There shouldn't be a pipeline here, at least not before the arrival of the natives.

"After the natives left, the energy of the last thousand puppets left on the spaceship was about to be eroded by time. Someone didn't want to see them disappear, so they forcibly connected this pipeline!" Zhao Yin said.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

This also explains why there is only a pipeline on the 39th floor.

If this guess is true, then...

A terrible thought came to Zhao Yin's mind.

"There is still a powerful existence alive in this spaceship!"

Zhao Yin's mind was swaying: "At least one!"

All people and beasts widened their eyes.

Subconsciously, they all looked at the hole.

This is not a metal door. The metal wall is at least half a meter thick, but it was violently broken by a certain existence!

How powerful and what kind of strength does the other party have?

With just one finger, Zhao Yin can easily destroy Zhao Yin's team, but Zhao Yin ran to raid his house!

"Zhao Yin, I... Let's go, this ghost place is too scary!" Song Xiaodao hugged Zhao Yin's arm.

Her little body was almost hanging on Zhao Yin, and she couldn't help shaking.

The little Loli also knew she was scared.

She has always been arrogant, but if she really encounters a crisis, she is often more afraid of death than anyone else.

Just like Zhao Yin, he seems cautious and afraid of death, but when he is sure of his survival, he will be more ruthless than anyone else!

All the contracted beasts bent their bodies, their hair stood up, and they all looked around cautiously.

Even the little monkeys' eyes were filled with fear at this moment.

They were all waiting for Zhao Yin's order, and then they ran away collectively.

"We can't leave."

Zhao Yin's words dispelled the thoughts of all people and beasts.

"We have already fallen into a dead end. The food and water in the space ring are only enough for three more meals. Next, we have to consume extraordinary food!"

"Once the extraordinary food is consumed, we can only starve to death here."

"This warship can come to this world, it must have mastered the method of space transmission. Once we leave, we may never have another chance."

"But don't worry, we have been here for so long and still haven't seen that person. It means that he is either dead or has encountered something!"

"So, entering this cave may be a dead end or a chance of survival!"

So Zhao Yin decided to take a gamble, with no way out.

Maybe that strong man was seriously injured in the fight with the aborigines at that time, and he used up his last strength to open this pipeline, and now he is dead.

Maybe he just fell asleep, so he tolerated his house being raided here...

After saying that, Zhao Yin was the first to crawl into the cave along the pipeline.

"Master, you are so brave!" The monkey shouted excitedly.

It also crawled in after Zhao Yin.

Followed by Song Xiaodao, Corpse Demon, Ning Yue, Xiaobai, and Lao Niu!

After Zhao Yin went in, no one would hesitate.

At this time, the admiration in Ning Yue's eyes deepened.

She found that Zhao Yin did not let the corpse demon explore the way when facing the real crisis.

But she never thought that even if the corpse demon was allowed to explore the way, as long as that existence still had a breath, with the terrifying strength of the other party, Zhao Yin would not be able to escape death even if he hid far away.

Whether to explore the way or not is the same result. What Zhao Yin is betting on is whether that existence is dead or not!

This is the reason why Zhao Yin is so brave.

Of course, he has no idea what Ning Yue is thinking.

Zhao Yin drilled out of the hole and saw countless gears, some large and some small, densely distributed in a huge space of thousands of square meters.

This is indeed the power cabin of the battleship!

The previous pipeline directly passed through countless gears and led obliquely to a place below.

Zhao Yin walked forward along the pipeline.

Soon, he came to the ground, and a huge device seven or eight meters high and the size of a house appeared at the end of the pipeline.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight.

[Power core: The power source of a product that combines the extraordinary and technology. Note: Install 10,000 A-level extraordinary energy amethysts to start, and the current extraordinary energy remaining is 0.0001]

As predicted, the pipeline is indeed connected to the power core of the battleship!

This power core is covered with dense slots.

The shape and size of each slot seem to be just enough to install an energy amethyst.

This time, all the slots are empty, and the energy is obviously exhausted.

Zhao Yin circled around the power core and suddenly his eyes fixed.

[Extraordinary energy amethyst: Grade A, Type: Extraordinary energy crystal, Function: Create extraordinary equipment, extraordinary food production, extraordinary daily necessities processing, space transmission array energy supply, used as mechanical energy core]

No wonder the reading information of the power core shows that the energy remaining is 0.0001. I didn't expect it to be a complete amethyst.

And it's an A-level one!

All the purple crystals Zhao Yin had obtained before were F-grade, which could only be used to create extraordinary equipment and extraordinary food, as well as the energy core of small machines such as mechanical puppets.

This A-grade one has the additional functions of processing extraordinary daily necessities and replenishing energy for space teleportation arrays!

So are there S-grade purple crystals, or even SS-grade and SSS-grade?

Can higher-grade purple crystals also be used to make extraordinary medicines, evolutionary potions, and even supernatural potions... SSS-grade equipment?

Zhao Yin shook his head. Nothing could be proven now. He commanded the corpse demon to step forward and take down the purple crystal.

The corpse demon quickly climbed onto the power core, and the nails of his right hand grew rapidly, digging hard at the purple crystal.

With a click, he dug it directly down.

At this moment, a strong desire was revealed on the corpse demon's face, and hesitation flashed in his dead fish eyes, as if he was hesitating whether to give the purple crystal to his master.

Zhao Yin saw that the corpse demon had been lying on the power core for a long time without moving, and immediately noticed his eyes.

Zhao Yin was stunned, and had never seen such a complicated expression on the corpse demon.

It seemed that the A-level purple crystal attracted him too much.

"My dear grandson! What do you want to do?" Zhao Yin's face sank.

At the same time, he communicated with the connection of the slave collar in his mind and directly pressed his mental power on it.


The corpse demon felt that his head was about to explode, and countless golden stars appeared in front of his eyes, and he fell off the power core.

"Master!" The corpse demon shouted subconsciously.

Zhao Yin released his mental power and looked at him coldly.

At this moment, if the corpse demon chooses to betray again, he will kill it without hesitation.

After all, the slave collar is a dead object. Although it can threaten the life and death of the slave at any time, it can also make him suffer and finally reach the purpose of compromise,

but it cannot control the slave's thoughts.

The corpse demon shook his head, as if he finally woke up, holding the A-level purple crystal in both hands and handed it to Zhao Yin: "Master!"

At this time, there was more awe in his eyes, but less intimacy.

Zhao Yin took the purple crystal and quickly put it into the space ring to avoid stimulating the corpse demon too much.

He raised his hand slightly, and the corpse demon immediately came forward and squatted down at his knees.

Zhao Yin's hand fell on the corpse demon's head and smoothed the scumbag hair that he had personally cut for him.

Looking at the dead fish eyes of the corpse demon, at this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt a little reluctant.

One day in the future, if this corpse demon chooses to betray even if he would rather die...

Zhao Yin will definitely kill him.

"Be good, as long as you listen to me, I will love you forever!"

"Master! Master!"

The corpse demon was excited and shouted loudly.

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