Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 284 Changes in the 100,000-meter Life Space

Zhao Yin sat under the chestnut tree, looking at the potion in the bottle that was emitting a bloody glow.

He opened it directly and drank it with his head tilted back.

Just like the last time he took the Contract Soul potion, the SSS-level supernatural potion would not bring any pain to people.

On the contrary, Zhao Yin only felt a warmth rising slowly in his abdomen.

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Then it spread to his limbs and bones, and the whole person seemed to be immersed in warm water.

Slowly, a wave of sleepiness came over him, and Zhao Yin fell asleep...

When he woke up, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Yin got up from under the chestnut tree and felt full of energy.

This kind of energy is not energetic, but vigorous vitality, which is many times more powerful than before.

Zhao Yin took out a butterfly knife, cut his finger, and felt a slight stinging pain.

Before the blood flowed out of the wound, it healed quickly.

"No need to activate the superpower deliberately. Once injured, the superpower will take effect automatically."

Zhao Yin had an epiphany, and then he took out a butterfly knife, with a ruthless look in his eyes.

He held the knife in his right hand and stabbed his left hand directly!


The cold blade directly pierced his palm.

In the severe pain, Zhao Yin pulled out the butterfly knife expressionlessly. This time, he saw it clearly.

As soon as the blood flowed out of the wound, the flesh and blood healed at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, the wound disappeared!

There was no fluctuation of superpowers.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Yin was excited: "SSS-level superpowers, each one is so powerful!"

He had a feeling that even if he cut off his hand with a knife, it would grow out in an instant.

It seemed that this kind of "minor injury" could not make the self-healing superpower play a real effect.

"That is to say, from this moment on, no matter what level I grow to, I will no longer need healing potions."

The higher the level of the healing potion, the harder it is to get it from the star crystal.

When the evolver reaches a certain level, the effect of low-level healing potions will gradually weaken, and they can only be forced to use high-level healing potions.

In the previous life, many superpowers who grew to A-level or above could only bear the injuries.

That level of healing potion may not be available even with corpse crystals.

In the end of the world, being injured means you will die at any time...

He is not short of combat power!

The contracted soul will gradually increase its combat power as the number of contracted beasts increases.

But he is still too weak and is most afraid of being beheaded!

Now with "self-healing", safety has increased several times.

It took him a long time to calm down.

Next, Zhao Yin walked towards the space boundary wall.

He took out all the equipment in the space ring.

Below C-level, from F-level to D-level, Zhao Yin selected a few pieces for each level, and threw the rest into the boundary wall.


The space suddenly shook!

The area of ​​the space expanded wildly at an unprecedented speed.

This time, the vibration did not stop until an hour later.

The diameter of the space increased from the original 10,985 meters to 105,000 meters!

It directly broke through the 100,000-meter mark!

The area where Zhao Yin planted corn originally looked like a small oasis in the wasteland, occupying only a small piece in the center of the entire space.

Large areas were barren.

At this moment, the air in the entire space seemed to have become fresher, and it was already able to catch up with the outside world.

Zhao Yin took a deep breath of air and felt much more comfortable.

The breeze in the air was also more obvious.

Even the light in the space became much brighter, like the cloudy sky outside.

Zhao Yin looked up at the sky. The boundary wall was very high, and it looked like a real sky.

Faintly, he saw a bright spot in the boundary wall above his head...

Zhao Yin suddenly widened his eyes: "A star?"

How is it possible?

The two female corpse demons said that the life space he got was different from the ordinary life space.

This is the core fragment of a world!

"Could it really grow into a complete world in the future?"

Zhao Yin was shocked.

I didn't expect that the nonsense he had before would become a reality!

There was a star in the sky, no mistake.

Is it another planet?

Or is it just a simulated phantom of the life space?

Zhao Yin felt his head buzzing.

He couldn't calm down, it was too crazy!

Zhao Yin finally understood why the two female corpse demons would go to great lengths to snatch his pendant.

He had thought about growing into a world before, but he didn't have a complete concept.

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly panicked.

If he met those two corpse demons again, or beings of the same level as them, they would definitely kill him at all costs, and he might not have the luck he had last time.

Zhao Yin thought that he might die because of this, and his eyes slowly turned red.

He gritted his teeth, took out a butterfly knife again, unbuttoned his clothes, and directly cut his chest.

The skin and flesh rolled up instantly, and a large amount of bright red blood flowed.

Zhao Yin's face was hideous. Before the wound healed, he pulled horizontally and completely lifted a piece of skin and flesh, then quickly took off the space pendant and stuffed it into the skin and flesh.

At this moment, it was as if thousands of steel needles pierced his skin and flesh at the same time, and the severe pain came. Zhao Yin's forehead was covered with sweat, and he smoothed the wound with one hand.

Then, the self-healing ability took effect automatically, and the wound healed in the blink of an eye.

No trace was left!

The skin on Zhao Yin's chest became white and tender again.

Zhao Yin vaguely felt the outline of the pendant through the skin.

"It should be invisible!"

Zhao Yin still did not recover from the severe pain, and murmured hoarsely: "At least, they won't be able to perceive it so directly!"

He secretly made up his mind that things in the life space would never be easily exposed again.

After doing everything, Zhao Yin stared at the cornfield.

Huge corn cobs, the corn husks were all yellow.

Zhao Yin pulled one off to check, and even the corn kernels were naturally dried.

The last batch of corn, one plant produced about 250 kilograms.

And this batch, perhaps because of the upgrade of the life space, is fuller than the previous batch.

Each plant can produce about 300 kilograms.

A full 200,000 plants can harvest 60 million kilograms, so terrifying!

All the chestnuts are ripe. Thirteen chestnut trees can produce 15,000 kilograms each, so thirteen trees can produce 195,000 kilograms!

In the pond, the black fish surfaced, and its two fish eyes stared at Zhao Yin.

It was the least favored contracted beast.

Since Zhao Yin contracted it, it has never even looked at it.

So the black fish is always quiet.

It doesn't dare to disturb its master.

This time, Zhao Yin finally paid attention to it.

"If you are hungry, you can eat the crispy ear vegetables on the shore. Eat as much as you want, but don't hurt the roots."

Anyway, the rebirth characteristics of the crispy ear vegetables will grow a batch every day.

There are too many dried vegetables piled up under the chestnut tree, and Zhao Yin is too lazy to let people pick them now.

"Thank you, master!"

The black fish's IQ is not high, and it can't even flatter.

Zhao Yin looked down on it more and more.

So Zhao Yin simply ignored it and walked directly to the silver fruit tree.

The three silver fruits have already matured.

Zhao Yin picked more than a hundred silver leaves and three silver fruits and put them into the space ring.

Next, he left the life space.

He was going to call back the beasts to harvest chestnuts and corn, and then plant all the seeds obtained from the forbidden land.

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