As the picture collapsed and disappeared, Emma slumped on the ground. At this moment, her already empty world was completely empty.

"Uuwu...Duke, you won't blame me, right?"

Emma sobbed and said: "I'm going to die. Without me in this world, you will definitely become the real zombie king...!"

"The situation of mankind is too difficult, and we cannot have more enemies like you...!"

"Uuwu...Duke, my Duke..."

Emma sat there and cried for a long, long time.

Zhao Yin did not dare to step forward to disturb him, for fear that this old woman, who had been widowed for thousands of years, would turn around and slap him.

"Duke, now that you're gone, I can go on my way with peace of mind."

Emma wiped away her tears and finally stood up: "I have more than a hundred days left in my life. I want to do something for you at the end."

After speaking, Emma began to sort out her tattered clothes, her hands trembling all the time.

Finally, she gathered her silver hair behind her head, then slowly turned around and looked at Zhao Yin.

"Grandma!" Zhao Yin immediately licked his face.

All the contracted beasts behind him, sensing their master's intentions, stuck out their tongues and pretended to please him.

At this time, Emma is not imprisoned by chains, and a single superpower can destroy Zhao Yin.

Does he dare not to lick it?

Emma nodded, seeming to regain her previous appearance.

"Little guy, I'll take you back. Is there anything else you want to say to me?"

Zhao Yin was shocked and finally waited for these words.

Cautiously asked: "Grandma, since are going to be gone, are there any treasures that you can't use?"

Emma was stunned for a moment, and then she understood something, and her face darkened: "Who said I was going to die? I still have to fight for Duke and humanity!"

Zhao Yin felt that the old guy was just a miser.

"Grandma, you are brave, fearless and wealthy. How could I reach out and ask for your equipment to kill enemies? However, if you keep the equipment that you don't need, you should keep it. Why don't you let me take it away and continue to shine for you!"

Zhao Yin said with a serious face: "Grandma is so kind and kind, Zhao Yin is willing to Pi Yanzi... No, I will set up memorial tablets for you and Mr. Duke in the future, and I will burn incense and kowtow in front of your two elders' memorial tablets every day."

After hearing this, Emma seemed to finally be moved.

Most old people like to make plans for their afterlife, and Emma is no exception.

There is no one left in her world. Even if they set up graves for herself and Duke in advance, no one will come to pay homage.

She raised her hand and a bottle of potion appeared in her hand.

"This is a treasure given to me by Duke. There were originally three bottles. I drank two of them back then. They didn't taste very good. I gave you an advantage!"

Zhao Yin did not dare to check the properties of the potion on the spot. He lowered his head and stretched out his hands respectfully.

"Zhao Yin thanked grandma!" he said loudly.

Emma put the medicine bottle in his hand and sighed: "I don't have much time left, go ahead!"

What else does Zhao Yin want to say...

The next moment, the whole ship suddenly shook!

A bright golden light swept over the ship, instantly covering Zhao Yin's team.

Zhao Yin felt that the world was spinning for a while, and then he put his feet on the ground.

The sky in front of me is blue, the sun is shining, and the breeze is blowing...

The vegetation everywhere is full of the desolation of autumn. The end of the world has entered late autumn.

"Finally back!" Song Xiaodao happily hugged Zhao Yin's arm and rubbed her small breasts against him.



Roar! Roar! Roar!

All the contracted beasts were so excited that they howled loudly.

The monkeys were running around happily, circling Zhao Yin.

Xiaobai stuck out his big tail and turned his ears back. He ran away without a trace in a swish, then ran back again in a swish, bringing up a strong wind and causing the grass blades to fly around.

Even the old cow, who had always been steady and mature, was lying on the ground and rolling. When his back was on the ground, the beast's golden house lifted its body high, then fell, lifted it again, and fell again...

Lao Hei was lying on the ground with his legs in the air, exposing a big black stick, basking in the sun...

Zhao Yin didn't care about these guys having fun, and immediately opened his eyes of insight and looked at the potion in his hand.

[Talent and superpower potion: SSS level, type recovery high-level superpower potion, after taking it, the hidden talent and superpower of the evolver's bloodline will be opened: self-healing]

Zhao Yin was immediately stunned.

His first reaction was not surprise, but he remembered Emma's words: There were originally three bottles, but I drank two of them, and they didn't taste very good!

Damn it!

I have an epic husband who drinks SSS-level supernatural potions as drinks?

Zhao Yin suddenly understood why Emma would wither for thousands of years after Duke became the zombie queen.

She is guarding her own money tree!

This is a genuine SSS-level treasure, not a remnant like a city gate.

What's more, it's a more precious superpower potion!

Zhao Yin took a long time to calm down and turned his eyes to look around.

There was a wasteland in front of him, and for a moment, he couldn't tell the exact location.

"I don’t know what happened to Wang Xiaolei and the two female slaves."

For a month and a half in the unknown space, he had no time to think about this matter.

If you stay away for too long, a lot of things will happen in the apocalypse.

The strongest among the three of them is Wang Xiaolei, who is only a D-level evolver.

Zhao Yin did not go to eat and rest immediately, but recalled all the contracted beasts, except Xiao Bai, and brought everyone, beasts, and corpse demons into the life space.

Then he rode on Xiaobai and slowly flew into the sky to check the direction.

Soon, Zhao Yin found that Emma was also very kind, and the place where he sent it back was not far from the forbidden area.

This was a section of the road he had walked, about 20 kilometers away from Wang Xiaolei and the others.

A few minutes later, Xiaobai flew to the destination.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhao Yin's heart skipped a beat.

Wang Xiaolei and the two female slaves were gone, and the place was in a mess. The overturned iron pot destroyed the temporary hut...

At this moment, he remembered the scene when the old cripple knelt in front of him!

"Boss, let Xiaolei follow you in the future, just give her some food scraps...!"

At this moment, Zhao Yin's eyes were red and bloodshot.

Wang Xiaolei's presence in the team was not strong, but after the death of the old cripple, she really became his person.

In this desolate apocalypse, there were not many people he cared about.

Zhao Yin immediately went down to check and soon found that it was not the zombies who did it. The overturned iron pot was originally filled with broth, but it was eaten by someone...

Then, Zhao Yin saw the trace left by someone...

He rode Xiaobai all the way forward.

After a while, Zhao Yin saw a pool of blood.

The blood had long dried up, and there was a military boot next to it.

The style of the Indian country was very small, and among the three people, only Wang Xiaolei could wear it!

"It's Wang Xiaolei, she's dead?"

Zhao Yin felt guilty.

If it were two female slaves, he wouldn't care, but Wang Xiaolei...

No, the blood was spreading far away.

That direction was the camp of Lu Ling and the others...Zhao Yin immediately thought of a possibility.

He rode Xiaobai again: "Go to that camp!"

Xiaobai felt the anxiety in his master's heart, and his super speed ability was activated, and he rushed forward in an instant.

From a distance, Zhao Yin heard the voices in the camp.

"All the healing breads have been used up, but she still can't be saved, alas!" It was Jiangshan's sigh.

"If Brother Zhao comes back and knows that we didn't save his child, will he hate us?" Lu Ling said disappointedly.

"We have tried our best. He doesn't hate us. But with that kid's petty temperament, he will definitely be disappointed in us." Jiang Shan said.

"Uncle Jiang, you stay here to take care of the child. I'll go kill zombies and find star crystals to see if I can make some more sandwiches."

"Boss, you have killed all the zombies nearby. It's too late. Besides, this girl can only hold on for a few more minutes. She will be gone before you find the zombies."

"Is there really no way?"


Xiaobai rushed into the camp directly. Wang Xiaolei was not dead yet. Zhao Yin's heart finally relaxed a little.

He jumped off Xiaobai, and his figure flashed, and he rushed into the stone house where the two were talking.

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