"Zhao Yin, was it successful?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin nodded and slowly raised his hand. The next moment, Winnie stretched her head over.

Zhao Yin slowly lowered his hand and gently touched the top of her head.

She closed her eyes, a slight smile appeared on her red lips, and she seemed to be enjoying it.

"From now on, she is my contracted servant!" Zhao Yin announced.

"It actually worked!" Ning Yue also said happily.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Even the murderous intent in the little monkey's eyes slowly dissipated, and he became gentle when he looked at Winnie.

"Do you still remember your name?" Zhao Yin asked.

Winnie looked up at Zhao Yin with a blank look in her eyes, and then shook her head: "Master, I... seem to be called Winnie!"

Zhao Yin was immediately disappointed and was still thinking about choosing a name.

But Winnie sounds pretty good too, so why not change it!

"Winnie, do you still remember how you came to this world?" Zhao Yin asked again.

Winnie's eyes became more and more confused, and she continued to shake her head: "Master, I can't remember."

She only had a little mental power left, and Zhao Yin no longer took any chances.

"Song Xiaodao, give her a set of your clothes."

"Why should she wear it? Doesn't it look good?"

Song Xiaodao pouted and said: "Anyway, you are the only man here!"

The little loli can't stop dying without saying anything surprising.

The key is that she said it very seriously and seemed to really mean it in her heart.

"Where do you come from so many words?" Zhao Yin stared.

The little Loli finally groaned and took out a goose-yellow dress from the space ring.

Asking her to contribute her clothes was like taking her life.

"Here!" Song Xiaodao reluctantly handed it to Winnie.

Winnie raised her hand to take it, and slowly stood up. With her movements, her perfect posture became more and more thrilling.

Amazing waistline, white legs...

Zhao Yin's heart started beating wildly again.

Her agility is only 1 and her movements are very slow, which makes her look more gentle.

When the dress is worn on the body, the curves become more and more amazing, looming.

Zhao Yin looked away, walked aside, raised his hand, and put the 'crystal coffin' into the space ring.

As for asking Song Xiaodao for the inner clothes for Winnie...

Zhao Yin definitely really forgot!

Next, I searched the 41st floor and found nothing of value.

This battleship seems to have only 41 floors.

Zhao Yin discovered that there was no door leading to the next floor.

At this moment, all areas of the battleship were finally searched.

Including the power cabin that the Aboriginal people did not find.

"Go up!" Zhao Yin sighed softly.

Entering this battleship, I still didn't find any clues about going back.

After the team left the battleship, Zhao Yin threw Winnie directly into the beast's golden house.

Her speed is too slow, even worse than ordinary people.

Zhao Yin planned to restore some strength to her immediately, and ordered Xiaobai and the vulture group to continue exploring, and then walked into the beast's golden house.

"Do you know what this is?" Zhao Yin took out an F-grade amethyst.

Winnie's eyes immediately widened, showing extreme desire.

Zhao Yin immediately understood what was going on, handed Amethyst over, and stared at Winnie's next movements.

She took it in her hand and her movements seemed to be a little faster than before.

Immediately afterwards, Winnie held Amethyst in her hand and slowly closed her dark eyes.

The amethyst in her hand suddenly emitted a little silver light, colorful, this kind of light, Zhao Yin was too familiar with it.

It is the light flowing from the extraordinary equipment.

So at the same time, the size of Amethyst shrank visibly to the naked eye...

Soon, an F-grade amethyst was consumed, and Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight.

[Mechanical life Winnie: SSS level, evolution level 100/0: strength 1, agility 1, stamina 1, spirit 1, defense 1, note: the energy core is about to be exhausted while dormant, and is about to die, with a life countdown of 110 days]

Zhao Yin frowned, her attributes did not change at all.

Only the life countdown has been extended by 100 days!

However, it has been proven that amethyst can really replenish her lost energy, Zhao Yin once again took out ten F-level amethysts.

Winnie's face immediately showed surprise. Sensing the master's intention, she immediately held all ten amethysts in her hands. Suddenly, dots of fluorescent light began to escape from the amethysts again.

It took the same amount of time, and all ten F-grade amethysts were consumed at once.

[Mechanical life Winnie: SSS level...life countdown 1110 days]

Added another 1,000 days to her life!

Zhao Yin's brows furrowed even deeper, guessing that Winnie might need to recover to a certain level of life before her five-dimensional attributes could be revived.

But he didn't know how much vitality he needed to return to before he could start to increase his attributes.

But now that she has contracted with this SSS-level mechanical life form, Zhao Yin can only do his best to restore her strength.

Next, Zhao Yin took out the purple crystals from the space ring one by one.

Winnie was also consuming at a crazy speed. She was holding seven or eight amethysts in her two little hands at the same time, absorbing them at the same time...

Zhao Yin consumed a full five hundred amethysts, but she was still increasing her life, like a bottomless pit, without increasing any attributes.

[Mechanical life Winnie: SSS level...life countdown 50010 days]

At this moment, Zhao Yin's hands were shaking, and he suddenly doubted whether he had done the right thing by contracting this mechanical life.

Zhao Yin thought of the core of the battleship, which consumed 10,000 A-level amethysts at a time.

Winnie was SSS-level, so her consumption must be considerable.

At this time, he only had 500 F-level amethysts and one A-level amethyst in his hand.

Even if all of them were consumed, it might not restore much strength for Winnie!

He would never use up all the amethysts unless it was absolutely necessary.

Winnie opened her eyes and subconsciously put her little hand into Zhao Yin's palm.

After grabbing it, she found that there were no amethysts left, and she was stunned.

"Winnie, there are not many amethysts left, and I still have a lot of use!" Zhao Yin said.

Hearing this, Winnie's mood was depressed.

She knew that the master was unwilling to give her more, and there must be a reason for the master.

But she still really wanted it!

Zhao Yin raised his hand and rubbed her head. It must be said that it was much more comfortable than the monkeys.

Then Zhao Yin took out a D-level corpse crystal from the space ring and handed it to Winnie.

"Take this and try to see if you can absorb it!"

Corpse crystals are also energy bodies, he could only imagine this.

Otherwise, even if Winnie was protected as a protected animal, Zhao Yin would not be able to take out the purple crystal again.

Unexpectedly, Winnie's eyes lit up again after seeing the corpse crystal.

She took the corpse crystal and crushed it skillfully.

Then the energy in the corpse crystal quickly transferred into her palm.

It was actually absorbed, Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight again.

[Mechanical Life Winnie: SSS Level... Life Countdown 50010 Days]

It can be absorbed, but it did not increase her life!

Zhao Yin thought about it for a while and realized that the energy in the corpse crystal was too different from the purple crystal.

It's not that the corpse crystal is not good, but that the energy contained is too little.

In Zhao Yin's space ring, not counting the F- and E-levels with lower energy, there are 3,171 D-level corpse crystals, 200 C-level corpse crystals, and 1 B-level corpse crystal!

He took out all the D-level corpse crystals and piled them in front of Winnie at once.

"Absorb them all!"

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