The boy was about 13 or 14 years old and looked very immature.

Zhao Yin nodded: "You can take it now."

The boy's eyes flashed with joy, and he directly put the five bags of corn into the space ring.

"Boss, I will lead the way for you now!"

Zhao Yin was not afraid that he would take the crops and not do anything.

This boy was braver than everyone else, so Zhao Yin couldn't help but take a second look.

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[Human male, D-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 95, agility 98, physical strength 100, spirit 50, life countdown: 159963 days]

Although he has some courage, he is only a D-level evolver.

Evolvers without superpowers, no matter how courageous they are, are destined to be drowned in the torrent of the end of the world.

Zhao Yin immediately lost interest in the boy, waved his hand, and all the mutant beasts immediately gathered here.

The team slowly started and followed the boy out of the camp.

"Uncle Jiang, Brother Zhao has found the murderer. Should we follow him?" Lu Ling said hesitantly.

Zhao Yin didn't even say hello before leaving, indicating that he didn't want to take them with him.

Jiang Shan said: "Let's go and take a look. After all, this matter is related to us."

Lu Ling bit her lip. She had never been so shameless in front of anyone.

But in the end, she still followed Jiang Shan and walked forward with her head down.

But not long after walking, she suddenly saw Zhao Yin put all the contracted beasts into the life space, leaving only Xiaobai and Laohei.

Then she saw that he grabbed the boy's collar and threw him directly on Laohei's back.

The two contracted beasts ran forward at full speed.

They were so fast that Lu Ling and Jiang Shan couldn't catch up with them even if they tried their best.

"Brother Zhao!" Lu Ling shouted loudly behind him.

But Zhao Yin, who always had amazing hearing, didn't hear it at all.

"He must have done it on purpose!" Lu Ling stamped her feet in anger.

"Maybe he doesn't know we are following him." Jiang Shan found an excuse for Zhao Yin.

"Uncle Jiang, what should we do? Should we continue to chase?" Lu Ling asked.

"Let's find someone to lead the way. They all say that Boss Luo is unfathomable. I'm worried that Zhao Yin will suffer." Jiang Shan said.

"What can he suffer..." Lu Ling paused for a moment, then nodded: "Let's go, find someone to lead the way."


"Finally got rid of that stupid woman!" A faint smile appeared on Zhao Yin's lips.

"Boss, you seem to have forgotten Leader Lu and the others." Wang Xiaolei didn't know what Zhao Yin was thinking.

In the little girl's opinion, Lu Ling and Jiang Shan are both good people.

Around Wang Xiaolei, whether it's Captain Wang and Xie Jinsan, or the old cripple and Zhao Dehai, they are all that kind of people.

So she doesn't think that Lu Ling and Jiang Shan's blind kindness is stupid.

"Really?" Zhao Yin seemed to realize this problem and rubbed Wang Xiaolei's hair: "Leader Lu and the others still have many people to save, so don't bother them."

Wang Xiaolei was a little reluctant, after all, it was Lu Ling and Jiang Shan who saved her life.

But the boss was unwilling to slow down, so she couldn't say anything more.

Lao Hei carried the boy on his back and led the way. At this moment, the boy's eyes were also full of excitement.

He had never ridden such a majestic mutant beast, and the speed was frightening. At this moment, the boy had a guess in his mind, do these mutant beasts also have superpowers?

If so, it would be possible for Zhao Yin to go to Luo Guanghui for trouble.

Thinking of Luo Guanghui, the boy's eyes were boiling with murderous intent!

His father was the leader of the largest camp nearby and an A-level wind-type superpower.

It was Luo Guanghui who led people to destroy the camp and robbed the women and supplies in the camp. The boy saw with his own eyes that his father was killed by Luo Guanghui...

"Luo Guanghui, are you ready? I'm bringing people to find you!" The boy roared in his heart.

As Xiaobai and Lao Hei rushed all the way, Zhao Yin gradually left the Qinzhou territory and entered the Central Plains.


Three hundred miles away, there is a stone city covering an area of ​​nearly 20 square kilometers!

On the top of the city, there is a big flag embroidered with four characters: Glorious Base!

There are nearly 100,000 human survivors here. At dusk, the crowds are bustling, but they still cannot get rid of the dark color of the end of the world.

In the small stone city, three areas are divided, and they are separated by stone walls, as if forming three different worlds.

In the outermost area, the stone houses are leaky everywhere, and many roofs don’t even have ceilings. The largest population in the city lives here, that is, the lowest ordinary survivors.

In the middle area, there are 1,300 evolvers, the strongest of whom are peak C-level, and the weakest are ordinary D-level.

The stone houses in the inner city are tall and solid, and the streets are clean and tidy. Boss Luo and thirteen superpowers, as well as their "family members" live there.

At this moment, outside the strongest and largest stone house in the city, in front of a pool covering an area of ​​500 square meters.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes grabbed a handful of grass seeds that ordinary people would have to work hard to eat, and threw them into the water.

Suddenly, a group of live fish jumped out of the water and snatched up all the food in an instant.

The man smiled and said to the person behind him: "Look, they are just like us. If they want to eat enough, they can only go and snatch. Starving others to death or starving themselves to death, even fish know how to choose."

Behind him was a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, fair-skinned, also wearing a slim suit, with his leather shoes polished to a shine, and a high-quality male hairstyle.

"Dad, you're right."

At this moment, a yellow croaker suddenly jumped out of the pond, reaching a length of five meters. It suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed most of the fish that were fighting for food, and then sank into the water.

The man laughed again.

"What did I say? Once you stand at a certain height, you don't need to fight for food anymore, because no matter how they fight, they will eventually become the food on your plate!"

The boy also laughed: "Dad, let's eat this mutant fish tonight!"

"No, I have raised this fish for more than a month, and it has just broken through the F level. Wait a little longer, wait until it is promoted to the D level before killing it and eating its meat."

The man threw away the remaining grass seeds in his hand, clapped his hands, and walked into the stone house.

In the house, someone was already waiting, a burly middle-aged man.

"Boss, Wang Hong and the others are back!" The middle-aged man said respectfully.

Luo Guanghui asked slowly, "Did you bring back the crops?"

"The rumors are wrong. The crops in the forbidden area have been plundered in advance. Wang Hong just snatched some sorghum from several other camps. It may have come from the woman surnamed Lu." The middle-aged man said.

"I told her not to touch the seeds. Let them plant them, and then we will harvest them, right?" Luo Guanghui sighed.

"Wang Hong said that she also snatched more than ten tons of mutant beast meat and two stunning women this time."

"More than ten...tons?"

Luo Guanghui was finally moved: "Did you hear it right?"

"It is indeed more than ten tons. I just checked it, but Wang Hong will let you, the boss, review it before allowing me to put it in the inventory." The middle-aged man was also very excited.

"Ask Wang Hong in." Luo Guanghui said loudly.


Wang Hong rushed for two days and finally returned to the camp in the evening of that day.

She was still followed by the dozen or so confidants of the evolutionists.

At this time, Wang Hong received the order and immediately smiled.

She brought Zhou Lili and her sister, and Zhao Yin's mutant beast meat, and walked into Boss Luo's stone house.

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