Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 282 One Hundred Thousand Lives


Zhou Dandan immediately crawled towards Zhou Lili.

"Did I let you move?"

Zhao Yin raised his foot and kicked Zhou Dandan on the back.

Zhou Dandan immediately fell out.

The two women were lying on the ground, with pain on their faces, obviously seriously injured.

But they all knew that if Zhao Yin really wanted to kill them, he only needed one finger.

"Master!" Zhou Lili didn't bother to wipe the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth, and quickly got up and knelt down.


Zhou Dandan also knelt aside sobbing.

"You almost killed Wang Xiaolei!" Zhao Yin looked at the two women and said word by word.

Zhou Lili lowered her head, looking ready to be beaten or scolded.

"I've known for a long time that keeping you here will cause trouble in the future, but I've always needed manpower, so I've been putting it off until now."

Zhao Yin's voice was cold, and he continued: "You secretly eat animal meat. In your opinion, it is a trivial matter, but you broke my rules and almost killed me!"

"Master, we don't dare anymore!" Zhou Lili said with tears.

"Don't you dare anymore?"

Zhao Yin stepped forward slowly and grabbed Zhou Lili's snow-white slender neck, directly lifting her up.

"Pah!" Zhao Yin slapped him again.

Five clear slap marks appeared on Zhou Lili's snowy face.

Zhao Yin said in a deep voice: "Do you think there will be a next time?"

Zhou Lili had already burst into tears.

Zhao Yin lifted her into the air with one hand: "You should be lucky that Wang Xiaolei is fine, otherwise, I will peel off your skin and cramp with my own hands!"

"Master...Master, I was wrong, please kill me!" Zhou Lili closed her eyes: "I just ask Master to let my sister go, she is innocent, everything is my doctrine, wuwu...!"

Zhao Yin's fingers exerted slight force, and there was a bone cracking sound on Zhou Lili's neck...

"Boss, please let Sister Li go!" Wang Xiaolei on the side suddenly knelt down and hugged Zhao Yin's legs with both hands.

"You still want to plead for her?" Zhao Yin suppressed his anger.

Wang Xiaolei raised her little head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Boss, after you left, we quickly ran out of food. They ate animal meat secretly and were too hungry!"

"We can't keep these two women!" Zhao Yin stared into Wang Xiaolei's eyes and said.

Zhou Lili has too many thoughts, and Zhou Dandan is her biological sister. The two sisters wear the same pair of pants.

If Wang Xiaolei hadn't just escaped from death, Zhao Yin would have overturned him with a slap.

"Boss, Xiaolei doesn't want to see them die. Please, boss, give them another chance!"

"Boss, Xiaolei is willing to accompany them to redeem their sins, don't... don't kill them...!"

At this moment, Wang Xiaolei actually had the shadow of the old cripple on his body.

Zhao Yin suddenly understood Wang Xiaolei.

After all, people are emotional creatures. Because Wang Xiaolei's status was similar to that of two female slaves, they have already established a deep relationship with each other.

At least, Wang Xiaolei thinks so!

Zhao Yin slowly let go of his hand and said in a cold voice: "Get out of here, don't let me see you again!"

"Master?" Zhou Lili fell to the ground, trembling all over.

They had previously thought that they might be severely beaten by Zhao Yin after meeting him.

Or they might be stripped naked and hung up like last time. They even thought that Zhao Yin would kill them!

But they couldn't imagine that Zhao Yin actually wanted to drive them away.

Once upon a time, Zhou Lili had imagined countless times that one day she would be able to leave Zhao Yin's side.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt as if her world had suddenly become empty.

Zhou Dandan, who had always been introverted, also burst into tears as he looked at Zhao Yin and begged.

"Master, we don't dare to do it anymore. My sister and I will listen to you from now on, okay?"

Both sisters thought of the safety and peace in the living space, and that although Zhao Yin was cold, he never lacked food and clothing for them.

She also thought of the scene in the Glory Base, where those beautiful female slaves were used as maggot food after being spoiled...

At this time, Zhao Yin turned around coldly,

Never look at them again.

"All the contracted beasts, transport the corpses out of the city, and the monkeys will be cremated!"

"Ning Yue, Song Xiaodao, and Wang Xiaolei, you are going to cook. We will rest here for two days." Zhao Yin ordered.

All men and beasts immediately sprang into action.

After staying in the dark and unknown world for too long, Zhao Yin could feel that the contracted beasts were all longing for the sunshine of the outside world.

So Zhao Yin planned to let them stay here and bask in the sun.

Soon, all the corpses were collected together, and Lao Hei used his ability to escape from the earth and took them all out of the city.

After the little monkey got angry...

Outside the city, billowing smoke rose.

Around the entire Glory Base, one hundred thousand survivors were all looking at the fire at this moment.

What was burned was Boss Luo, what was burned was the group of normally aloof superpowers and evolvers...

In the end of the world, no one can survive alone, no matter who they are, they may die at any time.

After Lao Hei came back, he turned over all the soil in the inner city and buried all the blood stains deep into the ground.

After Zhao Yin released the stealth tent, he then took out two tons of mutated beast meat.

Soon, smoke rose in the inner city, accompanied by bursts of meaty aroma.

It was a hellish scene before, but now it's a happy one.

The food is twice as much as usual.

All the contracted beasts were so full of food that those who didn't know would think they were about to give birth.

Zhao Yin was also drunk.

Then he, Ning Yue, Song Xiaodao, and Wang Xiaolei squeezed into a quilt in the invisible tent and fell asleep.


It was dawn, and the shaking of the earth woke up Zhao Yin who was sleeping soundly.

He reached out to touch, Ning Yue was sleeping on his left side, Wang Xiaolei was sleeping on his right side, and Song Xiaodao was lying on top of him.

The three girls surrounded him.

The whole world was filled with the fragrance coming from the girls.

Zhao Yin pushed Song Xiaodao off his body and threw him on Ning Yue who was standing beside him.

"Oh, what is so heavy?" Ning Yue screamed immediately.

Song Xiaodao was also startled and woke up at the same time as Ning Yue.

They both heard the sound of the earth shaking immediately.

"What happened?" Ning Yue asked.

Zhao Yin had already rushed out of the invisible tent.

At this moment, all the contracted beasts gathered outside the invisible tent, looking vigilantly at the direction of the inner city gate.

Zhao Yin looked along the wall that the old cow had knocked down yesterday, and saw a dark crowd coming towards this side.

There were about 100,000 people, both men and women, densely packed!

Most of them were young and strong, all of them were half-dressed and skinny.

Their footsteps gathered together to form a sound wave, and Zhao Yin was awakened by the footsteps before.

These people were all survivors from the periphery. There were too many people, and they looked amazing.


Zhao Yin's face slowly darkened, and he shouted: "One more step forward, I will slaughter all of you!"

He used the power of the Evolver, and the voice rolled out.

Tens of thousands of survivors all stopped.

The whole world was quiet in an instant.

Dirty faces all looked at Zhao Yin.

Their eyes were dull and terrified.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Yin asked loudly.


100,000 people suddenly knelt down in unison, shouting in unison: "Please take us in, boss!"

The huge sound waves were like a tidal wave, shaking the earth!

Zhao Yin looked at the 100,000 people kneeling in front of him, and was suddenly dumbfounded.

100,000 people occupied the entire central city, all in a neat posture, kneeling deeply, burying their faces in the ground.

They were densely packed, like countless ants, and like grass!

The dirty heads and skinny backs seemed to fall down at the wind.

But their number was so large, so shocking!

Aren't they just ants?

In the end of the world, ordinary survivors can only drift around with the wind, scatter in all directions, and die at any time.

Zhao Yin understood what they meant. After the death of Luo Guanghui and others, the base lost protection.

Those evolvers exploited them and treated them like pigs and dogs.

But without those evolvers, what they will face next is zombies and the extremely terrifying end of the world!

They were kneeling here, just begging for their lives!

"Get out of here!" Zhao Yin shouted loudly.

He couldn't save these people, and whether they were dead or alive, what did it have to do with him, Zhao Yin?

Everyone heard this, but their heads drooped even lower.

"Please take us in, boss. We are willing to work like cows and horses!"

"Please take us in..."


Many women knelt there and cried.

Soon, the crying became one.


Zhao Yin raised his hand, and thunder struck in front of the crowd.

"If you don't leave, you will die!"

Nearly 100,000 people were all trembling, but no one was willing to stand up.

They were trembling all over, fearing that Zhao Yin would kill people, but they all knew that if they left, they would not be able to survive.

"Please take us in, boss!"

The shouts still resounded over the base and slowly echoed.

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt helpless.

He had killed people, and killed a lot of them.

But Zhao Yin couldn't bring himself to kill a group of unarmed people who had no ill will towards him.

A hundred thousand people, a hundred thousand lives!

No matter who it was, it would take great courage to kill a hundred thousand people.

Just then, two figures walked outside the gate of the base.

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