"Let's go back!" Lu Ling stood up, suddenly not wanting to wait any longer.

She has always been like this, she will do it immediately if she thinks of it.

You can say she is brainless, but you can never say she is indecisive.

Jiang Shan stood up and followed Lu Ling, and the two of them walked towards the camp.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙

The fiery red sunset fell on Lu Ling's black hair, falling down like a waterfall, reaching her waist, and her beautiful waistline was half covered.

She moved her well-trained legs and walked very fast, with a heroic appearance.

You can say that she is not a qualified leader, but you can never say that she is not a warrior!

"There are still six chestnuts, and all the other grains have been eaten. If the master doesn't come back, we..."

Zhou Lili paused and looked at Wang Xiaolei cautiously: "We can only eat meat!"

"No, mutated beast meat must not be touched!" Wang Xiaolei immediately made a serious face.

It’s been one month and three days!

The two sisters Wang Xiaolei and Zhou Lili get along day and night, and their relationship becomes more and more harmonious, and the class distinction is no longer there.

But every time she mentioned mutated beast meat, Wang Xiaolei seemed to be a different person.

Don't think that because she is young, she doesn't know what Zhou Lili thinks.

I have long been thinking about the boss’s mutated beast meat!

"Don't be impatient with me. There are still six chestnuts left. The three of us have two each. We can survive today." Zhou Lili said in a low voice.

Wang Xiaolei frowned. Although Zhou Lili had small thoughts, what she said was not unreasonable.

After all the food is eaten, we can't let them starve to death!

"You guys wait here for the boss, I'll go see if I can find some food." Wang Xiaolei said.

"Where are you going?" Zhou Lili was surprised.

Even Zhou Dandan, who usually doesn't speak much, said: "There are many super zombies nearby, which are very dangerous."

They didn't know that all the super zombies had been killed by Lu Ling.

"It's okay, I won't go far and will be back soon." After Wang Xiaolei finished speaking, she turned and left.

Until her figure was invisible, the smile on Zhou Lili's face disappeared.

"Little girl, what's the big deal about eating a bite of meat? It's because he didn't come back, and it's not like we stole it!"

She only dared to vent her words behind her back. If Zhao Yin found out about these words, he didn't know how he would deal with the two sisters.

"Sister, the master has been gone for a month, has anything happened?" Zhou Dandan asked.

"What could happen to him? If everyone in the world is dead, that kind of guy won't die!"

Zhou Lili said: "Have you never heard of the disaster that will last for thousands of years?"

"Sister, what should we do if the master doesn't come back?"

"He will not fail to come back. Even if we are worthless, there is still Wang Xiaolei. Yatou Pianzi is the orphan of the old lame man, not to mention that we still have mutated animal meat here!"

"But I'm worried..."

"Don't worry about him, let's think about how to coax that girl to let go and let us eat mutant beast meat!"

After Zhou Lili finished speaking, she thought for a while and suddenly said: "Dandan, do you want to eat meat?"

"I think, but sister...!"

"Come on, let's eat some quietly. Yatou Pianzi won't be back for a while."

Zhou Lili took out a pot of broth, which was still steaming.

It was prepared for the contract beasts more than a month ago.


"What are you afraid of? It's such a big pot, and each of us eats half a catty. We can't tell at all."

After saying that, Zhou Lili reached down and fished out a fist-sized piece of meat, which was stewed so fragrantly.

She took a big bite and said, "It's delicious, eat it quickly!"

Zhou Dandan swallowed his saliva, but after all he did not resist his sister's temptation. He also fished out a piece of turtle meat, held it in his hand, and squatted down to eat.

But the two of them didn't notice that as the meat pot was brought out, the aroma immediately spread far down the wind.

In this apocalyptic world where there is no food to eat, even the slightest smell of meat is enough to make most survivors sensitive to it.

What they didn't even know was that as the forbidden land collapsed, Lu Ling was chasing zombies everywhere, and when she came across a survivor camp, she gave out crop seeds.

Some of the information she accidentally leaked was enough to seduce countless survivors.

The forbidden area has collapsed and there is not much threat. There must still be crops left there that have not been plundered by Lu Ling!

There has been no rain for three months, and even wild vegetables have dwindled. Many survivors have realized that when winter comes, it may be a terrible disaster.

Over the past month, countless survivors have been gathering here.

There are not many types of wild vegetables that Wang Xiaolei can recognize, and the old cripple has taught her several times before.

Two hours later, Wang Xiaolei found a dandelion with yellow leaves, a handful of wild leeks, and about half a pound of fungus.

"I really found wild vegetables, so I don't have to eat the boss's mutated beast meat!"

A smile appeared on Wang Xiaolei's dark little face.

In fact, when the boss was still around, he allowed her to come to the table and eat meat together.

But the two female slaves were not qualified.

Without the boss's consent, Wang Xiaolei would never let them touch it.

Therefore, she would rather not eat it herself, rather than let them become dissatisfied.

When Wang Xiaolei went back, she suddenly saw a large pot tipped over on its side. All the meat in it had disappeared. A drop of soup was spilled and was absorbed by the soil...

The two sisters Zhou Lili are also missing!

The temporary hut built with meteorites nearby was also destroyed, and some daily necessities were scattered everywhere, making the ground a mess!

problem occurs!

Wang Xiaolei's dark little face was tense.

Even if Zhou Lili and her sister were dissatisfied with not being allowed to eat meat, they would never destroy it like this.

Even if they wanted to betray their boss and deliberately make a scene of being robbed, they would not waste the broth...

At this moment, Wang Xiaolei was sure that Zhou Lili and her sister had met robbers.

She panicked immediately. Although she was a D-level evolver and would not frown when killing zombies, after all, since she followed Zhao Yin, Wang Xiaolei had never dealt with such a thing alone!

What she was most worried about was the boss's mutant beast meat, which was still in Zhou Lili's space ring.

There was not much tortoise meat left, but there was still a small half of the meat of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture.

After Wang Xiaolei panicked, she immediately searched nearby. Soon, she saw a path in the grass where vegetation had just been trampled.

Someone must have come from there and took Zhou Lili and her sister away from there!

Look at the direction, all the way south!

Wang Xiaolei immediately ran after him...

"Such a big bone, such a big piece of meat!"

At this moment, a woman who looked to be in her thirties, wearing two space rings on her fingers, was holding a heavy piece of meat in her hands.

It was at least a hundred pounds, a piece of lean meat cut from the leg of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture.

At this time, behind the woman, there were more than a dozen survivors.

The two sisters Zhou Lili were knocked unconscious and carried on the shoulders of two men.

One of the young men asked: "Sister Hong, how much of this kind of meat is in the space ring?"

Sister Hong quickly put the meat away and laughed: "Enough for all the evolvers in the camp to eat for a whole winter!"

Hearing this, everyone became excited.

"How much meat is that!"

"At least a dozen tons, these two women are not very powerful, where did they get so much meat?"

"No matter where they get the meat, the meat is ours, and these two women are ours too!"

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