Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 276 Waiting for Zhao Yin to come back


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Wang Hong bowed slightly, intentionally revealing the not-so-deep ravine on her chest.

Luo Guanghui pretended not to see it, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Hong, I heard that you brought back the spoils for me!"

"Boss, here are the two women I brought back."

Wang Hong deliberately kept it a secret and pushed Zhou Lili and her sister forward.

Luo Guanghui frowned, but didn't care.

But when he saw the two sisters' appearance clearly, the expression on his face froze instantly.

In the entire Guanghui base, there is no woman as beautiful as the two sisters.

Especially Zhou Lili, she is more mature and charming than Zhou Dandan, and her skin is so tender that it can drip water.

Thin waist, big breasts, fair face...

Luo Guanghui suddenly felt hot all over, and wanted to pounce on them and press them down...

He swallowed his saliva and pretended to be calm: "Yes, send them to wash and send them to my room tonight!"

Wang Hong was stunned: "Boss...!"

According to the previous rules of the camp, all the beauties snatched must be sent to the military base in Luocheng and exchanged for corpse crystals at the auction house there.

Only those that cannot be sold will be brought back and distributed to the evolvers in the base.

Luo Guanghui has always taken the overall situation into consideration and has not shown much desire for women.

I didn't expect that today, he would break the rules he set for these two women.

In fact, Wang Hong has always been fantasizing that one day she can become the hostess of the Guanghui base.

She suddenly regretted that she shouldn't bring Zhou Lili and her sister back.

"Boss, these two women can be worth a lot of money. I checked them. They are both virgins. Once they lose their virginity, they will be worthless!"

"With their looks, even if they lose their virginity, they can still sell a lot of corpse crystals."

Luo Guanghui said indifferently, his eyes never leaving Zhou Lili's chest.

"Boss, there are so many women in the camp...they...!"

Luo Guanghui interrupted Wang Hong impatiently: "Those women don't even take a bath, they are smelly, you want me to sleep with them?"

"If the boss really doesn't like them, there are also female evolvers in the camp, and...there are also superpowers." Wang Hong subconsciously lowered her head slowly.

Among the thirteen superpowers, she is the only woman, so it is considered that she has made it clear that she is willing to accompany Luo Guanghui.

Luo Guanghui glanced at Wang Hong's freckled face, and his face suddenly sank.

"Wang Hong! Don't forget your identity. Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Wang Hong trembled all over and woke up.

She knew that she was too impatient and talked too much.

"Sorry, boss, I... I said too much."

Luo Guanghui laughed again. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his smile gave people a very friendly feeling.

"Xiaohong, I know you are concerned about my health, but I can still handle such a small matter. Bring the mutant meat!"

After saying that, Luo Guanghui patted Wang Hong on the shoulder.

"Yes! Boss!"

Wang Hong quickly took out the space ring that he had snatched from Wang Xiaolei.

Luo Guanghui took it, checked it briefly, and laughed happily.

"It's actually high-level mutant meat, a real B-level mutant beast, more than ten tons!"

"Real B-level mutant meat?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

"It's the meat of two mutant beasts, one is a bird, and the other one I can't recognize, both are B-level. The entire Guanghui base can't kill such a powerful mutant beast!"

When Luo Guanghui said this, his face changed and he looked at Zhou Lili: "Where did you get these lean meats?"

"My master killed them. If you don't want to get yourself into trouble, you'd better let us go now!" Zhou Lili said with a tense face.

"What is the strength of your master?" Luo Guanghui asked vigilantly.


Zhou Lili suddenly didn't know how to describe Zhao Yin's strength.

In fact, no one has ever told them that Zhao Yin is very strong, and almost no human survivors can defeat him!

"Boss, don't listen to her bluffing. There is no stronger camp than us within a radius of 500 miles!"

Wang Hong said indifferently: "Maybe the two mutant beasts killed each other, and her master picked up the leak and scared us here!"

"It's possible!" Luo Guanghui thought about it and nodded immediately.

The Guanghui base is the overlord within a radius of 500 miles. Would it be afraid of revenge?

Zhou Lili wanted to say something else, but Wang Hong had the two sisters taken away.

"Tell all the evolvers in the camp to prepare a banquet with 1,000 kilograms of mutant beast meat tonight. I want everyone to know that it is all Xiaohong's credit!"

Luo Guanghui continued: "In addition, in the future, the next person to get the C-level evolution potion, besides me, will be Xiaohong who will be promoted to B-level!"

"Thank you, boss!" Wang Hong was overjoyed.

The boss has always been like this. He never treats his own people with stinginess and will give credit where it is due.

This is also one of the reasons why many evolvers, although they were all plundered by him, will be loyal to him after following Boss Luo for a period of time.

Compared with the days in the outside world, the evolvers and superpowers in the Guanghui camp are simply enjoying the emperor's enjoyment here.

Not only do they have no worries about food and drink, but they can also play with ordinary survivors on the periphery at will, and decide life and death.

Any desire can be satisfied here.

Just like tonight, when Luo Guanghui got the mutant beast meat, he did not choose to eat it alone, but let everyone taste it together.


A stone house covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters was divided into small independent rooms.

The two sisters Zhou Lili were imprisoned in one of them.

"Sister, what should we do?" Zhou Dandan asked with a cry in her voice, trembling all over.

Zhou Lili's hair was messy, and she looked decadent compared to before she was captured.

There is not even a window here, the light is dim, and the air is filled with the smell of feces and urine that has not been cleaned for many years.

A woman's cry could be faintly heard next door. It was obvious that not only the two sisters were imprisoned here, but also other women captured from outside.

At this moment, Zhou Lili regretted that she should not have secretly eaten that pot of mutated beast meat.

She bitterly hugged her sister into her arms and weakly comforted her: "No matter where we are, aren't we still other people's slave girls?"

"But, I feel that the owner of this camp is different from our boss." Zhou Dandan's eyes were still full of fear.

"What's the difference? It's just that the food is worse and the clothes are worse...!"

Zhou Lili wanted to comfort her sister, but suddenly she felt retching, and the smell in the air was too strong.

With a clang, the door made of meteorite iron was pushed open from the outside, and a horse-faced woman walked in.

She put down a broken plastic basin and a piece of rag in her hand, and shouted in a cold voice: "Wash it clean. If the boss smells the smell later, I will break your legs!"

The horse-faced woman was also dirty, and her status in the camp was obviously not high.

Zhou Dandan and Zhou Lili both turned pale. They had heard what Luo Guanghui said earlier.

Both sisters knew what they were going through tonight.

After the horse-faced woman closed the door, Zhou Dandan immediately started crying.

"Sister, I...I don't want to accompany that disgusting man. Sister, please kill me!"

Zhou Lili's heart hurt, and when she thought of Luo Guanghui's appearance, she felt sick in her heart.

"Don't worry Dandan, as long as Zhao Yin comes back, he will definitely come here to save us."

“But there are so many people in this camp, will the boss come for us?”

"They killed Xiaolei, Zhao Yin will definitely come!" Zhou Lili said with certainty.

Although Zhao Yin usually seemed cold and ruthless, Zhou Lili could not forget how sad Zhao Yin looked when the old cripple died.

"Sister, don't you think Xiaolei was killed by us?" Zhou Dandan's voice was full of guilt.

Zhou Lili was stunned for a moment.

This is the truth she dares not mention or face!

Wang Xiaolei, that silly girl was killed by her!

At this moment, in this dark cage, Zhou Lili had never regretted something like she did today.

It turns out that the smartness I always thought I had was actually a kind of stupidity!

Zhou Lili gritted her teeth and said: "As long as Zhao Yin can take me out of here, even if he wants to kill me, I will admit it!"

"But what if the boss hasn't come back yet?"

"Then let's clean up, serve the leader here, and wait for Zhao Yin to arrive!"

Zhou Lili said: "Even if I die, I want to see Xiaolei's murderer die in the hands of Zhao Yin!"

Although Wang Xiaolei supervises the two sisters, she takes good care of them on weekdays.

It is difficult for a woman like Zhou Lili to have many true friends.

In this desolate apocalypse, Wang Xiaolei is her friend.

She didn't expect that her greed would actually kill her!

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