal first, but it requires a very high temperature."

"How high?"

"I... I don't know either." Winnie shook her head.

Zhao Yin pondered for a moment and took out a handful of C-level corpse crystals.

The flames produced by C-level corpse crystals can even melt SS-level extraordinary metals. He felt that it should be feasible!

Next, Zhao Yin stuffed the corpse crystals into the fuel tank of the furnace, and a hot flame rose instantly.

Then Zhao Yin slowly adjusted the flame temperature from small to large, and slowly, the powder in the pot began to melt.

Soon all the powder formed a small pool of purple liquid at the bottom of the pot, shining brightly.

It's feasible!

"Winnie, what should I do next?" Zhao Yin asked expectantly.

"Master... I... I don't know either." Winnie began to shake her head again.

Zhao Yin knew that she only had a little mental power, and it was not easy to remember these things. He patiently said gently: "Think about it again, don't worry!"

Winnie was stunned and didn't speak again for a long time.

In fact, she wanted to try it before, but she only had a vague impression.

"Master, I... I really can't remember."

Zhao Yin felt a sense of guilt rising in Winnie's heart, and the expectation was immediately shattered.

He sighed in his heart and could only fall into blind groping again.

Zhao Yin took out the mutant crops and threw them into the pot. In the blink of an eye, they were scorched by the terrible temperature, and a burst of black smoke came out of the pot.

The temperature of the melted amethyst was too high, even higher than the temperature of iron slurry!

The mutant crops could not coexist with it!

Zhao Yin vaguely felt that the method of making extraordinary food was to integrate the melted amethyst into the mutant crops.

He extracted the remaining corpse crystals in the fuel tank and wanted to try to lower the temperature of the amethyst liquid.

However, within a few minutes, before the temperature dropped much, the amethyst liquid quickly solidified and formed a complete amethyst...


It was like an unsolvable situation.

Zhao Yin couldn't help but look back at Winnie, wondering if she had gone in the wrong direction.

But Winnie's emotions were clearly firm. There was a step to melt the amethyst to make extraordinary food!

"How can the amethyst liquid not burn the mutant crops?"

Zhao Yin thought for a long time, and then filled the corpse crystal into the fuel tank again. The flames of the furnace rose again, melting the amethyst again.

Then Zhao Yin took out a bottle of Nongfu Spring, opened it and poured it into the pot.

His idea was very simple. If the amethyst liquid was diluted with extraordinary drinks, would it not solidify again?

There was a bursting sound in the pot. Although the extraordinary drink was not as easy to evaporate as ordinary water, it also boiled instantly, and a large amount of water vapor rose from the pot.

Slowly, a bottle of Nongfu Spring was boiled dry by the scorching temperature.

And the amethyst liquid still did not change at all.

Zhao Yin looked at Winnie helplessly. She opened her clear eyes, looked at the amethyst liquid in the pot and swallowed her saliva, and the desire to absorb came from her heart.

"Winnie, how do you absorb extraordinary energy?" Zhao Yin asked suddenly.

"Master, we absorb extraordinary energy, just like you eat, the body of mechanical life will automatically absorb it." Winnie said softly.

"Then can we release the absorbed energy again? I'm not talking about launching an attack. What I mean is to convert the energy into mutant crops." Zhao Yin asked.

Winnie was stunned: "Master, I don't know."

"Then try it."

Zhao Yin immediately removed the fuel, waited for the purple crystal liquid to solidify, and then took out some of all the crop types.

Winnie stepped forward as he said, took the solidified purple crystal in her hand, and a trace of energy instantly overflowed from the purple crystal and transferred into Winnie's body.

Soon, a purple crystal of pure energy disappeared.

Winnie's little face was flushed, as if she was trying not to let the energy she had just absorbed be converted into her own power.

Then she picked up a chestnut in one hand and a corn cob in the other.

Slowly, a trace of energy light was injected into the chestnut and corn cob.

Ten seconds later, Winnie put down the chestnuts and corn cobs, grabbed a handful of rice and crispy ear vegetables, and poured extraordinary energy into them...

At this time, Zhao Yin couldn't wait to open the Eye of Insight.

Looking at the chestnuts and corn cobs that Winnie put down.

[Extraordinary chestnuts: no grade, rich in nutrition, contains extraordinary energy, replenishes physical energy after use, long-term consumption, slowly opens the potential for life evolution]

[Extraordinary corn: no grade, rich in nutrition, contains extraordinary energy, replenishes physical energy after use, long-term consumption, slowly opens the potential for life evolution]

There are also extraordinary foods without grade?

No-grade extraordinary food, it doesn’t even have special effects!

But Zhao Yin was still very happy. After all, he came up with extraordinary food on the first day of his experiment.

In itself, asking Winnie to make extraordinary food is not the right approach.

After all, Emma said that making extraordinary food requires an extraordinary stove.

Zhao Yin was not disappointed. He tasted two kinds of extraordinary food.

Then, Zhao Yin's eyes widened.

"It actually contains amazing extraordinary energy!"

A piece of non-grade extraordinary food contains as much extraordinary energy as ten pounds of A-grade mutated beast meat!

For ordinary people, extraordinary food without special effects is just garbage!

After all, human beings absorb energy from food and develop their potential. The improvement is very slow. It will not be completed until the year of the ox and the month of the horse. By then, the day lilies will be cold. Only evolutionary medicine is the foundation of human beings.

But to Zhao Yin, this kind of extraordinary food with no grade... is of infinite value!

At this time, after Winnie injected energy into the rice and crispy greens, she stopped and looked back at Zhao Yin.

"Master, the energy is exhausted."

A piece of F-grade amethyst can only produce four pieces of extraordinary food without grade!

Zhao Yin took out five more amethysts and handed them to Winnie, then took out some of each of the steamed buns, crispy cabbage boxes, and fried dough sticks in the space ring and placed them in the pot.

Zhao Yin even took out a bottle of water to see if he could create Nongfu Spring.

"Let's continue making it!" Zhao Yin ordered.

Winnie picked up a piece of amethyst and absorbed it again...

Zhao Yin opened his eyes of insight and followed Winnie's making, making appraisals one after another.

[Steamed buns: an extraordinary type of food, without any grade, containing extraordinary energy. Long-term consumption slowly unlocks the evolutionary potential of life forms]

【fried leek dumpling……】


They are all ungraded extraordinary foods with no special effects.

Perhaps because the energy is not converted into special effects, this kind of non-grade extraordinary food has even more amazing energy than the F-grade food.

After all the food experiments were completed, there were only crispy greens, dandelions, and water. They failed to create extraordinary food and the production failed.

"Master, there are still two amethysts left."

Winnie said while holding the remaining amethyst.

Zhao Yin did not take it back, but took out another hundred F-grade amethysts and handed them all to Winnie.

Then he walked over and collected several hundred chestnuts that the corpse demon had just picked.

“Let’s make them all into extraordinary food!”

"Okay, Master."

Winnie started making again.

Zhao Yin estimated that after Winnie completes the production, each of the six real mutant beasts will be able to receive about eighty portions of non-grade extraordinary food.

It can hold up to 800 kilograms of A-grade mutated beast meat.

Eight hundred kilograms can allow mutant beasts to unlock one-third of their B-level potential!

Today, he has less than 400 F-grade amethysts left, and only one A-grade one.

Zhao Yin can only do this step for the time being.

For the rest, we still need to continue experimenting and make extraordinary food above F level.

The main significance is not how much you gain.

Rather, he wanted to discover the transcendent.

You can still get mutated beast meat and amethyst in the future, but you will need one less.

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