[Supernormal Energy Amethyst: Grade F, Type: Supernormal Energy Crystal, Function: Forging Supernormal Equipment, Making Supernormal Food, Used as Mechanical Energy Core]

Zhao Yin was shocked and his eyes widened.

"Zhao Yin, what is this?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Her True Vision Eyes, like Zhao Yin's, could not read any information about these crystals.

Zhao Yin felt that his mind was trembling slightly.

This kind of crystal is the source of supernormal equipment and food?

In his previous life, until the seventh year of the apocalypse, no one could solve this secret.

I didn't expect that in this depleted world that can't even be considered the apocalypse, such an amazing truth can be obtained!

Zhao Yin carefully put away the energy amethyst, and then ordered all people and beasts.

"Tear down all these puppets. I want the amethyst in the heart. Be careful. Whoever breaks one will not be allowed to eat today!"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

All the contracted beasts and corpse demons took action, and their movements were all cautious.

They all felt Zhao Yin's attention to this purple crystal!

"Zhao Yin, what exactly is this?" Song Xiaodao asked anxiously.

Zhao Yin moved his lips, hesitated slightly, and said: "You will know later."

Song Xiaodao immediately rolled his eyes at him fiercely, and his pouting mouth could hang a urinal.

Zhao Yin had never hidden anything from her before.

She couldn't understand why Zhao Yin was unwilling to explain this matter. At this time, it was like a cat's paw scratching Song Xiaodao's heart.

The more he didn't say, the more Song Xiaodao wanted to know.

Zhao Yin ignored Song Xiaodao and bent down to continue dismembering the puppet.

The secret of purple crystal is too important!

Song Xiaodao knows that there is no benefit now. If it is accidentally leaked, it may cause unimaginable trouble!

Even, Zhao Yin may become the public enemy of the entire end of the world.

With these purple crystals, it is possible to study the secret of transcendence!

In the entire end of the world, who doesn't want to understand the transcendence, or even truly master the transcendence?

Whether it is the tyrants in the major forces or the heroes carrying the banner of salvation, they will probably come to Zhao Yin.

If he doesn't give it, even those "saviors" will join hands to snatch it. Killing one person can save tens of millions of people!

In the previous life, I don't know how many such things have happened.

Often, like the old cripple, those who really want to save the end of the world will not live long, can't become heroes, and are even less likely to become tyrants!

It took the team three hours to collect a full thousand purple crystals.

After Zhao Yin put all of them into the space ring, his eyes fell on Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue's faces.

"Don't reveal a word about what happened today, and keep it in your stomach forever!" Zhao Yin warned word by word.

Song Xiaodao had never seen him speak so seriously before, and finally realized something, and nodded his head quickly: "Zhao Yin, I know!"

Ning Yue also said seriously: "I have forgotten about the purple crystal!"

They believe that Zhao Yin must have his reasons for doing this.

If the purple crystal is not so important, Zhao Yin's character will never be so serious.

Zhao Yin nodded and turned to walk towards the doorway.

Monkey, Old Cow, Xiaobai, Corpse Demon and the two women also hurriedly followed.

Entered the 40th floor again.

There was no mechanical puppet left here.

One thousand empty chairs were neatly hung on the metal wall.

Zhao Yin felt a little sorry. At this time, there were only 400 C-level corpse crystals left, and not even a seat could be burned down.

He immediately ordered the team to spread out and search.

At this moment, Zhao Yin guessed that this spaceship seemed to be a troop transport warship.

There should be puppets in the ninety-nine floors above, but they were all looted by the indigenous civilization.

Even the seats were taken away by them in some unknown way, leaving only three on the top floor.

The indigenous people might be in a hurry, otherwise they would not leave those three seats.

It is even more impossible to let go of the 40th floor underground.

"Zhao Yin, nothing was found, even the metal door leading to the next level is closed."

After a while, Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao came to Zhao Yin without finding anything.

"It's just a transport warship, and it's transporting puppets. So, apart from the chairs for the puppets to rest, nothing needs to be prepared."

Zhao Yin understood something.

He came to the metal door, frowned at the intact metal plate.

"There are not enough corpse crystals to burn through this door again!"

He suspected that the power core of this warship was also extraordinary purple crystal.

To be able to drive such a huge warship, the grade of the power purple crystal must have reached an astonishing level!

The power compartment of the warship core should be on the bottom floor underground.

It has not been taken away by the natives!

Zhao Yin was very unwilling to leave like this!

"Continue searching to see if there is any chance to enter the next level." Zhao Yin ordered.

The team dispersed again and started a second search.

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the hanging chairs again.

Because he had seen it on the top floor before, he had not used the Eye of Insight before. At this time, he opened the Eye of Insight.

[Super Alloy Chair: Parts of some kind of super transportation tool, 6000 sturdy]

[Energy Transmission Pipeline: Made of super alloy, used to connect to the power core of some kind of super transportation tool to transmit energy to the mechanical puppet, 6000 sturdy]

Zhao Yin was in a trance for a while, and then he found that under one of the seats, a pipe was exposed.

It was hidden under the legs of the chair and mostly covered with dust, so he hadn't found it before!

He should have thought of it earlier!

The previous puppets could survive here for who knows how many years and still maintain sufficient core energy, which is abnormal in itself.

You know, even the SSS-level city gates have serious attribute declines due to excessive energy loss.

Zhao Yin immediately called Song Xiaodao.

"Zhao Yin, what did you find?" Song Xiaodao asked.

Zhao Yin pointed to the chair on the wall: "Use wind power to blow away all the dust!"

Song Xiaodao nodded, took out two towels from the space ring, covered his mouth and nose with one, and handed one to Zhao Yin: "Here!"

Zhao Yin took it and covered his mouth and nose.

Song Xiaodao waved his hand, and a strong wind swept out.

Billowing smoke instantly blew up from the wall, along with the dust on the nearby floor and ceiling, sweeping wildly in the closed space, instantly filling the entire hall!


Ning Yue coughed in the distance. She didn't have time to cover her mouth and nose, and was obviously choked by the dust.

When most of the smoke and dust dissipated, pipes as thick as arms were exposed.

"So there are pipes here!" Song Xiaodao said in surprise.

Ning Yue, who had already covered her mouth and nose, also came over.

"Zhao Yin, do you want to remove all these pipes?"

Zhao Yin shook his head: "The strength of the pipes has reached 6,000."

"Then why do you still look at these pipes?" Ning Yue immediately understood what he said: "Do you want to find the final connection of the pipes?"

Zhao Yin nodded, walked forward and looked along a pipe. Soon, he found pipes as thick as arms connected to a huge pipe with a diameter of about half a meter.

The huge pipe continued to spread forward.

Zhao Yin followed the huge pipe forward, and soon, under a seat, he saw the end of the pipe.

There was a hole with a diameter of one meter, with irregular lines on the edge and some metal rolled up, as if someone had forcibly broken a large hole from the inside, and then connected these pipes for the puppets.

A half-meter diameter pipe went directly in, but most of the hole was not closed!

"Why didn't we see this hole in the previous ninety-nine floors?"

At this time, even Ning Yue thought of something.

Zhao Yin looked solemn. There was no such hole in the previous ninety-nine floors, let alone such a pipe.

Even if the pipe was looted by the natives, the hole could not disappear out of thin air.

So, there is only one possibility!

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