"But if you don't listen, our relationship as grandfather and grandson will end!" Zhao Yin said mercilessly.


The corpse demon shouted heartbreakingly.

He hugged Zhao Yin's legs and rubbed his face against his thighs.

"Grandfather! Grandfather!"

His voice was hoarse, black tears dripped from the corners of his eyes, and he shouted: "Grandfather! Grandfather...!"

Zhao Yin patted his head: "So, you must always listen to Grandfather. No matter how good the things in the outside world are, they may be poison wrapped in sugar, which will take your life!"

Zhao Yin said this from the bottom of his heart.

The corpse demon is a race, too powerful!

Zhao Yin didn't know what would happen in the future, so he didn't dare to relax his vigilance.

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The corpse demon nodded his head vigorously, as if to guarantee something.

Zhao Yin pulled him up from the ground and put the matter aside for the time being.

His eyes fell on a broken pipe.

It seemed that the broken pipe should have been connected to the power core.

But it was violently disconnected, and the pipe leading to the puppet warehouse was connected.

Zhao Yin's eyes followed the pipe all the way forward, and immediately saw another metal door.

It was exactly the same as the previous metal door.

The door was half open, and the broken pipe led directly into the door.

Zhao Yin hesitated slightly, gritted his teeth, and walked over.

There was another hall inside the door, which was the 41st floor of the warship underground!

But there was no puppet on the wall here, but there was a transparent crystal coffin hanging on the metal wall, and the broken pipe was connected to it.

The next moment, Zhao Yin's eyes shrank.

In the crystal coffin, a figure was lying quietly at this time, naked.

Her long hair, like a fan, fell on the coffin board, her eyebrows were willowy and her mouth was cherry-like, her eyes were closed.

She was perfect, like a work of art, with amazing curves, and her skin was as white as white jade, full of luster.

Although she was not wearing a piece of clothing, she gave people the feeling of being beautiful and mysterious, holy and noble... Even Song Xiaodao and the two women and the corpse demon were a little obsessed with her, and even forgot to be afraid.

She was so beautiful. If there is a perfect person in the world, the woman in front of him is definitely it!

At this moment, even Zhao Yin forgot to open the Eye of Insight at the first time.

When he reacted, he quickly opened it.

[Mechanical Life Hibernation Chamber: A combination of extraordinary and technology, used for mechanical life hibernation and providing energy supply. Note: Energy pipeline is broken, pick up energy supply function]

[Mechanical life Winnie: SSS level, evolution degree 100/0: strength 1, agility 1, physical strength 1, spirit 1, defense 1, note: energy core is exhausted, about to die, life countdown 10 days]

Zhao Yin had guessed before that there was a powerful existence here, and the other party might have encountered some problems, so he couldn't go to stop him.

But he didn't expect that the problem it encountered was caused by herself.

She actually cut off the energy pipeline for those puppets and sacrificed herself.

Zhao Yin didn't care what she thought.

But at this time, her attributes were reduced to even worse than ordinary humans!

Zhao Yin smiled, strode over, and directly opened the coffin lid.

He grabbed the mechanical life Winnie's hair and dragged it out of the coffin.

With a plop, she fell heavily to the ground.

Zhao Yin's butcher knife appeared directly in his hand.

This is an SSS-level mechanical life!

It is not comparable to those mechanical puppets at all!

Even if the purple crystal in its body is exhausted, the material used to make it can't be garbage, right?

Even if nothing is gained, at least Zhao Yin can learn more about mechanical life.

Zhao Yin waved the butcher knife, and when she was about to chop it off, her long eyelashes suddenly trembled and she opened her eyes.

"Dad." Her red lips opened slightly, and her voice was soft and sweet.

The eyes of Winnie, the mechanical life, were black and white, without any impurities, revealing ignorance.

"Hmm?" Zhao Yin was stunned, and the movement of his hands stopped unconsciously.

Then, Winnie smiled sweetly, then stood up and threw herself into Zhao Yin's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Dad, Winnie misses you!"

In an instant, she was full of warmth, and her skin was full of normal body temperature.

Even her body exuded the unique youth hormones of a normal girl.

"Dad, Dad...!"

She was like a child who had been lost for many years and finally found her father.

She called out again and again.

The sweet voice made people's hearts sway.

At this moment, Zhao Yin seemed to finally understand that mechanical life has transcended machinery.

Perhaps, the guy in his arms is not much different from normal life!

In the information Zhao Yin just read, the mental power of this mechanical life is only a little!

In other words, her IQ is as innocent as a baby.

So, she recognized herself as her father?

"Zhao Yin, her mental power is only a little, not even as good as the corpse demon, so don't kill her!" At this time, Song Xiaodao spoke seriously.

The ruthless little Loli actually asked him not to kill?

In Winnie, it seems that all the beauty in the world has been gathered, and even Song Xiaodao can't bear to watch her die!

Zhao Yin wanted to push Winnie away, she suddenly stretched out her tender arms like white lotus roots, and the next moment, tightly circled his neck.


As her limbs stretched, her entire body clung to Zhao Yin.

He lowered his head and saw the squeezing and deformed snow peak, and his mind went blank for a moment.

"Dad, Winnie misses you. Dad, don't leave Winnie, okay?"

She is acting coquettishly!

Zhao Yin felt that all the bones in his body were going soft.

But he still clearly knew that this was an SSS-level powerhouse!

If it hadn't been for that accident, she could have killed herself with one finger.

Although she is well-behaved now, once she regains her strength...

Zhao Yin trembled all over!

If you can't control her, you absolutely can't keep her!

He thought about his contract soul, one of its attributes was that it could contract with all living beings except humans.

Zhao Yin only failed with the corpse demon.

He had suspected that it might be because the corpse demon was between zombies and humans, that is, between living bodies and pseudo-living bodies!

But Winnie in her arms is a mechanical life. If we can make a contract, we may be able to find a way to restore her strength in the future...

Then I will have one more SSS-level contracted life!

Zhao Yin thought of this and said to the little monkey: "Next, I will use the soul of contract on her. If the contract cannot be made, you will kill her!"

"Yes! Master!" the little monkey responded mentally.

Zhao Yin stretched out his palm and slowly moved it towards Winnie's forehead.

Seeing this, Winnie actually smiled sweetly, closed her eyes on her own initiative, and put her forehead into Zhao Yin's palm.

The next moment, Zhao Yin activated the Soul of Contract.

A spiritual chain slowly separated from the soul of the contract in Zhao Yin's mind, and then... followed his palm and reached into Winnie's head.

The chain sank directly into Winnie's head...

After a moment, there was a connection in Zhao Yin's mind.

This feeling is no different from when you contracted a mutant beast!


Winnie let go of Zhao Yin, and under the influence of the soul of the contract, she called out the title imprinted in her soul.

The look in her eyes when she looked at Zhao Yin was not just the dependence before, but also a touch of respect.

Zhao Yin opened his eyes, and he actually succeeded!

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