Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 254: Burning Extraordinary Metal

"Yes! Master!" "I understand, Master!"



All contracted beasts and corpse demons responded one after another, and Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue stood obediently behind Zhao Yin.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin grabbed the corpse demon by his collar, raised his hand and threw him five to six meters high, landing accurately in the circular doorway.

"My dear grandson, you will always be my most trusted corpse demon. It's up to you to explore the way. Don't worry!"


The corpse demon emerged from the doorway with a disgraceful expression and an excited expression.

Zhao Yin saw that the corpse demon was fine, so he jumped up, and his amazing jumping ability caused him to fall directly into the doorway.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

It was dark here, and a musty smell came to my face.

Zhao Yin's eyes quickly adapted to the light and saw clearly that this was an empty hall.

The metal floor, metal ceiling, and barrel-shaped metal walls all looked cold.

Except for a thick layer of dust on the ground, the entire hall was empty.

At this time, the two women and the contracted beasts had already followed.

Zhao Yin led the team and patrolled the hall, but found nothing.

Not even the stairs leading to the upper level of the 'tower' were found.

There's just a circular hole, sitting on one side of the ceiling.

Zhao Yin raised his head and glanced at the dark hole, and said: "My dear grandson, go up."


The corpse demon shouted, unfolded its bone wings, and immediately flew into the cave entrance.

It seems that as long as it is a task assigned by him, even if there is a crisis, he will never hesitate.

Soon, the corpse demon showed its head from the hole: "Master!"

Seeing that he was fine, Zhao Yin jumped up directly.

Here, it is still the same empty hall as the previous floor.

After Song Xiaodao and the beasts came up, Zhao Yin asked them to search for a while.

As expected, there was not even a valuable embroidery needle in the entire hall.

"After the world dried up, the owner of the building ran away with everything?"

Zhao Yin frowned,

Apart from that, he couldn't think of any other reason to make this place empty like this.

"But even if you have to move away, at least leave some garbage behind!"

"Even if it is decayed by time, dust should still be left behind, but the dust on the ground comes from the outside world."

"Nowhere is it turned into decayed objects."

There is still a doorway in the ceiling.

Zhao Yin once again asked the corpse demon to explore the way...

In this way, Zhao Yin led the team and climbed up one level at a time.

Until after the sixty-sixth floor.

Reached the top of the 'tower'.

Finally, Zhao Yin saw that it was different from the floor below.

There are three seats, installed horizontally on the wall. If someone sits on them, they will sit with their face upward.

"How can you install a chair on the wall? This is the gecko's home?" Song Xiaodao said with great imagination.

After Zhao Yin opened his eyes of insight and observed, he found that the three seats were made of the same material as the entire building.

They are all made of extraordinary metal.

For a moment, Zhao Yin thought of something and was shocked!


He almost blurted out.

Zhao Yin will never forget that the two female corpse demons he met back then were riding in a huge spaceship!

He finally understood why he felt that the 'tower' looked familiar before.

Although this place is very different from the spaceship the female corpse demon rides on.

The size of this 'tower' seems to be more than half smaller.

But from the material point of view, they are the same!

"Those three seats are not installed on the wall, but on the floor of the spacecraft!" Zhao Yin said.

Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue both looked shocked when they heard this.

Zhao Yin continued: "This is a giant transport vehicle made by a certain extraordinary civilization. It crashed here, and its tail end plunged into the ground!"

"That's why those three seats look so weird."

At this moment, everything in the tower seemed to be explained.

All the items disappeared, not because they were taken away by their owners, but because they were looted!

Some pictures seemed to appear in front of Zhao Yin's eyes.

A huge warship broke into this world and alerted the powerful superpowers who guarded this world!

Someone took action in time, and a terrifying supernatural power swept across the world, shooting down the battleship and killing all the life inside.

The indigenous people of this world entered the battleship and took everything away to study secrets that did not belong to their civilization!

To them, everything is valuable and they don’t want to leave anything behind...!

Song Xiaodao climbed onto a seat and tried to remove it from the wall.

However, it was discovered that the entire seat was connected to the battleship without even a single screw.

"6000 points of strong alloy, Zhao Yin, don't you want it?" Song Xiaodao said unwillingly.

Of course Zhao Yin wanted it, and with an idea, he took out the stove he had obtained earlier.

The furnace is round, the size of a tabletop, and is entirely red. There are flame patterns carved on the furnace body, which is somewhat similar to the alchemy furnace used by Taoist priests.

Soon, Zhao Yin found two furnace doors on the side of the furnace.

The upper one is for installing fuel, and the lower one is for the air inlet, which is easy to distinguish.

He directly took out a hundred C-level corpse crystals and stuffed them all into the fuel tank.

In an instant, the terrifying high temperature suddenly rose. There was no need to ignite it. As the energy of the corpse crystal spread in the furnace, the temperature instantly reached 16,000 degrees Celsius!

Zhao Yin, who was standing not far away, felt that the air around him seemed to be on fire, and his hair smelled of burning.

He quickly retreated and shouted, "Song Xiaodao, run!"

Song Xiaodao, who was lying on the chair above, had his thighs exposed under his sailor suit burnt red. The little girl screamed, jumped four or five meters, and landed directly behind Zhao Yin.

"Zhao Yin, what are you doing?" Song Xiaodao asked dissatisfiedly.

"Burn the metal down!" Zhao Yin wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Even though they were more than ten meters apart, he still felt the air was hot. He ordered, "Monkey, go and lift the stove and burn it at the chair legs, which are the smallest. See if you can burn it down for me!"

The monkey has fire abilities. Although its flames are not as good as furnace fire, it can definitely withstand the temperature in the air.

"Yes! Master!"

The monkey took a step forward, and his body suddenly expanded. He directly activated his giant ability, and in two steps he arrived in front of the stove, bent down and grabbed it.

The next moment, a layer of flames spread over the monkey, covering its entire body, and then he raised the stove and aimed it at one of the chairs.

Zhao Yin opened the air inlet of the stove. He didn't know whether the C-level corpse crystals filled as fuel could melt this extraordinary metal, so he opened it as high as possible.

Up to 16,000 degrees Celsius, three times higher than the surface of the sun!

The flames gushed wildly along the furnace mouth and burned directly on the chair legs.

After a long while, the chair legs slowly turned red, but there was no sign of melting.

"Is it not possible?" Ning Yue said softly.

The flames from the monkey and the stove were reflected in her dark pupils, and her eyes were amazingly bright.

"Wait a little longer!" Zhao Yin said.

Soon, an hour later, the chair legs had been burned red, but it seemed unwilling to melt.

Instead, the flames from the stove slowly weakened.

Zhao Yin did not let the monkey stop, and took out another hundred C-level corpse crystals and threw them far away: "Monkey, catch them!"

The monkey opened his big hand, took the hundred corpse crystals in his hand, and stuffed them directly into the fuel tank.

The flames gushed out again...

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