As Emma came, the head of the zombie king... which should be the human epic Duke, suddenly began to disintegrate.

Starting from his hair, it turned into dots of fluorescent light and slowly dissipated in the air.


He! He tried hard to make the last sound of his life.

As Emma came, an invisible wall instantly pushed Zhao Yin and the little monkey dozens of meters away.

Zhao Yin was shocked. He had never seen such a superpower before and felt that he could not compete at all.

This superpower was not emitted by Emma, ​​but from Duke's head.

In other words, even if Duke only had one head left, it would still be easy for him to kill Zhao Yin.

But he didn't do that!

At this moment, Zhao Yin finally understood something.

Why was the zombie king so calm when he first saw him? Why did it expose the length of the chain when it knew his plan?

Why did the head of the zombie king become human again after his death?

All because he was a human being, an epic hero infected with the zombie virus.

Duke was too strong. Even after turning into a zombie king, he still retained a trace of consciousness.

His cruelty was the nature of the zombie king. His sobriety was the remaining rationality of mankind!

He was intentionally seeking death!

Emma came to the head, fell to the ground, opened her arms, and wanted to hug the head.

She closed her eyes, tears in the corners of her eyes, and a smile on the corners of her mouth, as if she was hugging a loved one.

It was just a pity that suddenly, Duke's head suddenly burst open.

It turned into light spots all over the sky, slowly gathering and dispersing in the air.

Emma's hands were empty, and she let out a shrill and sad roar: "Duke!"

She looked up and looked at the light spots that the head turned into, gradually forming a series of scrolls...

I don't know how many of them there were, like the synthesis of animations, jumping quickly...

Zhao Yin and others looked at this scene in shock.

In the scroll, no sound could be heard, but it seemed like the lifelong memories of the man called Duke by Emma.

The first scene showed a boy who looked 80% similar to Duke.

He was wearing animal skins, carrying a bow and arrow and a steel knife, and followed a middle-aged man to the mountains to hunt.

They killed wild wolves, wild boars, bears, tigers...

The boy was burly, extremely agile, and had amazing strength. The middle-aged man next to him was far inferior to him.

As the scene changed, a girl appeared in front of the boy. She looked to be about 14 or 15 years old, wearing a green floral dress and had a very beautiful face.

The boy made a pendant out of the tiger tooth he had plucked out and gave it to the girl. The two of them secretly decided to spend their lives together in the mountains and forests...

The scene changes, the boy becomes a young man and marries his beloved girl. As the scene changes, they spend day after day, year after year together...

Until that day, a meteor shower breaks out...

The middle-aged man who took the boy hunting before appears in the scene again, but at this time, he has become a zombie...

The boy kills the middle-aged zombie with tears in his eyes...

From then on, he and his wife fought all the way, and there was no peaceful day.

They continued to accumulate corpse crystals and star crystals in the apocalypse and gradually grew up.

His wife, under deliberate cultivation, became a strong man.

Gradually, behind him, there was a large army fighting against the endless zombies...

There were scenes of them celebrating, scenes of him killing the zombie king, and scenes of him leading humans to try to grow mutant crops in the apocalypse...

Until one day, he opened a bottle of superpower potion and mastered the space power!

As the boy entered middle age, he stood at the pinnacle of the end of the world.

Finally one day, he said goodbye to his wife.

The boy left his world for a long time, and when he returned, he brought back unimaginable extraordinary materials... This world rose again because of him.

Humans finally defeated the zombies and rebuilt this boundless world.

However, the boy came back less and less, and the gifts he brought to his wife every time he came back were increasing.

There were various superpower potions, evolution potions, golden corpse crystals, and various extraordinary equipment.

Zhao Yin saw that one of the chains was emitting bright fluorescent light... That was his gift to his wife!

With the support of these resources, his wife gradually became a powerful person!

Until that day, the boy came back, but his face was very bad.

Then, in the picture, the zombie virus broke out again in this world.

This time the virus level was more terrible than the previous one.

Even human evolutionists turned directly into zombies, and years of cultivation and recuperation were destroyed in an instant.

In the end, only a few strong people remained.

When the boy appeared again, he became a zombie king, and he fought with his wife.

In the picture, the wife's hair turned white. She was no match for her husband and was defeated by him.

However, when the zombie king was about to kill his wife, he suddenly woke up. He looked at the world he had built and destroyed with his own hands, and shed tears.

He broke the sword in his hand and knelt in front of his wife.

In the picture, there were survivors gathered around the boy, but...

But they no longer had the respect they had before, and some only had ridicule and humiliation, so that later, someone directly attacked the boy... Then it was like igniting explosives, and everyone attacked the boy together.

The boy knelt there, motionless.

The sky was full of supernatural powers, colorful and dazzling, as if he was covered with divine light, just like when he reached the top.

Every supernatural power fell on him, and the power was terrifying, but the boy was too strong and never fell.

Just like when he led everyone, no matter how many injuries he suffered, he could not be defeated...

The boy covered in blood did not argue, only loneliness and dead silence.

His wife did not want to see him killed after all, and argued with others. Those strong men did not care about friendship at all and directly injured his wife.

The boy finally broke out, and the corpse nature defeated the human nature again!

His eyes turned into dead fish eyes again!

He ruthlessly killed all the people who besieged his wife, and blood flowed like a river in that piece of heaven and earth...

In the following years, the young zombie king never turned into a human again. He traveled all over the world and broke through one city after another.

All the human survivors he met died.

In the picture, Zhao Yin saw the boy fighting with a strong man, and the space was broken. A warship was forcibly sucked into this world, and then stayed forever after a punch from the young zombie king...

In the end, only his wife was left in the whole world.

The boy woke up again, took out the chain given to his wife, and locked himself on a wooden boat.

His wife also chose to enter the wooden boat and locked herself at the other end...

Year after year...

Until Zhao Yin arrived and saw Emma...

At this moment, Zhao Yin finally understood that both the zombie king and Emma were imprisoned here.

Zhao Yin saw clearly that the chain that Emma locked herself with could be opened at any time, because the key was in her space ring.

But she sat with a zombie king for ten thousand years!

The most tragic character in the story in the picture is not the zombie king Duke, but Emma.

"So, you still remember it, actually... you still remember it!"

Emma raised her face, tears sliding down the corners of her eyes.

Those images gradually collapsed and dissipated, and in the end, nothing was left.

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