
The crowd immediately became excited.

"Who dared to rob the boss's property and female slaves? How brave!"

"You dare to touch a tiger's butt. They want to die, so why bother us?"

"He was robbed because he failed to protect his property. What does it have to do with us?"

"I don't want to die... Whoever did this must stand up and admit it!"


No one cared about what Lu Ling said before.

At this time, Zhao Yin's words made everyone nervous.

"Is this the majesty of the strong?"

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Lu Ling seemed to have found her shortcomings.

She finally understood why her camp ended up like that.

"If you have strength, you should have the majesty you deserve. Otherwise, what's the difference between you and the weak?" Jiang Shan said.

Most of the three minutes given by Zhao Yin passed quickly.

Among the mutated beasts around, several big rats were already baring their teeth. They were always feeling the anger and killing intent of their masters, and they resisted the urge to start killing immediately.

As time went by, no one came forward to admit it, and no one provided clues.

Soon, two minutes passed and the time began to count down.

Many people were emotionally shattered.

"What does other people's robbery have to do with us? Why should we find clues for you?"

A middle-aged evolver spoke and looked directly at Zhao Yin.

Someone set the pace, and people immediately joined in.

"They won't tell us if they are robbing us. Will we die if we don't hand it over?"

"Although it's the end of the world, if you offend so many of our camps at once, you won't end up well. Have you really thought about it?"

"Yes, we have so many camps, he must not dare to offend them all!"

Gradually, the voice of resistance became stronger and stronger!

Everyone already understood that no one would stand up.

There will be no clues.

Instead of waiting to be killed, it is better to stand up and resist. Maybe the other party will let you go after knowing the seriousness.


Zhao Yin raised his hand slightly, and a bolt of thunder struck down.

Falling directly into the crowd, the few evolvers who clamored the loudest were immediately hacked to pieces.

Even the blood and bones were carbonized.

There was a cracking sound, and then they fell down one by one and turned into a pile of ashes.

They fought together for a few hundred kilograms of mutated crops. Zhao Yin killed several of them without feeling any burden.

In a world full of zombies, these people still have the courage to travel hundreds of miles to forbidden areas to seize mutant crops. None of them are simple characters, and most of their hands are stained with human blood.

After the thunder, the whole place fell into deathly silence again!

Threats and killing are completely different things.

Only then did everyone realize that not only was Zhao Yin really capable of killing, but he was also capable of killing people without any scruples!

Both Lu Ling and Jiang Shan's eyes widened.

They didn't expect that Zhao Yin actually meant it.

"There are ten seconds left, no more waiting, kill!" Zhao Yin ordered calmly.

The contracted beasts rushed towards the crowd instantly.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "No, please spare my life, I know who did it!"

Zhao Yin immediately raised his hand to stop the contracted beasts from charging forward.

That was a young man, with a thin build, just a D-level evolver.

He knelt on his knees, moved forward, and came under Xiao Bai: "Brother, don't kill me, I know who it is!"

Zhao Yin vaguely remembered that this man was shouting before, but at this time, he was as docile as a dog.

"Why didn't you say it before?"

"I...I don't dare to say it, and I don't have any evidence. I'm afraid that if I say it, not only will I die, but my camp will also be buried with it."

"Why do you dare to say it now?"

"I'm afraid I'm going to die now."

The young man's attitude was very good. Zhao Yin nodded with satisfaction: "Say it, I will protect you from death!"

When he said this, Zhao Yin scanned the entire crowd and found that the expressions of several people had changed.

Obviously they know something just like the young people.

"I feel that it must be Boss Luo's people, because all the campers who come here know that this is Miss Lu's territory. Although we have never met Miss Lu, we have all heard of her name. She is a powerful Combat superpower!"

The young man continued: "Even if there is robbery in an ordinary camp, they would only dare to rob outsiders near the forbidden area. They would never dare to rob outsiders in Miss Lu's territory. Only Boss Luo...!"

"Who is Boss Luo?" Zhao Yin interrupted the young man.

"His name is Luo Guanghui. Rumor has it that he is the leader of the largest camp within a radius of 500 miles. He has nearly 100,000 people under his command. He is also a very powerful superpower!" the young man said with a trembling voice.

When all the evolvers heard the name Luo Guanghui, fear showed on their faces.

At this time, Wang Xiaolei tugged on Zhao Yin's clothes: "Boss, when I was stabbed, that bad woman called their leader boss."

Zhao Yin's eyes narrowed, it was probably him!

Looking back at Lu Ling, the latter shook her head, indicating that she did not know this person.

"Take me to that camp!" Zhao Yin said to the young man.

"Brother, it's better not to go, right?"

The young man quickly persuaded: "Brother, you don't know that Boss Luo has at least thousands of evolvers and dozens of superpowers under him. Although no one knows his own strength, they have never heard of him meeting an opponent."

The young man said in a trembling voice, "Brother, now it seems that he dares to make trouble in Miss Lu's territory, at least he is an S-level superpower!"

Lu Ling has been chasing super zombies all the way, and her reputation has long been spread.

Many people speculate that she is very likely to be an A-level superpower!

It's not that they dare not think about it, but A-level is already the limit of what they dare to imagine.

Similarly, Zhao Yin's mutant beast is strong!

But he didn't really make a move, so in their opinion, it can't be compared with Boss Luo.

Luo Guanghui is not only strong, but also cruel and ruthless.

Hundreds of people present came from different camps, but they all heard about Luo Guanghui's cruelty.

Someone else took over and said, "Boss Luo started to plunder at the beginning of the apocalypse, but he didn't kill zombies, but attacked nearby camps."

"Supplies, women, and even evolvers, he robbed them if he could, and killed them if they didn't obey."

"People who were often taken into the camps of evolvers and supplies, the remaining people would either starve to death or be slaughtered by zombies after losing the protection of evolvers..."

Some people sighed repeatedly.

Someone else added, "It's only in the past two months that Luo Guanghui has looked down on the rags in other camps and finally stopped."

"There are evolvers from the outside world coming nearby, gathering the scattered survivors to form new camps..."


This information was told to Zhao Yin by several other evolvers!

This also explains why they would rather die than reveal the news about Boss Luo.

If they don't tell Zhao Yin, they will die!

After telling Zhao Yin, they will face Boss Luo's accountability, and they may die even more miserably!

Zhao Yin saw that the young man didn't dare to take him there, so he didn't make things difficult for him.

Zhao Yin's eyes swept over everyone and he spoke loudly.

"Whoever is willing to take me there will be rewarded with 1,000 kilograms of mutant corn!"

He waved his hand and took out five large cloth bags from his life space. With a bang, they fell in front of everyone.

In each bag, there were 200 kilograms of golden corn kernels, and some of them leaked out of the bag.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"It's really mutant corn!"

"Just asking for a guide, you'll get 1,000 kilograms of mutant corn?"

"We're fighting hard, aren't we just trying to find some mutant crops in the forbidden area?"

Many people were tempted, but when they thought about offending Boss Luo, they all hesitated.

"Don't you want any?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Boss, I'll take your job!"

Just as Zhao Yin was preparing for the next move, a teenager walked out of the crowd.

The teenager looked up and looked at Zhao Yin seriously: "Boss, after I lead the way for you, will you really give me these crops?"

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