Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 273 Zhao Yin's Dominance

The forbidden area is not far from the camp and we arrived quickly.

At this time, there was no more zombies here, and the poisonous fog had long since dissipated.

When Zhao Yin left, the vegetation here, which was more lush than the outside world, had long been trampled clean, like a swarm of locusts flying over, leaving a mess.

The huge skull in the distance still stands there. It is a deserted place and no one goes there.

After more than a month of searching, not even a single valuable wild vegetable was left in the forbidden area.

But at this moment, there are still people staying here, and there are quite a few of them, hundreds of people are overwhelmed by the crowd.

Zhao Yin was a few kilometers away, and the sounds of fighting could be heard in the distance.

It seemed that the group of people got into a melee for some unknown reason.

"Chief Lu!" Zhao Yin finally took the initiative to speak to Lu Ling.

"Brother Zhao, is something wrong?" Lu Ling turned back and looked at him doubtfully.

Zhao Yin pointed in the direction where he heard the sound: "Everyone is over there."


Lu Ling quickly pulled up Jiangshan, turned around and hurried away.

Both she and Jiang Shan knew that Zhao Yin was not simple, and they were not surprised that he could hear the sound in advance.

Soon, they saw three to four hundred people fighting in a mess, with no clear distinction between camps. Everyone was carrying weapons and killing indiscriminately.

I don’t know how long they have been fighting here. There are already more than thirty corpses piled on the ground, and blood is everywhere.

Someone's intestines were leaking out, so they quickly stuffed them back with their hands, grabbed their belly with one hand, and inserted the butterfly knife into the other person's back...

Someone had a leg cut off, but he didn't bother to bandage it and continued to fight...

It's not how brave they are, but it's that at this time, if anyone stops, they will die immediately.

Zhao Yin saw at a glance that there was a short mutated sorghum plant in the center of the crowd, with only two to three hundred kilograms of sorghum grains hanging on it.

Vaguely, he remembered that he had seen this sorghum tree the last time he came to the forbidden area.

However, it was not mature at that time and the output was not much, so Zhao Yin was too lazy to transplant it into the life space.

Obviously these people are fighting for this sorghum!

Lu Ling was shocked on the spot: " could they kill each other like this for so many mutated crops?"

Jiang Shan shouted loudly: "Stop everyone, don't kill!"

However, no one bit them.

Some people even rushed directly with their swords and slashed at Jiangshan with one strike.

Jiang Shan frowned and kicked the man away: "Idiot, Cao Nima!"

Lu Ling looked at this scene in shock.

In the camp they managed before, everyone supported each other and faced the crisis in the apocalypse together. Everyone was as close as brothers.

Jiang Shan had told Lu Ling a lot about the dark side of human nature, but he had never faced it so straightforwardly.

She couldn't accept it for a while.

"Don't kill anyone!"

Lu Ling rushed to the two young men who were fighting, grabbed one of them by the collar, and threw him out.

The man was thrown to the ground, and Lu Ling stood between them and shouted: "Stop!"

However, poof!

The man she threw away was decapitated by an evolver behind him before he could get up from the ground.

Blood splashed all over Lu Ling's face.

Lu Ling was stunned.

She knows that zombies can kill people, very cruel!

She also knows that people after the apocalypse will become selfish, and survivors will kill people for profit...

But I never thought that people would kill people without any scruples!

Zhao Yin looked down at Lu Ling, who was in a daze, with a flash of sarcasm in his eyes.

A good person living in the apocalypse is already a joke. A good person who still fantasizes about living before the apocalypse is even stupider than a pig head!

"Don't kill, don't kill!" Lu Ling yelled like crazy.

Still no one liked her.

Just then... Roar!

Suddenly, a huge shadow blocked the sunlight above the head.

Lu Ling shuddered and turned around suddenly, only to see a huge monkey, more than ten meters tall, appearing in front of the crowd.

The whole world suddenly became quiet.

The people who were still fighting before all stopped and looked nervously at the terrifying beast.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin waved his hand again, and all the contracted beasts were summoned by him.

"Surround this place. If anyone dares to move, we will tear him apart!" Zhao Yin ordered coldly.

Ho ho ho!

All the contracted beasts felt Zhao Yin's murderous intention, and they dispersed with murderous intent, quickly surrounding the crowd.

They were all ready to attack, with bloodthirsty eyes, waiting for Zhao Yin's order to immediately step forward to kill.

At this moment, everyone trembled.

Even the few superpowers in the crowd were trembling all over and could hardly even lift their weapons.

Any mutant beast gives them the feeling that they are invincible and unable to compete!

Zhao Yin glanced at Lu Ling coldly.

The latter's face instantly turned red and he realized that sometimes force is the best way to solve problems.

"Chief Lu, interrogate me!"

Zhao Yin said indifferently: "I want to find Xiaolei's murderer as soon as possible, don't waste too much of my time."

Lu Ling came back to her senses and her eyes fell on a person with supernatural powers.

At this time, Zhao Yin also looked over.

[Human male, power awakener, C-level evolver, evolution level 100/76: strength 245, agility 210, stamina 230, spirit 105, awakened talent: B-level power, life countdown: 279963 days]

The other party was a middle-aged man with blood on his face. He was a very ordinary superpower!

"Is it Miss Lu?"

The middle-aged man also recognized Lu Ling at this time, and hurriedly forced a smile and walked over quickly.

"Miss Lu, it's me, Wang Shuangxi, you visited our camp half a month ago."

As the middle-aged man's words fell, another superpower around him immediately looked gloomy.

He belonged to a camp farther away, and came here after the news of the collapse of the forbidden land spread, and he had not seen Lu Ling.

Obviously, Lu Ling and that terrible man were on the same side, and Wang Shuangxi had embraced the other's thigh!

But he didn't dare to make any rash moves, and could only wait for the next fate.

"Chief Wang, how long has your camp been here?" Lu Ling asked.

Wang Shuangxi's face flushed immediately, after all, someone sent mutant crop seeds to him, and then he came to steal the house.

But since Lu Ling asked, he couldn't avoid it.

"Half a month ago, Miss Lu left our camp. I heard that many camps had people coming to this forbidden land, so I followed to see."

"Then do you know who has robbed fifteen kilometers southeast of the forbidden land recently?" Lu Ling asked directly.


Wang Shuangxi shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. If someone else did this, they would definitely not spread it around."

Lu Ling was disappointed and said loudly to everyone.

"Who knows? I have a big reward!"

For a long while, no one spoke.

Lu Ling turned around and looked at Zhao Yin embarrassedly: "Brother Zhao, it's different from what I imagined. Many people here are strangers. I haven't been to their camps."

In other words, the people who attacked Wang Xiaolei may not be the camps she has been to.

It may also be because of the news that she released the forbidden area.

"Brother Zhao, let's go and ask slowly."

"How long will it take?"

"If I ride your mutant beast, it will take about ten days to ask all the camps." Lu Ling said.

"Ten days?"

Zhao Yin's face was gloomy, and he found that even asking this woman to help him ask questions was a mistake.

"Too long, I will kill people today, you retreat."

Lu Ling didn't know what he was going to do, but he still obediently retreated with Jiang Shan.

Zhao Yin urged Xiao Bai to step forward, his eyes coldly sweeping over everyone present.

"Someone has taken away my property and my slave girl. Everyone present is a suspect. I only give you three minutes to hand over my things or useful clues."

One of Zhao Yin's hands was still gently stroking Wang Xiaolei's hair, and his voice was indifferent: "After three minutes, if I don't have any results, you all must... die!"

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