This zombie king seems to be different from ordinary zombie kings.

When it saw flesh, it did not descend into madness, nor did it roar like a proclamation of sovereignty.

The Zombie King just stood there calmly, looking at Zhao Yin and others calmly.


When Zhao Yin and the Zombie King looked at each other, he had an inexplicable feeling of being seen through.

"Is its intelligence comparable to that of normal humans?"

Everything about the Zombie King is too weird!

Zhao Yin stopped far away. Before starting the battle, he must find out the length of the chain that trapped him.

"You, come here and fight!" Zhao Yin said in a deep voice.

Even the Zombie King didn't care about him. He was staring at Zhao Yin like he was looking at an idiot.

Zhao Yin touched his nose, feeling as if he was being despised by a zombie.

He gritted his teeth and boom!

Ten thunderbolts as thick as buckets fell on the zombie king's head instantly.

The Zombie King remained motionless. When the strong light generated by the thunder dissipated, he was unscathed as expected.

However, the Zombie King didn't seem to have thought that its already tattered armor would become even more broken by Zhao Yin.

Its muscles are exposed, the lines are beautiful and smooth, and even its skin is full of vitality!

At this moment, if he didn't use his detection ability, if he ignored the zombie king's dead fish eyes, Zhao Yin would definitely think that it was a normal person!

Even its height is no different from ordinary people!

Zhao Yin didn't know if all the zombie kings would turn back into humans after they evolved to the extreme?

Or is it just this zombie king that is different?

He didn't have time to think too much. At this moment, the Zombie King finally moved!

After it discovered that the few clothes on its body were chopped off by Zhao Yin.


There was a sound like metal friction in its throat, and it finally took steps and walked towards this side.

Wow! Wow!

As the Zombie King moves around, the chains keep squeaking.

Zhao Yin stared at the chain nervously.

Until the Zombie King walked thirty meters away, the chains on his body slowly straightened.

Zhao Yin finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the range it can move is not large."

"Da Mao!" Zhao Yin immediately ordered.


The lion's big hair activates the gravity power, and the three-hundred-meter domain range instantly covers all the moving areas of the Zombie King!

However, the Zombie King's body did not even sway, as if he was not affected at all.

Zhao Yin had already expected it, and then ordered: "Ning Yue!"


Ning Yue had already prepared her superpower. As soon as she raised her hand, a large sheet of ice mist rose up and immediately enveloped the Zombie King.

The air was frozen, but the Zombie King's face was still rosy, and this level of ice power had little effect on him!

"Good boy!" Zhao Yin ordered again.


Twenty-four ribs with the power of petrification instantly flew out of the zombie demon's abdomen and headed straight for the zombie king.

Sparks splashed on the Zombie King's body, and orange-yellow petrified energy spread across the Zombie King's body...

However, as soon as it started to spread, it was instantly bounced away...

At this moment, the Zombie King's dead fish eyes finally showed a hint of surprise.

It seems that it is also surprised that Zhao Yin's team actually has so many control-type abilities!

The moment the Zombie King was distracted, Zhao Yin took action!

He directly activated his speed ability, and with the blessing of the ice tea effect, his body turned into an afterimage.


Zhao Yin set off a sonic boom all the way and arrived in front of the Zombie King in an instant, spilling out the Psychedelic Powder in his hand.

next moment.

Zhao Ying just wanted to retreat, but when he leaned on the golden bell shield in front of him, a terrifying force suddenly came from him.

The Zombie King's speed was too fast, with an agility of up to 4500. When Zhao Yin sprinkled the psychedelic powder, it also reacted, struck first, and punched the shield.

Immediately afterwards, the shield in Zhao Yin's hand fell off and hit his chest directly.


Just the remaining force on the shield struck, and Zhao Yin's ribs were broken no matter how many times.

His body was also knocked away.

Zhao Yin spurted out blood in the air. At this moment, two medicine bottles appeared in his hand, one containing D-level healing potion and one containing Dali Pills!

Zhao Yin endured the severe pain, stuffed two medicine bottles into his mouth, bit them open and swallowed them.

The next moment, his body turned sharply and suddenly rushed towards the Zombie King again.

At the same time, the scattered psychedelic powder also landed on the zombie king, and its eyes immediately became dull...

Although only for a second!

Zhao Yin activated his swift power, and in an instant, the butcher knife in his hand swung out an afterimage!

Zhao Yin slashed at the Zombie King's legs!

Bang bang bang...!


Within a second, Zhao Yin swung his knives continuously. Fortunately, one of the knives triggered the deplaning effect.

This knife directly cut through the skin on the Zombie King's knees and chopped into its leg bones.

The bright red blood suddenly spurted out like a normal person.


The Zombie King finally came to his senses, and with a roar, the entire cabin was shaken violently.

It was finally completely angered by Zhao Yin, and instinctively wanted to kick Zhao Yin, but suddenly its calf went weak.

At this moment, Zhao Yin took advantage of the effect of Dali Pills to still be there and slashed with a few more knives.

Completely cut off the fascia at the joints, then quickly withdraw and retreat.

When the zombie king wanted to chase, the chain behind him suddenly tightened, and his body was suddenly ejected.

At this time, Zhao Yin just escaped from its attack range.

Zhao Yin calculated everything perfectly.

If any link went wrong, he would definitely die in the hands of the zombie king.

Then, Zhao Yin stood ten meters away and turned slowly. The butcher knife and shield in his hand disappeared.

Zhao Yin's right hand was replaced with Zhuge Liannu, and a fiery red arrow appeared in his left hand.

In the roar of the zombie king, click!

The arrow was automatically loaded, and then Zhao Yin pulled the trigger with a cold face.

The fiery red arrow broke through the air!


Go straight to the zombie king's left eye.

But the arrow fired by the C-level Zhuge Liannu was still too slow in the eyes of the zombie king.

It raised its hand and caught it directly, but the next moment, boom!

The arrow exploded directly in its hand, and the rolling waves of fire instantly swept the zombie king's body.

This level of fire could not hurt the zombie king, but it made it even more furious.

Then, whoosh!

Another arrow came and went straight to its right eye.


The zombie raised his hand impatiently and slapped the arrow directly, and it exploded again in front of its eyes.

Just as it slapped it away, another arrow flew over.

The zombie king could only raise his hand to slap it again.

Another roar!

Three explosive arrows illuminated the entire cabin, and the rolling flames bloomed at a high speed, like fireworks in the dark night.

Zhao Yin seemed to be endless. He knew that the explosive arrows could not hurt the zombies, but he still kept firing.


Another arrow was fired.

The zombie king was too lazy to even shoot, and let the explosive arrows shoot at him and then explode.

Roar! Roar!

The Zombie King challenged Zhao Yin, and seemed to want to attract him.

Zhao Yin also ignored it.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

This time, Zhao Yin fired two arrows directly, and the Zombie King still let them fall on him, and then burst into flames.

Then, Zhao Yin seemed to be anxious, and finally realized that the explosive arrows could not hurt the Zombie King.

On his face, there was a strong unwillingness, and then he took out three arrows at once and shot them all out.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three arrows, divided into three routes: upper, middle and lower!

The first shot at the Zombie King's forehead, the second shot at the chest, and the third... shot at the injured knee.

The Zombie King still let the arrows fall on him. He had to let that little trash know that his defense was not what he could imagine.

The first arrow hit the forehead and exploded as before.

The second arrow hit the chest, but still did not cause any damage.

The third arrow finally arrived...

Suddenly, the Zombie King felt that this arrow was different. The sound of it breaking through the air was louder than all the previous arrows.

In the rolling flames, a trace of panic appeared in the dead fish eyes of the Zombie King. It stared at the arrow with blue fluorescence.

It was too late!


The next moment, the arrow directly penetrated into the gap between its patella, and the flesh and blood inside were directly pierced through.

Then, there was a loud bang.

The air-breaking arrow exploded directly, blasting the Zombie King's patella joint into a bloody mess...


The Zombie King let out an unprecedented roar, which shocked all the people and beasts, and their ears were buzzing.

At this moment, Zhao Yin finally smiled.

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