Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 266 The Secret of the End of the World

Emma's words revealed that she had lived in this extraordinary world for at least... fifteen thousand years!

She knows many secrets about the end of the world that Zhao Yin doesn't know.

"There are thousands of rules, mainly divided into life system, death system, space system, time system, light system, dark system, five element system, various element systems, system, spiritual system, domain system..."

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"Each line branches off into countless branches, such as this little mouse!"

The old lady suddenly raised her hand and pointed at Lao Hei, causing the chains on her body to rattle: "Its ability to escape from the ground is a branch of the earth element, and this is just a corpse demon. His stone element ability Yes, it is also a branch of the earth element!"

"For example, this cow and this little monkey, gigantism, madness, giant strength, iron armor... are all branches of the system, as well as the speed abilities of you and the mouse, lion, and white cat, and that vulture The arrow feather abilities all belong to the system!”

"The two girls' eyes of true seeing, your eye of insight and soul of contract, and the white cat's psychedelic powers are all side branches of spiritual powers..."

"In short, each type of superpower is composed of countless rules. Do you understand?"

After saying that, the old lady looked at Zhao Yin calmly and stared at the changes on his face.

"Superpowers are rules?"

Zhao Yin finally understood something.

"Yes, superpowers are the rules, and they are also the potential in everyone's body. The superpower potions we use are just to develop the potential in the body..."

Emma paused for a moment, with a hint of uncertainty in her tone: "At least, that's how I understand it!"

"But supernatural potions are too precious and cannot be made by humans. Every bottle of potion is a gift from the world!"

Zhao Yin was shocked.

Previously, I thought that the supernatural potion was also made by a strong person.

Looking at it now, it was more precious than he imagined!

"Without superpower potions, would it be possible for humans to awaken superpowers?" Zhao Yin asked.


Emma shook her head affirmatively: "At least, I haven't seen it yet."

"What is the golden star crystal?"

"When a disaster strikes, the number of supernatural potions is scarce and it is impossible to change the outcome of a world, so they created golden star crystals!"

Emma said slowly: "The rules in the golden star crystal are actually some strong people who seal their own abilities. Once someone uses them, it is equivalent to that strong person taking action himself!"

"For example, you were transported into this world. Although you were in danger, you got the legacy of this world."

"If the golden star crystal opens the wood-type rules, it will be equivalent to a strong wood-type superpower who takes action for you. Maybe... he will upgrade the plants around you into advanced mutant crops in an instant!"

"If you issue gold rules, the equipment around you may be upgraded in an instant!"

"If it is a system, you can instantly develop your level potential without the need for evolution potions..."

"A strong person who is qualified to make golden star crystals must be at least SSS level!"

The old lady seemed to have not spoken for a long time, and once she started talking, she would never stop talking.

But every word she spoke shook Zhao Yin's mind.

"Who are they?" Zhao Yin asked again.

Emma sighed, her tone suddenly sad: "We were once, just like you, suddenly one day, disaster and star crystals came to our world!"

"For a long time, we have been groping and wondering who caused the disaster and where did the star crystal come from?"

"It wasn't until later that someone in our world... mastered SSS-level space powers!"

When saying this, the old lady looked across.

That direction is exactly where the locked zombie king is!

"After he grew up, he left our world with the power of space!"

"Later he told me that in this universe, there are many worlds, many human beings, and more enemy races!"

"There are enemy tribes who want to destroy humanity, and there are people in humanity who are fighting! Some are guarding the front lines, and some are guarding the rear...!"

"Later, the man from our world also joined those people. Unfortunately, when he was able to learn more secrets, he couldn't... couldn't mention it to me again!"

After saying that, Emma slowly closed her cloudy eyes and looked at the zombie king.

"He is the hero of our world. Because of him, the world moved towards advanced and extraordinary civilization. Because of him, the world was destroyed by the enemy!"

Heroes are destined to be engraved on tombstones.

The devil will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

But Emma is still more willing to regard that person as a hero!

Although the tombstone is cold and has no glory at all.

Zhao Yin just asked casually, but he didn't expect that the old lady would actually get involved with someone.

But from the old lady's words, Zhao Yin confirmed his suspicion.

"The star crystals are made by those powerful people from other worlds who protect human beings?"

Emma nodded and slowly opened her eyes, seeming to have adjusted her mood.

"Star crystal is just a medium, a means for humans of higher extraordinary civilizations to deliver extraordinary materials to lower civilizations."

"Children, don't blame them for not directly saving you. You can't even imagine the price they paid to release the star crystals."

"He once said to me that in advanced extraordinary civilizations, humans are in a very bad situation."

Zhao Yin's heart was still heavy after hearing this.

Emma changed the subject and said: "Kid, the amethyst in your hand is a good thing."

Zhao Yin suddenly stared, she actually knew that she had obtained the amethyst!

"Don't doubt my intentions, if I want to harm you...!"

Emma is an old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years. She can see through Zhao Yin's mind at a glance.

She looked down at the chain on her body: "With it, I can't do anything."

Zhao Yin did not doubt Emma's intentions. She belonged to an advanced extraordinary civilization, so these amethysts would not be able to penetrate her eyes.

So, Zhao Yin boldly took out an F-grade amethyst: "Old man, how do you use this kind of thing?"

"Amethyst can create extraordinary equipment and produce extraordinary food."

"If you want to make extraordinary food, you need a recipe and a special stove. As for the specific recipe, I don't know!"

Emma shook her head: "I'm sorry, kid. In the past, my mission was to fight for the world, and I rarely interfered in such things. However... the stove and the pot in your hands are the stoves for making extraordinary food."

"This kind of stove cannot be made in our world. He brought it back from the outside world. Even in advanced extraordinary civilizations, it is very precious."

Stoves and pots actually have such origins!

Zhao Yin was shocked again.

It's just a pity that I can't get the recipe for extraordinary food from the old guy.

But now that he has a boiler, he can slowly conduct experiments.

"Old man, how do you make extraordinary equipment?" Zhao Yin bowed deeply to Emma and humbly asked for advice.

"Our civilization has not yet developed to the point where we can create extraordinary equipment."

Emma sighed and shook her head: "If nothing had happened to him back then, our world would not have been destroyed. Now... we might have the ability to make extraordinary equipment!"

Zhao Yin felt disappointed. With this level of civilization, he was unable to create extraordinary equipment.

You can imagine how difficult it is!

"All the extraordinary equipment in this world are also produced from star crystals."

Emma continued: "If you want to make equipment, you can only go to a higher extraordinary civilization."

When Zhao Yin heard this, he simply gave up.

"Old man, do you know how we can return to the original world?"

Zhao Yin finally asked the question he was most concerned about.

After speaking, he stared into the old lady's eyes.

Emma slowly raised her head, looked at Zhao Yin, and said slowly: "After talking to you so much, you finally asked."

"You really know?"

"I can send you back, but I need you to do something for me!"

Zhao Yin asked warily: "What does the old man want me to do?"

At this moment, a trace of hesitation suddenly appeared on Emma's face.

It seemed that she had not made up her mind, and she did not speak for a long time!

Zhao Yin was surprised. With the age and wisdom of the old man in front of him, what could be happening that could make her hesitate so much?

Zhao Yin waited patiently until half an hour later.

"Kill it for me..." Emma finally spoke, but her voice was trembling.

"Kill who?"

Zhao Yin followed Emma's gaze and immediately saw it again.

That zombie king!

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