Another fifty minutes passed, and the chair legs finally showed signs of melting and began to twist and deform.

"Can burn!"

Zhao Yin's spirit was shaken, and he took out a hundred C-level corpse crystals and threw them to the monkey again. As the fuel was replenished, the flames from the stove became strong again.

A drop of red metallic liquid slowly dripped down.


The molten metal fell on the furnace body, then slid down and landed on the metal floor again.

It instantly turned into a thin layer of metal skin and adhered to the metal floor.

Zhao Yin was stunned.

He finally melted a drop of molten metal, but still couldn't get it.

Cursing secretly in his heart, Zhao Yin took out the big iron pot, raised his hand and threw it directly under the monkey.

"Monkey, use this to catch the molten metal!" Zhao Yin ordered.

At this time, another drop of molten metal was about to drip down. The little monkey turned the furnace body in his hand and raised his foot to push the iron pot under the chair leg.

The next moment, the second drop of molten metal dripped down and fell right into the iron pot.

The molten metal swirled in the iron pot, cooled quickly, and turned into a metal ball the size of a soybean.

The dripping water was swirling on the bottom of the pot.

"very good!"

At least something has been gained.

At this time, Zhao Yin finally understood the true purpose of the stove and the big iron pot. Perhaps, they were originally tools for smelting metal!

Such a powerful treasure was actually used for cooking in that restaurant. It was too luxurious.

This also led Zhao Yin's thinking to a dead end.

Zhao Yin felt happy, lit a cigarette, and quietly watched the drops of metallic liquid fall into the pot.

As time passes and the temperature of the aggregate rises, so does the rate at which the metal melts.

After consuming 200 C-level corpse crystals, one of the chair legs was finally completely burned off.

Immediately afterwards, the monkey burned the second chair leg.

After a full sixteen hours, the first seat finally fell from the wall.

The monkey didn't stop and started burning the second seat.

"Monkey, kick over here." Zhao Yin shouted impatiently.

800 C-level corpse crystals were exchanged for a chair made of extraordinary metal.

But it's all worth it!

Calculated according to the solidity of the metal, it can catch up with ordinary SS-level equipment.

It is definitely the metal for making SS-level equipment!

It is estimated that in the eyes of advanced extraordinary civilizations, this metal is absolutely rare.

The value must be astonishing!

Of course, compared to SS-level equipment, the chair does not have any effect bonus!

If used as a weapon, apart from being strong, it does not increase much combat effectiveness.

But when it falls into Zhao Yin's hands, everything will be different.

Zhao Yin now has a stove and a big iron pot. In the future, he will get more advanced corpse crystals and be able to smelt chairs into weapons.

Although I don’t know the specific method of making extraordinary equipment.

But in his opinion, even if he can't build SS-level equipment, he can pour these metals into arrows!

With the inherent strength and sharpness of extraordinary metal, it is definitely a killer!

Killing the C-class zombies that are about to evolve one by one, isn't it too much?

Without the attribute bonus of extraordinary weapons, the strength and sharpness of extraordinary metal itself cannot keep up with C-level arrows?

Even if his rats eat the barley and waste the food! Cannons kill mosquitoes and waste ammunition... Who can say anything about him?

Three chairs and twelve chair legs burned Zhao Yin's 2,400 C-level corpse crystals!

Finally, all the seats were removed by monkeys.

Zhao Yin felt pain in his body while feeling full of joy.

In addition to the three seats, there were hundreds of kilograms of melted molten metal, which now turned into metal beads, lying quietly in the iron pot.

Zhao Yin collected them all.

"The buildings on the ground should be just part of the spacecraft. There are floors underground. Let's go down." Zhao Yin said.

He led his team and jumped down layer by layer along the entrance of the cave.

Soon, I returned to the first floor where I came in from the beginning. Sure enough, I found another hole on the floor.

Previously, Zhao Yin only thought it was the damage to the floor and didn't pay attention.

"Good grandson."

Zhao Yin didn't need to say anything, the corpse demon jumped down.

"grandfather! ’

It shouted from below, signaling safety.

Zhao Yin also jumped down with other people and animals.

Still, still the same as above, empty.

Zhao Yin searched down layer by layer, still hoping to find something valuable.

If the previous guess is true.

So this spaceship does not belong to this world. How did it come to be?

If we find a way for it to come, will we have a chance to go back?

This hope is too slim.

However, Zhao Yin was still unwilling to give up.

Even after Zhao Yin climbed down to the thirty-eightth level in a row, he still found nothing.

But when he reached the thirty-ninth floor, his eyes suddenly froze.

"Zhao Yin, here... the door here is closed!" Song Xiaodao stuttered.

She also realized something.

Zhao Yin nodded. There should have been an entrance to the fortieth floor, but now there was a metal door.

The door's color and material look the same as the entire spaceship.

There were mysterious lines on the door, but they were blurred by the punch marks.

"Is this made by a human fist?" Ning Yue bent down, stretched out her little hand and gestured at the fist mark.

The fist mark is bigger, like a man!

"How much strength does that person have to smash SS-level metal like this?" Song Xiaodao said in shock.

She subconsciously turned around and glanced at the old cow behind her.

If the old cow reaches SSS level in the future, will he also have such great strength?

"There may still be items from that civilization inside the door!" Zhao Yin said.

Obviously, after the spacecraft crashed, a strong man of at least SS level arrived here, but ultimately failed to break the door.

Otherwise, this door would not exist!

"Monkey, set fire, burn this door for me!" Zhao Yin immediately took out the furnace.

Then he took out all the remaining 1986 C-level corpse crystals in the space ring.

After handing them to the little monkey, Zhao Yin drew a circle on the door with his hand.

It was just enough for one person to get in.

The circled position happened to be the place where the fist mark hit the hardest, and it was easiest to burn through here.

"Burn through along this circle, don't waste too much flame, otherwise there might not be enough corpse crystals!" Zhao Yin said.

"I know, Master. I will do my best to make you satisfied!" The monkey said in his heart.

This flattery was subtle, and the monkey's flattery skills were raised to a higher level.

Zhao Yin nodded with satisfaction, and led all the people, beasts, and corpse demons to retreat a few dozen meters away.

The little monkey started a fire.

It burned for more than ten hours.

When there were only two hundred C-level corpse crystals left, there was a clang!

The monkey burned a circle on the door, and a piece of metal in the middle fell into the next floor with a loud noise.

Zhao Yin, who was taking a nap in the beast-carrying gold house, suddenly woke up and kicked Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao who were sleeping beside him.

"Get up and work!"

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