Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 267 How to Kill the Zombie King

"Don't worry, it's just like me. Its energy has been worn out by the years, and now only an empty shell remains."

Emma knew that Zhao Yin had the Eye of Insight, so she comforted him.

Zhao Yin stood there with his eyes wide open, and after a while, he negotiated.

"Old man, can you do something else for me?"

"I only have this one thing." Emma suddenly frowned and said ruthlessly.

Suddenly, her kindness disappeared, and her eyes revealed the majesty that should belong to her.

There was no room for negotiation on this matter.

Zhao Yin cursed in his heart, not knowing whether he should be glad that Emma thought highly of him!

The energy in her eyes was completely wiped out, but in Zhao Yin's eyes, the zombie king was still comparable to an S-level existence!

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Although the butcher knife can break the zombie king's defense, the golden bell shield can also defend against the opponent's attack.

But Zhao Yin's power is too weak.

Even if it was just the power of the zombie king hitting the golden bell shield, he couldn't withstand it!

Moreover, with the speed of the zombie king, he could completely avoid the shield and attack him directly.

The all-round defense special effect of the golden bell shield can only be released three times. What if the zombie king can't be killed after three times?

The opponent only needs to touch him once, and his life will be lost.

"Don't worry, I won't let you lose your life. It is imprisoned there, and it is difficult to walk out of a certain area, let alone use superpowers!"

Emma said slowly: "With your ability, I believe you can do it after spending some time and cost."

Zhao Yin felt that the old guy had said so much to him, just to trick him into going to die.

Can he not go?

He no longer had any illusions about Emma.

Instead of fantasizing, it is better to think about how to kill the zombie king!

A SSS-level zombie king, even if he can't use superpowers, his strength will be greatly reduced.

It is not something Zhao Yin can easily face at the moment.

It still has 5000 points of strength, 4500 points of agility, 4800 points of defense, and 850 points of spirit!

Zhao Yin's previous tactics are no longer effective.

Even if Zhao Yin lets the team consume its energy from a distance, the zombie king may not be dead by then, but his compressed biscuits will be used up.

It will take at least half a month to kill this zombie king. He is now short of food and cannot support it until that moment!

Zhao Yin began to look for his trump card.

[Red Pink Pill: Grade B, intermediate auxiliary pill, after taking it. Will fall in love with the opposite sex you see at first sight]

Zhao Yin found the first thing in the bottom of the box and gave up immediately.

The only one in the team who can barely fight the zombies is Zhao Yin himself, but he is a man, and the zombie king is also a male corpse!

[Ecstasy Powder: Grade S, advanced control drug, how to use, after sprinkling, attack the target within a radius of 30! Effect: Those with less than 1000 points of mental power will be unconscious for 1 second, those with less than 800 points of mental power will be unconscious for 3 seconds, 500 points... unconscious for 10 seconds, 200 points... unconscious for 100 seconds, 50 points... unconscious for 3600 seconds]

It can make the zombie king unconscious for one second, good stuff, maybe it can break the zombie king's defense within one second.

"It's you, you take the lead!" Zhao said darkly.

He checked in the space ring again.

[Da Li Wan: Grade A, type of extraordinary pill, effect: within ten seconds after use, the strength increases by 1000! ]

It's also a good thing, plus the basic attributes of iced black tea doubled, plus the attribute superposition of a set of equipment,

After the zombie king's defense is broken, even if the 'dissection' special effect cannot be used, it can already cause damage to it!

[Sky Breaking Arrow: Grade A, Type of Extraordinary Weapon, Attack 1200, Additional Effect: Hit the target within 300 meters, double the attack power, Note: One-time weapon, disappears after explosion]

Long-range weapons cannot add Zhao Yin's own attributes.

However, the effect of doubling the attack power within 300 meters can still make the Sky Breaking Arrow's attack power reach 2400 points!

After breaking the Zombie King's defense, aim at the wound and shoot an arrow.

It is enough to make the Zombie King more injured.

It's a pity that there is only this Sky Breaking Arrow left!

Zhao Yin looked at the Zombie King's legs.

Attack there first, break the leg, reduce the movement speed, and maybe there will be a chance.

He took out the butcher knife and the Golden Bell Shield.

[Golden Bell Shield: Grade SS, Defense 8000, Special Effect: Consume 100 points of mental power per second, release the Golden Bell phantom, and double defense in all directions! Note: Time is ruthless, energy is about to be exhausted, and it will break after releasing the Golden Bell Phantom three times]

[Butcher's Knife: Grade A, Type of Extraordinary Weapon, Sturdiness 510, Attack 600, Additional Effect: Swing Speed ​​+200, Special Effect Dissection: 0.1% Chance to Ignore Defense Below 5000 Points, Cut Open the Body of Living Beings and Pseudo-Lifeforms]

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly had confidence!

These two pieces of equipment are his greatest confidence.

He looked back at all the people and beasts behind him, as well as the Corpse Demon!

They all looked at Zhao Yin nervously.

"Monkey, I will go and kill the Zombie King later, you are responsible for assisting on the side, don't ask to hurt the enemy, just use your city gate to buy time for me!"

"Yes! Master!" The little monkey immediately took out two city gates and held them in his hands.

The defense of the city gate is stronger than the Golden Bell Shield, but the monkey has no effective means of attack.

Zhao Yin looked at the other people and the beasts and continued, "Later, I will personally take the monkey to kill the zombie king. You will be responsible for interfering with the zombie king's actions. No one is allowed to get close!" Zhao Yin ordered seriously.

As long as they are touched by the zombie king, they will die immediately!

"Zhao Yin, let me go for you. Wearing your equipment, I can also...!"

Song Xiaodao pulled the corner of Zhao Yin's clothes. Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Zhao Yin.

"You don't have speed-related abilities. You will die if you go."

Ning Yue, who wanted to say something, also shut up immediately.

Zhao Yin took out iced black tea and compressed biscuits and distributed them to the monkey, Ning Yue, Song Xiaodao, Da Mao who had domain abilities, and Bald Egg and Corpse Demon who attacked from a distance.

As for Lao Hei, Lao Niu and Xiao Bai, as well as the pseudo-mutated beasts, they could not help at all!

Zhao Yin also drank a bottle of iced black tea and stuffed a piece of compressed biscuit into his mouth.

He no longer hesitated, holding a butcher knife in one hand and a shield in the other, followed by the little monkey, and walked slowly towards the zombie king.

As Zhao Yin approached, the zombie king seemed to be slowly waking up.

At this moment, Emma, ​​who was looking at each other, slowly closed her turbid eyes.

Crash! Crash!

The thick dust on the zombie king, after thousands of years of precipitation, had already formed a hard shell, which slowly fell off with the vibration of the chain.

Soon, the true face of the zombie king was revealed.

It was a middle-aged man wearing tattered armor. Like Emma, ​​the armor on his body had long been exhausted with the years.

He looked like a completely normal person.

His face was ruddy, his facial features were tough and handsome, giving people a feeling of a gentleman sitting in the hall, righteous and awe-inspiring.

Zhao Yin did not notice that when the zombie king revealed his true face, Emma behind him, even with her eyes closed, trembled violently all over.

A line of clear tears flowed down her old face.

"Duke, I... have made a choice."


The zombie king opened his eyes, revealing a pair of dead fish-like eyes.


The chain vibrated, and it slowly stood up.

At this moment, the righteousness in him disappeared instantly, and a terrifying pressure slowly rose up, sweeping the entire cabin!

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