The previous seven explosive arrows were actually just a prelude, the purpose was to make the air-breaking arrows hit accurately!

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The zombie king's painful roar, accompanied by the sound of chains being pulled and collided, echoed in the cabin.

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It wanted to beat the little trash in front of it to death, but it couldn't get out of the imprisonment area.

The zombie king could only pound the floor angrily.

Zhao Yin was unmoved and said loudly: "Attack his injured leg!"

After the words fell, all the people and beasts with long-range abilities were excited.


The little monkey was the first to attack.

A black and red fireball spit out from its mouth and hit the zombie king's injured leg directly.

At this time, the zombie king lost his mind and punched the fireball.


The fireball exploded on the spot, and the terrible temperature instantly swept the whole body of the zombie king, including his injured leg.

Now, the little monkey's fire ability has the bonus of the first two amplification abilities, plus the effect of iced black tea, the power is several times higher than the damage of the explosive arrow!

In an instant, the smell of burnt flesh and blood on the injured leg of the zombie king emanated, and large pieces of flesh and blood were directly roasted...

Then, Ning Yue took action.

A large piece of ice mist rose up!


The freezing after the fire made a lot of burnt flesh and blood fall directly from the bones.

The next moment, countless wind blades, mixed with arrow feathers,

all fell on the injured leg!

After a crazy attack, the wound was infinitely enlarged, and the already festering flesh and blood was directly shot down.

Then, another twenty-four golden ribs flew over...

At this moment, the last layer of flesh and blood at the joint of the zombie king's injured leg was also petrified by the zombie demon.

As it exploded into gravel, the joint of the zombie king's calf was completely separated...

The zombie king roared and fell to the ground.

A large amount of blood flowed!

"Monkey, follow me!"

At this time, Zhao Yin shouted.

The butcher knife and the golden bell shield appeared in his hands again.

At this moment, the zombie king wanted to adapt to standing on one leg, and it would take time to adapt.

So, it was Zhao Yin's best opportunity to kill it.

The monkey carried two city gates and followed Zhao Yin to the left and right, rushing directly in front of the zombie king.

The huge door panel smashed down on his head.


Although this did not cause much damage, it angered the zombie king.


At this time, the zombie king also punched the city gate.

The city gate was blown away directly... At this moment, Zhao Yin went around behind the zombie king and swung the butcher knife at its neck.

Swish! Swish!

He chopped down three times in a row, but unfortunately, the dissection effect was not triggered.

At this time, the zombie king smashed the city gate and punched Zhao Yin.

The terrible fist wind tore the air and made a sonic boom!

Zhao Yin had already calculated the time, and before it swung its fist, he pulled away and retreated violently, without any lingering fight.

After the zombie king's punch missed, the remaining piece of the city gate in the monkey's hand hit the zombie king again.

At the moment when the zombie king's vision was blocked, Zhao Yin approached it again and swung the butcher knife at the back of its head.

Three more slashes, still did not trigger the dissection effect.

After three slashes, Zhao Yin pulled away and retreated violently again.


The zombie king smashed the door panel in the monkey's hand again.

Zhao Yin left the prison area and shouted, "Monkey, pick up the door panels."

The monkey stuck out its huge red butt and ran over to pick up the two city doors that were blown away.

Without Zhao Yin's command, it continued to rush towards the zombie king with its master.

It was still the same tactic!


I don't know if Zhao Yin was too lucky. After two cuts, the third cut had a dissection effect on the remaining leg of the zombie king.

Roar, roar, roar!

The zombie king's throat was broken from roaring.

However, the damn monkey slapped down another door panel.


It hit the zombie king's face directly.

The zombie king roared and waved his fists randomly.

It must be said that this trick was still very effective. Zhao Yin could not get close for a while.

He withdrew from the prison area and ordered again: "Attack its injured leg!"

Although there was no air-breaking arrow, the zombie king, who had only one leg left, could only be a living target.

All the attacks landed precisely on the wound that had been broken, and slowly, a little bit of flesh and blood was worn away.

Finally, after two hours, there was a crack.

The remaining left leg of the zombie king also separated from the body, and then, its body became more and more sluggish.

Zhao Yin and the monkey cooperated with each other and became more and more comfortable.

Soon, poof!

Another dissection effect was achieved.

This time, the position of the broken defense was the shoulder of the zombie king.

"Attack the wound!" Zhao Yin immediately withdrew and ordered loudly.

Then, boom!

Various attacks, one after another, hit the wound on the shoulder of the zombie king...

Three hours later.


A part of the zombie king's shoulder, along with the entire arm, fell off from its body!

Black blood had already covered the floor under it!

The zombie king, who only had one arm left, had dull eyes.

He could only wave his single arm randomly.

Even his strength was reduced by half!

Zhao Yin no longer needed the monkey's cooperation. The zombie king was almost a live target at this time. Zhao Yin rushed forward and chopped fiercely.

Soon, he chopped out the dissection effect again.

This time, it was the zombie king's neck!

"Zhao Yin, let us do it!" Song Xiaodao shouted happily.

Zhao Yin ignored Song Xiaodao's words and continued to swing the knife wildly.

Twenty minutes later.


He chopped out the dissection effect again and chopped off the zombie king's head directly.

The zombie king, with only his head still alive, finally dissipated the anger in his eyes.

At this moment, the zombie king's eyes no longer looked at Zhao Yin, but looked at the chain that had locked it for ten thousand years.

The brilliant extraordinary fluorescent light also slowly dimmed, just like the zombie king's life, it was time to end.

It seemed that with the death of the zombie king's body, the chain also stopped working.

The zombie king tried hard to move his eyeballs and looked at Emma opposite again.

At this moment, a trace of sadness appeared in the eyes of the zombie king.

Zhao Yin swung the butcher knife and chopped the zombie king's head fiercely. He didn't know how many times he chopped and triggered the dissection effect several times.

Finally, poof!

Zhao Yin chopped the zombie king's skull.

The next moment, a sigh came out of the zombie king's mouth.

At the same time, Emma on the opposite side also slowly opened her eyes, and her tears flowed slowly like a spring.

At this moment, the zombie king's eyes slowly faded, as if a layer of white beautiful pupils melted, gradually revealing azure.

Those were a pair of clear eyes with endless depth...

At this moment, in Zhao Yin's insightful eyes, the information of the zombie king's head changed.

[Human head: The head of the strongest who has lived for tens of thousands of years, the epic of a certain world, is about to dissipate]

At this moment, Emma cried, and her old body slowly stood up straight.

The chains on her body fell off by themselves, and Emma took a step forward, with her hair full of silver hair, staggering over.

"Woo woo... Duke, are you back? Duke, don't die... woo woo...!"

At this moment, in front of the zombie king's head.

She was no longer the kind and majestic strong man, but more like a wounded child.

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