Zhao Yin wanted to know the ratio of corpse crystals and purple gold to Winnie.

As long as Zhao Yin could return safely, there would be many opportunities to get a lot of corpse crystals in the future.

Compared with purple crystals, he had no channels.

At this time, Zhao Yin seemed to have foreseen the scene of Winnie's recovery to SSS-level strength in the future!

With a peerless beauty behind him, no life or pseudo-life could be his enemy in the end of the world!

He swept all the zombie kings and harvested endless corpse crystals and star crystals!

All mutant beasts in the entire end of the world were included in the contracted beast army...

Zhao Yin smiled.

Winnie quickly absorbed more than 3,000 corpse crystals, and Zhao Yin looked over again with the eye of insight.

[Mechanical Life Winnie: SSS-level... Life countdown 50042 days]

3171 D-level corpse crystals increased her life countdown by 31 days!

At this time, Zhao Yin had already prepared himself and was very calm.

He took out the last 200 C-level corpse crystals and placed them in front of Winnie.

She absorbed it again...

[Mechanical Life Winnie: SSS Grade... Life Countdown 50242 Days]

Another 200 days!

At this time, Zhao Yin already had a concept in his mind, that is, a purple crystal can play a role for Winnie, equivalent to 100 C-grade corpse crystals and 10,000 D-grade corpse crystals.

In order to verify this concept, Zhao Yin took out the only B-grade corpse crystal.

After Winnie saw the B-grade corpse crystal clearly, her eyes showed a light like seeing a purple crystal.

She took it, crushed it and absorbed it.

As expected, the vitality increased by another 100 days, reaching 50342 days!

Zhao Yin was relieved. Although she still did not increase her attributes, as long as she could get out, everything would not be a problem.

Next, Zhao Yin left the beast-carrying golden house and walked into the ruined city again.

At this time, all the contracted beasts fell silent again.

After more than ten days without a full meal, plus the previous battle, they were all on the verge of exhaustion.

Even the corpse demon was not as happy as before, always following behind the master,

When the master walked forward, he walked, and when the master stopped, he stopped, without saying a word.

Finally, on the second day, all the food and water in Zhao Yin's space ring were consumed.

He was already frugal enough, but he had given most of the mutant beast meat to Zhou Lili before, and Zhou Lili's two sisters and Wang Xiaolei were not teleported to this world by the golden star crystal.

The food and water he carried in his space ring were originally only three days of reserves.

He was able to hold on for so long, all thanks to Song Xiaodao, the foodie.

She was so hungry at the beginning of the apocalypse that she even sacrificed her brother Song Xiaojian for food.

So, since Zhao Yin was not short of food, Song Xiaodao carried him to store a lot of food and water.

Unexpectedly, the little girl's actions played such a big role this time...

Zhao Yin decided that once he was allowed to open the life space, he would definitely fill the space ring with food and water.

But now, he could only think about it that way.

Zhao Yin took out 23 pieces of sandwich bread and distributed them to all the people and beasts, and then took out more than ten liters of Nongfu Spring from the water tank.

Twenty contracted beasts, Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao, two girls, each got a piece of sandwich bread and about 500 ml of Nongfu Spring.

Now he can only consume extraordinary food.

Compared with other extraordinary foods, sandwich bread with healing effects is consumed the least at ordinary times, so it is the most cost-effective to take it out to satisfy hunger at this time.

Anyway, all extraordinary foods can replenish physical strength.

As for the corpse demon, Zhao Yin gave him a piece of vulture bone, which Zhao Yin didn't eat much at ordinary times, so there was a lot left.

As for the mechanical life Winnie, she seemed to have no interest in any food and water.

After all the people and beasts had rested, Zhao Yin set off again...

In a blink of an eye, another half a month passed.

Zhao Yin encountered several surviving buildings again, but it was a pity that he didn't have the good luck as before.

There was no preserved extraordinary food and water, nor any equipment that could withstand the erosion of time.

Zhao Yin has been in this world for a month.

This city, with its huge area, refreshed his three views again and again, and in the end, he became numb.

A city reaches hundreds of thousands of kilometers horizontally, how terrifying is it?

On this day, Zhao Yin finally saw the end of the city.

There was also a wall, and it was not clear how far the two ends led.

But the city gate here had disappeared long ago. I don’t know whether it was destroyed countless years ago or taken away by other lives.

Zhao Yin wanted to know what was on the other side of the wall.

Is it another vast area?

He vaguely felt that the opportunity for him to leave would never be in this dead city.

Along the way, he saw too many skeletons and so many lives, all of which died many years ago.

How many strong people died?

They all failed to leave, so why could Zhao Yin?

The whole world was still dim, and the light was a little bloody, as if everything here had disappeared, and even time had stopped.

Zhao Yin led the team through the long doorway, and there was indeed an area with no end in sight in front of them.

This is no longer a hill, but a desert, and it seems that the soil has turned into sand.

The strong wind blew on the monkey in the front, making its golden hair sway wildly. The sky above the entire desert was shrouded in a sandstorm.

However, on the city wall behind him, there was a layer of light yellow light, blocking the invasion of the sandstorm. It seemed that this dead city had some unknown power left, protecting it from being buried by the red sand.

As soon as Zhao Yin walked out of the doorway, gravel hit his face. Ning Yue, who was beside him, was wearing a long dress that was blown tightly to her body by the wind, outlining the beautiful outline of the girl.

Song Xiaodao's two ponytails were messed up by the wind. She followed closely behind the old cow, using the old cow's huge body to shield herself from the sand.

Zhao Yin squinted and looked forward. Between the increasingly dark sky and earth, at the end of his sight, he could vaguely see a black shadow.

"What is that?"

Ning Yue had activated the power of the true eye a few days ago, and she also vaguely saw something.

Lu Ling and Jiang Shan sat on a big rock, both holding sugar cane in their hands.

The sweet sugar cane juice flowed down Jiang Shan's mouth, and a touch of happiness appeared in his eyes.

It has been more than a month since he left the camp.

Time seems to be able to erase everything, especially in the end of the world where humans must abandon their feelings. Lu Ling has also walked out of sadness.

"Boss, it's been one and a half months since the beginning of autumn. It hasn't rained for nearly three months, right?"

Jiang Shan spit out the last mouthful of sugar cane residue and looked at the grass under the big rock.

Lu Ling also finished eating the sugar cane, hugged her knees with her hands, bent over and rested her chin on her knees, looking at the endless grassland, her eyes were a little dull.

She nodded gently and said, "It hasn't rained for three months, and the grass is going to die."

"So Boss, the crop seeds you distributed to those camps may not survive for many people."

For a month, Lu Ling took Jiang Shan to chase the super zombies that walked out of the forbidden area.

Those zombies were different from the zombies in the outside world. They wandered very fast. Even though Zhao Yin killed most of them, there were still many who escaped.

They searched around the camp and walked thousands of miles in the farthest direction. Whenever they met a survivor camp on the way, Lu Ling would leave some crop seeds.

It took Lu Ling and Jiang Shan a full month to wipe out all the super zombies.

"Uncle Jiang, I miss home." Lu Ling said.

Jiang Shan knew that the home Lu Ling was talking about was actually the lost camp.

"If you miss home, go back and take a look." Jiang Shan said.

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