Wang Xiaolei was placed on a shabby wooden bed, covered with a down jacket with exposed feathers, and the blood stained the yellowing sheets.

She was still bleeding, and her chest was rising and falling weakly.

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"Brother Zhao!"

Lu Ling and Lu Ling were surprised at first, and then they recognized Zhao Yin.

Just when Jiang Shan was about to say something, Zhao Yin strode forward and held Wang Xiaolei in his arms.

He opened her clothes to reveal her stabbed abdomen.

Zhao Yin's body couldn't help but tremble.

How many knives are there?

Zhao Yin couldn't imagine what the other party was thinking when he stabbed Wang Xiaolei so many times despite being able to kill Wang Xiaolei with one knife!

A bottle of D-level healing potion appeared in Zhao Yin's hand. When he opened the bottle cap, a faint fluorescent light suddenly escaped.

He poured it directly into Wang Xiaolei's mouth.

The next moment, the wound on Wang Xiaolei's body stopped bleeding and healed visibly...

A few minutes later, the little girl opened her eyes in Zhao Yin's arms.

Zhao Yin took out another piece of sandwich bread, broke it into pieces, and put it in Wang Xiaolei's mouth.

Wang Xiaolei was stunned: "Boss...!"

The little girl felt like she was in a dream. When she opened her eyes, she saw Zhao Yin.

Soon, she reacted and immediately wanted to get up cautiously.

Zhao Yin still held her in his arms, restrained her forcibly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't move, you have lost too much blood and need to be replenished."

Wang Xiaolei was flattered and opened her mouth, and then Zhao Yin fed the sandwich bread into her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin took out another bottle of Nongfu Spring and poured the food down for her.

His movements were very gentle, as if he was afraid that if he moved too much, he would hurt the girl in his arms.

Wang Xiaolei suddenly felt a sore nose. Ever since she was a child, only her father had been so kind to her.

"Old...boss, I'm fine, Zhou Lili and the others...!"

"Don't worry, let's finish this piece of bread before we talk." Zhao Yin said with burning eyes.

After rescuing Wang Xiaolei, he felt relieved.

No matter who it is, Zhao Yin will not let go of anyone who has hurt him.

After feeding Wang Xiaolei Nongfu Spring and sandwich bread, Zhao Yin let her go.

He stood up and looked at Lu Ling and the two of them: "Two leaders, I, Zhao Yin, have recorded this love!"

"Zhao...Zongzong Zhao, you don't know that all our sandwich bread has been used up. We have saved it for a long time...but it is all worth it. At least we delayed it until you came back." Jiang Shan immediately licked his face and said .

His dedication was straightforward and his intention to take credit was obvious.

Lu Ling glared at Jiang Shan and whispered to Zhao Yin: "Brother Zhao, we are useless. We can't even get out a bottle of healing potion."

Zhao Yin took out fifty pieces of sandwich bread and piled them on the broken wooden cabinet beside the bed: "I will take care of the sandwich bread that Xiaolei ate."

"Brother Zhao...!"

Lu Ling wanted to say something, but Zhao Yin waved his hand and looked at Wang Xiaolei: "What happened?"

Wang Xiaolei told everything that happened after Zhao Yin left.

She finally said: "It was Zhou Lili and the others who made their own decisions and cooked your mutated beast meat, boss, attracting peepers!"

At this time, Wang Xiaolei had figured out what was going on.

Zhao Yin's face turned gloomy upon hearing this.

Zhou Lili was too minded, so Zhao Yin always marginalized the two sisters.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xiaolei was almost killed because of her.

"Why are there so many human survivors nearby?" Zhao Yin looked at Lu Ling again.

Lu Ling said before that there are no survivor camps nearby.

"I'm sorry, Brother Zhao, it's me...!"

Lu Ling lowered her head and said hesitantly: "I accidentally leaked the news about the collapse of the forbidden area."

She also briefly talked about delivering crop seeds to the survivor camp.

Hearing this, Zhao Yin couldn't say a word for a long time.

Is she a pig?

I already knew that this woman had no brains, but I didn't know that she could be so stupid.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to activate SS-level combat abilities, anything she did would have been enough to kill her in the apocalypse.

Jiang Shan just sighed and did not blame Lu Ling for this incident.

In fact, when Lu Ling sent the seeds, Jiang Shan also supported it. From a certain perspective, he and Lu Ling were the same people.

It's just that he knows the dangers of people's hearts, but he can't stop his desire to save people.

In Jiang Shan's view, Lu Ling's strength is enough to protect herself, and she only needs to pay some seeds. Although she may have saved bad people, she can also save good people.

I just didn't expect it, so Wang Xiaolei was harmed.

"Brother Zhao, since Xiaolei is fine, I will rescue your two subordinates!" Lu Ling suddenly said loudly.

"No need!"

Zhao Yin said with a gloomy face: "The road leader only needs to tell you where the camp is, and I will solve the rest myself."


Lu Ling's momentum suddenly weakened: "We only found out about this last night and haven't had time to check it out yet. However, I remember the specific locations of the camps where I sent seeds and can find them one by one."

Zhao Yin suddenly wanted to slap this woman to death.

"Then please trouble the leader of the road and take me to find each camp one by one." Zhao Yin frowned and said word by word.

Lu Ling nodded, and Jiang Shan simply cleaned up, and they left the camp.

Lu Ling decided to go directly to the forbidden area.

"Brother Zhao, there are still many people looking for crops in the forbidden area. Let's go ask them first."

Zhao Yin nodded with a gloomy face and didn't want to say a word.

At this moment, he only wanted to kill people, including Lu Ling in front of him.

Lu Ling and Jiang Shan saw the murderous intent in Zhao Yin's eyes, and they felt a chill on their backs.

It was the first time for them to see Zhao Yin like this.

The two did not dare to delay at all and rushed forward at full speed.

Zhao Yin rode on Xiao Bai, holding Wang Xiaolei in his arms, like coaxing a child, raising his hand to touch her head from time to time.

Sometimes, losing and regaining will make people care more.

This is what Zhao Yin did at this time.

"Old... Boss, take me back to my life space!" Wang Xiaolei's little face had already turned red.

The boss, who was usually cold, suddenly became so gentle, and it was difficult for her to get used to it for a while.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you again." Zhao Yin said seriously.

He just thought that Wang Xiaolei was afraid of those people.

So, he hugged Wang Xiaolei tighter.

Wang Xiaolei's nose suddenly felt sore when she heard this.

She couldn't remember how long it had been since someone said such words to her.

A sense of security she had never had before spread in her heart.

At this moment, she suddenly felt like she was back to her childhood, acting like a spoiled child in her father's arms.

So, Wang Xiaolei also imitated Song Xiaodao's usual behavior and leaned gently on Zhao Yin's chest.

She found that the boss was not disgusted, and the little girl couldn't help but smile.

The midday sun sprinkled on Wang Xiaolei, and she only hoped that this moment could stay longer.

The longer the better!

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