It was a wooden boat, like a mountain, lying alone in the desert for who knows how many years.

It was dark in color, with a corrupted look. In this terrible sandstorm, this boat has actually survived until now!

Zhao Yin was shocked, looking at the hull formed by wooden boards, the bottom of the boat was buried under the red sand, and an invisible force blocked the falling yellow sand outside the hull.


[Space Boat, Grade SSS, Type Extraordinary Auxiliary Equipment, Sturdiness 50,000, Effect: Traveling in the Ten Thousand Worlds, Wandering Outside the World]

The simple introduction shocked Zhao Yin.

Another SSS-level item!

And it was a powerful space-type equipment.

In fact, all equipment items of the same level are also very different.

As long as one of the attributes of the equipment reaches a certain level, it will be judged as that level by the detection ability.

Just like the gate Zhao Yin got, although it was also SSS-level, even if it was countless years ago, it only reached the SSS-level for defending the city.

This ship is completely different. The information read did not show energy loss, and the defense was as high as 50,000 points!

Its function is too powerful, it can travel through space!

Isn't it the opportunity Zhao Yin has been looking for to go back?

"An SSS-level treasure?"

Song Xiaodao widened his eyes: "Zhao Yin, you must get it!"

The little Loli was not thinking about how to go back, but how to get the treasure.

Ning Yue was also surprised and said: "What kind of wood can be used to make SSS-level equipment?"

Zhao Yin came back to his senses: "No matter how it is made, our opportunity to go back may be this ship!"

"Go back?"

All people and beasts understood something and were all excited.

Compared with this world, it seems that the end of the world has become lovely.

"My dear grandson, go up and take a look." Zhao Yin ordered.

The corpse demon immediately spread its bone wings and approached the ship with difficulty in the strong wind.

After a while, he boarded the deck, and nothing happened!

"Master!" The corpse demon turned around and shouted loudly.

His voice was drowned in the strong wind.

Zhao Yin immediately led all the people and beasts to climb up the deck along a ladder.

At this moment, the wind around them disappeared, as if the sandstorm could not get close to here at all.

Zhao Yin looked up and could not see any light shield above his head, but the sandstorm was automatically isolated after approaching a hundred meters above.

The outside world was still a terrible world of darkness, but the deck was clear.

Zhao Yin shook off the red sand on his body, shook his hair, and a lot of gravel fell off. Then the first thing he did was to cut his finger and drip blood on the deck.

Click, the bright red blood fell into the shape of petals.

However, nothing happened!

Zhao Yin wondered: "Why didn't you recognize the master successfully?"

He had no experience in recognizing the master of SSS-level extraordinary equipment.

He guessed that the city gate failed to recognize the master before because the city gate belonged to the extraordinary building type.

But why can't this ship succeed?

"Is it because the contract is in the wrong position?" Song Xiaodao said.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "It's unlikely. I've never heard that the owner recognition equipment needs to choose a fixed position... The original owner of this ship is still alive here!"

"Even if it is still alive, it may be in the same situation as Winnie." Ning Yue said after thinking.

Song Xiaodao said: "But what if, what if it is stronger than Winnie and has withstood the years...!"

"Crow's mouth!"

Zhao Yin interrupted Song Xiaodao: "No matter what, we have to go in and take a look."

Zhao Yin looked at the entrance to the cabin.

There was a wooden door, tightly closed.

Zhao Yin stepped forward, raised his hand and pushed, and the wooden door was opened.

Then, Zhao Yin quickly stepped back and looked inside the door.

In the cabin, in the dim light, two figures, one on the left and one on the right, sat at the two ends of the huge space.

They were all tied with thick chains, connecting the two sides of the cabin, as if they had been sitting opposite each other for many years.

They were motionless, and their bodies were covered with thick dust.

Only the chains on their bodies were emitting a rich fluorescent light.

[Human female, awakened superpower, SSS-level evolver, evolution degree 100/99: strength 4500, agility 3800, physical strength 1030, spirit 1400, life countdown: 169 days, note: she hasn't replenished energy for a long time, her body is on the verge of collapse, and her strength has fallen to the bottom]

[Male zombie: SSS-level, evolution degree 100/99, strength 5000, agility 4500, defense 4800, spirit 850, awakened superpower: space, note: it hasn't replenished energy for a long time, its strength has fallen to the bottom]

[Despair shackles: SSS-level, extraordinary prisoner type: solid 12000, note: time is ruthless, energy is about to be lost]


Zhao Yin stood there stiffly.

The crow-mouthed Song Xiaodao behind him trembled all over.

Was she really right?

At this time, all the contracted beasts felt the fluctuations of their masters' minds and surrounded Zhao Yin.

At this moment, Zhao Yin was in shock and could hardly believe what he saw!

There are not only humans in this world, but also zombie kings!

An SSS-level zombie king and an SSS-level human mutant were locked here?

After countless years, they still couldn't escape?

Everything was too shocking!

Why were they imprisoned here? Who could have imprisoned them in the first place?

Is the owner of this ship that female human?

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Zhao Yin's mind.

Suddenly, a hoarse voice came.

"You... are here?"

The female human suddenly shook her body, and the dust on her body fell off by itself, revealing her true face.

It was an old lady with silver hair, wrinkles on her face, hunched over, and skinny.

She sat there, her gray dress was tattered, and her energy had long been exhausted, and her former equipment level could no longer be seen.

If Zhao Yin hadn't used the Eye of Insight, he would have thought that this was an old beggar in his eighties or nineties!

The old lady looked at Zhao Yin with turbid eyes.

It seemed that she had not spoken for a long time. She opened her mouth and it took a long time to get used to the pronunciation.

"I've been waiting...waiting for a long time. You are the first human to come here. Why don't you come in?"

Her language pronunciation was strange, but Zhao Yin understood it for some reason.

It seemed that the information she wanted to say was directly transmitted to Zhao Yin's mind through some mysterious transformation.

Zhao Yin vaguely felt that the old lady did not have any ill intentions.

"Who are you? Did you know I was coming in advance?" Zhao Yin asked cautiously.

"My name is Emma. Fifteen thousand years ago, I was a warrior in this world."

Emma said: "I sensed the golden star crystal. It opened forcibly, opened the space blockade that person had set up before, and brought you!"

Zhao Yin understood that there was a space-based superpower who had left superpower traces in the hilly area, so she used that superpower trace to sense her arrival.

"Do you know what the rules are?" Zhao Yin asked in shock.

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