"Heavenly Base!" Lu Ling whispered softly.

"Creating Heaven in Hell, what a good name!" Jiang Shan said loudly.

"Brother Zhao, after the mutant crops are planted, I will ask someone to make a big flag." Lu Ling said excitedly.

"Brother Zhao, I have thought about it. The biggest weakness of the base at present is that the defense is too low. I plan to take the mutant crops to other camps today and hire evolvers and mutants to work in the base!"

"Let's go to the nearby camps to kill zombies first. One is to clear out a safe enough area, and the other is to get star crystals to improve the strength of the base!"

"Brother Zhao, Uncle Jiang also said that in the future we will build a trading market in the outer city to unite the nearby camps and attract nearby camps to move here, which will increase the defense of this area, which is equivalent to increasing our own defense."

"And Brother Zhao...!"

The two of them were like reporting. They had a lot of ideas and seemed to really regard Zhao Yin as the boss of the base.

"You guys can arrange it. I will rest in the base for a few days. If there is anything, I will take action."

After that, Zhao Yin hurried away.

He was also telling Lu Ling that in the next few days, the disobedient camps or difficult zombies nearby should be dealt with as soon as possible. When they can't deal with them, Zhao Yin will help.

It can also be regarded as clearing some obstacles for them.

Not long after Zhao Yin left, a teenager walked past Lu Ling, without even looking at them, and walked straight out of the base.

The arrogance of the teenager was extremely inconsistent with his martial arts and age.

At this moment, a kind voice came from behind the teenager: "Little brother, stay."

The teenager turned around and Jiang Shan was looking at him with a smile.

After a while!

"Is this really Boss Zhao's base?"

"More real than real gold!"

"Okay, I'll join, but there is a condition. I won't listen to anyone except Boss Zhao's orders."

"This... OK, but you can't hinder the development of the base."


Inner city.

After dinner, all the contracted beasts regained their vitality, only Lao Hei was very tired after opening up the river all day.

Zhao Yin specially rewarded Lao Hei with a piece of compressed biscuit, and then led all the people and beasts into the life space.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and pointed at the thirteen chestnut trees: "My dear grandson, picking chestnuts is up to you!"


The corpse demon immediately jumped onto a chestnut tree.

He had thick skin and flesh, and it was difficult for chestnut thorns to hurt him. The corpse demon directly used his nails to break the chestnut balls one by one, and chestnuts as big as fists fell down like raindrops...

Zhao Yin walked to the granary built earlier and pointed to a large open space.

"Lao Hei, dig another granary, and build it bigger this time!"

"Monkey, you are responsible for baking it more dry. After the corn is harvested, don't put it in a cloth bag anymore, just store it directly."

"Yes, master!"

"Bald egg, you lead the vulture group to pick all the corn cobs!"

"Other contracted beasts are all responsible for threshing. You can also step on the old cow with your feet, but don't crush the corn."

"Yes! Master!"

"Yes! Master!"


The contracted beasts responded in their hearts.

Zhao Yin finally said to the monkey: "This time, there is no need to cut the corn vines. Just burn them into ashes and fertilize the land!"

After arranging everything, all the contracted beasts immediately became busy.

Song Xiaodao and the other two girls had nothing to do, so Zhao Yin asked them to make more food and store it in the space ring in advance.

"Zhao Yin, can I go to work later?" Song Xiaodao suddenly said.

"Hmm?" Zhao Yin was puzzled.

Song Xiaodao is not usually lazy.

"I still have this one that I haven't used yet." Song Xiaodao took out a medicine bottle.

It was the talent pill that I got in the unknown world before.

I remember that I got three things in that medicine shop, a bottle of True Vision Eye Ability Potion, which Ning Yue had already used, a bottle of B-level healing potion, which was still in Zhao Yin's space ring, and this talent pill!

Zhao Yin nodded: "Go, let me see what talent you can open."

"Zhao Yin, I will never let you down!"

Song Xiaodao clenched his fist and turned to walk into a wooden house.

When the life space could not be opened, Zhao Yin swore that once he returned to the outside world, he would fill the space ring with supplies.

Next, Zhao Yin came to the drinking water pool built by the old cripple, filled all the empty buckets, and then put all the corn wine into the space ring.

Zhao Yin felt prepared, so he took out all the A-level space rings.

Fill them all with food!

Then keep the space ring close to your body.

Zhao Yin felt more at ease.

After dealing with these, he walked to the old cow and released Winnie.


As soon as the door of the beast-carrying golden house was opened, a fragrant breeze blew in.

Winnie suddenly threw herself into Zhao Yin's arms, buried her little face in his chest, and hugged his waist tightly with both hands.

She was like a child who had not seen her parents for too long, and her head arched in his arms again and again: "Master! Master...!"

Her voice was soft and sticky, calling out again and again.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and patted the shoulder of the "contracted beast": "Be good, the master will take you out to eat."

"Yes!" Winnie nodded obediently.

Zhao Yin took Winnie's little hand and took her to the chestnut tree, and took out 500 D-level corpse crystals.

Winnie immediately absorbed them happily.

She doesn't eat food, but only absorbs energy.

Zhao Yin's current corpse crystals were all obtained from the Glory Base. There are less than 100 C-level corpse crystals and less than 30,000 D-level corpse crystals. This is the only way to coax the child temporarily.

After Winnie absorbed 500 D-level corpse crystals, her life increased by another five days.

There is still no attribute bonus.

Zhao Yin shook his head and prepared to keep Winnie in the life space in the future.

Until enough corpse crystals are collected to improve her attributes.

Next, Zhao Yin took out the stove and non-stick pan, and then took out a purple crystal.

Zhao Yin prepared to try to make extraordinary food.

First, throw 30 chestnuts into the iron pot, add some water, and put in the purple crystal.

Then Zhao Yin filled the stove with 100 D-level corpse crystals, adjusted the flame temperature to the minimum, and began to cook carefully.

After a long while, the aroma of cooked chestnuts came.

Zhao Yin took the pot out to check.

[Chestnut: F-level mutant plant fruit, rich in nutrients, note: delicious after being freshened by supernatural kitchen utensils]

Ripe chestnuts that have been freshened are completely unrelated to supernatural food.

Zhao Yin reached out and searched in the pot again, and quickly took out the purple crystal, but there was no change.

He was not discouraged, as he had no idea how to make supernatural food.

Zhao Yin held the purple crystal and thought about it, then stored all the ripe chestnuts in the space ring, and threw five chestnuts, five catties of soybeans, five corn cobs, five catties of rice, and five catties of sugarcane into the pot again!

Even crispy ear vegetables and dandelions were thrown in by him.

Zhao Yin gritted his teeth and crushed the purple crystal directly.

Sure enough, as expected, the purple crystal was different from the corpse crystal and did not turn into energy and disappear.

Zhao Yin sprinkled the powder into the pot and turned on the fire again.

Twenty minutes later, the fragrance of various mutant crops came. When the pot was taken out to check, the purple crystal powder was still powder, and the mutant crops were still cooked and fresh.

Zhao Yin could only wash the purple crystal powder to the bottom of the pot with water and take out all the cooked mutant crops.

He frowned and thought about what to do next.

At this time, Winnie on the side suddenly stood up, came to Zhao Yin, and pulled the corner of his clothes.


"Do you want to absorb the purple crystal powder?" Zhao Yin turned around and asked.

Winnie shook her head and pointed at the iron pot, with a trace of confusion in her clear big eyes.

"Master, I... I seem to remember something."

"You mean, remember how to make extraordinary food?" Zhao Yin was shocked.

Winnie nodded: "Can I... try it?"

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