Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 283 Good people take the blame

Lu Ling is here!

She led Jiang Shan slowly through the kneeling crowd and came to Zhao Yin.

"Brother Zhao, what happened?" Lu Ling asked.

Zhao Yin's eyes lit up when he saw the two of them.

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He said enthusiastically: "Chief Lu, you haven't had breakfast yet, come on, come on, please come inside!"

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with having a few more good people like Lu Ling and Jiang Shan in the apocalypse.

At this moment, even Lu Ling's already beautiful face no longer looked like a pig's head in Zhao Yin's eyes, but became more beautiful.

He generously took out the space ring containing the ingredients and told Ning Yue to cook.

"Zongzong Zhao, what happened?"

Jiang Shan turned around and stared at the 100,000 people kneeling on the ground.

"Brother Jiang, calling me ancestor is just a joke. It was just a joke before."

Zhao Yinyan said insincerely and patted Jiang Shan's shoulder enthusiastically: "You have worked hard all the way. Come into the tent and rest quickly."

After speaking, Zhao Yin personally led the way and led Lu Ling and the two into the invisible tent.

Lu Ling felt flattered.

Zhao Yin's enthusiasm today made her suddenly unable to tell which side of him was him.

Faintly, she felt something was wrong, but she couldn't explain why.

The three of them sat down in the tent, and Zhao Yin took out some raw chestnuts and three bottles of corn wine.

Without saying a word, he filled up a big cup for Jiangshan.

"Ahaha...!" Jiang Shan's face suddenly blossomed with joy.

At this moment, the old drunkard didn't want to think about anything else.

"Brother Zhao, are you getting rich?" Lu Ling asked with a smile.

"Kill Luo Guanghui and make a little fortune." Zhao Yin said with a smile.

Jiang Shan and Lu Ling vaguely understood something.

The reason why Zhao Yin is in a good mood today may be because he made a fortune from dead people!

So both of them were relieved!

"Brother Zhao, it's a pity that we arrived late and couldn't help you kill those bastards together." Lu Ling said apologetically.

"Not too late, just right." Zhao Yin said with a smile.

Jiang Shan was already gagged by the wine glass. After drinking one glass, he picked up the wine bottle and filled it up, and then drank one glass after another.

Soon, Jiang Shan was drunk.

Lu Ling was left peeling chestnuts slowly, peeking at Zhao Yin from time to time.

"Chief Lu, I would like to ask you to do a small favor."

Zhao Yin raised his head and drank a glass of wine, put down the glass, and then got to the point.

"Brother Zhao, no matter what, as long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse."

"Actually, it's not a big deal."

Zhao Yin pondered some words and stared at Lu Ling with burning eyes: "Help me kill those kneeling people."

"Kill them?"

Lu Ling was shocked: "Why kill them?"

"This group of people are all young men that Luo Guanghui robbed. The key is that each of them has a skill that can survive in the apocalypse. They are the living force of the future of mankind. I can't do anything."

Zhao Yin looked serious: "So please ask Leader Lu for help."

"Brother Zhao, I... I'm afraid I can't do it."

Lu Ling suddenly became anxious: "There are a hundred thousand people, why must we kill them?"

"You know, I don't like to deal with too many people. Now that they have lost their protectors, even if they don't die, sooner or later the base will be invaded by the zombies. By then, there will be another hundred thousand zombies in the apocalypse."

"But, we can't kill them all!"

"Chief Lu, do you plan to raise them?" Zhao Yin stared into Lu Ling's eyes.

Blame! Just like that, he dumped it to Lu Ling naturally!

She immediately hesitated. With one hundred thousand people, the daily consumption was an astronomical figure.

Even if each person has half a kilogram of grain per day, 100,000 people will consume 25 tons!

This is still the most basic need of life.

The crops in Lu Ling's space ring are not enough to give these people a snack.

"Don't worry, Chief Lu. You don't need to worry about food. As far as I know, Luo Guanghui did not provide food for the survivors in the outer city. What they need is just a shelter. Even if they starve to death, Chief Lu can't be blamed." ”

At this time, Lu Ling was naive and had no idea that Zhao Yin threw a heavy cauldron onto her back and asked her to carry it.

"But since I want to protect them, how can I allow them to starve to death?" Lu Ling followed Zhao Yin's words.

Zhao Yin continued: "They have been able to survive until now and have been planting grass seeds and wild vegetables. There are also many fish in the nearby water sources."

Don't ask Zhao Yin how he knew it. The S-class space ring he got, the materials inside told him everything.

"Let's do this. Since Leader Lu wants to save them, I will sponsor you with some supplies."

"I also have 300 cubic meters of grass seeds, dried wild vegetables and dried mushrooms here... which can be sponsored to the road leader."

"You can also ask Lao Hei to divert a river into the city for you. Not only will you have a water source, but you will also have fish."

"If that doesn't work, I'll sponsor another batch of mutant crops!"

Zhao Yin has no shortage of mutant crops. Now the two hundred thousand corn plants in the space ring are mature.

In fact, Zhao Yin also had his own ideas when investing in this base.

If Lu Ling really develops this camp in the future, it will be a big help to him.

What he paid was essentially dispensable, but it was to leave a way for himself.

"Brother Zhao, I'm still worried about not being able to manage such a big base."

Lu Ling was already moved.

Some people are born with a sense of mission.

There is no doubt that Lu Ling and Jiang Shan are such people, which is why Zhao Yin passed the blame to them.

"It doesn't matter, people will always grow, I believe in you." Zhao Yin looked like a scumbag in a Korean drama.

Lu Ling's face suddenly turned red with embarrassment, and she was speechless: "Okay, I promise you Brother Zhao, but I...I still have a condition."

"Conditions?" Zhao Yin suddenly frowned: "Tell me about it."

"I am now alone, with only Uncle Jiang around me. I want to borrow from Brother Zhao...!"

Before Lu Ling could finish speaking, Zhao Yin's face darkened and she refused directly.

"I don't know how to borrow people, I don't know how to borrow mutant beasts, and thirdly I don't know how to borrow extraordinary food, medicine, and equipment, not much!"

"Brother Zhao, you misunderstood! I just want to borrow Brother Zhao's reputation!"

"If people know that Brother Zhao, an SSS-level superpower, is the master of the base, I think those evolvers and superpowers will be more willing to join the base."

Lu Ling had already guessed that Zhao Yin was an SSS-level superpower.

She changed the subject and said, "With Brother Zhao here, no matter how far the base develops in the future, internal members should also think carefully about any bad intentions they may have."

"The base will never cause you any trouble. At the same time, as long as Brother Zhao needs it, this base will always be yours and will be at your disposal at any time!"

Lu Ling said sincerely.

She just wants to save people and give the base the ability to survive.

As for who the base belongs to, Lu Ling doesn't care.

What's more, if Zhao Yin really wants this base, he can naturally follow him and make nothing but losses!

As for Zhao Yin, he doesn't care about reputation anyway.

It doesn't matter if she borrows this tiger skin.

So the two hit it off immediately!

It's just a pity that Jiang Shan was drunk by Zhao Yin in advance!

If he was still sober, he would definitely be able to see Zhao Yin's eagerness to throw the blame away. In fact, Lu Ling could take the opportunity to ask for more supplies from Zhao Yin.

"That's it." Zhao Yin nodded.

After the meal, Zhao Yin and Lu Ling got up impatiently at the same time.

Zhao Yin was deeply afraid that Jiang Shan would wake up and ruin his affairs.

He immediately set out to ask Lao Hei and Monkey to build a granary in the inner city to store the grain Luo Guanghui had saved and the 100,000 kilograms of mutated corn.

Then he ordered Lao Hei to dig a river to divert the water...

As for Lu Ling, she was already trying to comfort the 100,000 survivors kneeling there.

After Zhao Yin arranged everything, he entered the life space and took out the bottle of SSS-level super potion.

This is the second SSS-level power he has obtained. Zhao Yin can only rest assured if he activates it as soon as possible.

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