Zhao Yin put the butcher knife into the space ring, and his mood slowly calmed down.

He looked at the last two items in the room.

[Stove: Grade S, type extraordinary stove, effect: regulate the flame temperature, fill with 100 F-grade corpse crystals or 1 E-grade corpse crystal, maintain 1000--2000 degrees Celsius flame, burn for 60 minutes! Fill with 100 E-grade corpse crystals or 1 D-grade corpse crystal, maintain 2000--4000 degrees Celsius flame, burn for 60 minutes! Fill with 100 D-grade corpse crystals... and so on, each time a higher level of corpse crystal is filled, the temperature doubles! ]

[Non-stick large iron pot: Grade S, type extraordinary cooking utensils, effect: improve the quality of ingredients by 5%, increase freshness! Special effect: insoluble after a hundred temperings, can withstand any temperature below 1 million degrees Celsius. ]

Both items are S-grade extraordinary kitchen utensils!

The stove can use corpse crystals as fuel, so Zhao Yin won't have to chop wood to cook when he finds it troublesome.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

The big iron pot improves the quality of food, which makes Zhao Yin even happier.

What he lacks most is mutant beast meat, and this pot can directly improve the quality of mutant beast meat by 5%.

It is equivalent to that all mutant beast meat in the future will increase the potential development of contracted beasts by 5%!

The effect of increasing freshness is also good. Although it cannot enhance strength, it can improve Zhao Yin's quality of life.

However, the special effects of the two items are too weird.

The stove can adjust the terrifying high temperature with high-grade corpse crystals, and the iron pot can withstand high temperatures.

What kind of food needs such a high temperature?

Even if the zombie king is thrown into the pot, it can be melted, provided that the zombie king has to walk in obediently.

Zhao Yin couldn't think of the use of these two special effects for a while.

He simply put the two items directly into the space ring.

"Zhao Yin, do you still want these things?" Ning Yue pointed at the ordinary items left in the room.

"Put them all away." Zhao Yin said.

Without Zhao Yin's help, Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao put all the things away.

These kitchen utensils are of better quality and more exquisite than those Zhao Yin usually uses.

After all, they are the products of advanced extraordinary civilization.

Soon, the entire third floor became bare, and there was no longer anything valuable.

Zhao Yin led the team and left the restaurant.

After staying in the luxurious third floor for too long, it felt like a lifetime ago when he stepped into the deserted city again.

Zhao Yin knew that the reason for the existence of the restaurant might be related to the broken bead.

Now that the bead is gone, this restaurant is probably going to disappear.

The civilization of the past left few traces in this world, and from then on, there was one less.

Next, Zhao Yin led the team to continue moving forward.

Recently, the contracted beasts have been short of food, and they have all lost a lot of weight. Zhao Yin and the other two did not ride.

In the blink of an eye, half a day passed, and no surviving buildings were found, nor did they reach the end of the city.

"Bald Egg, Xiaobai, take eight vultures and fly low, search the area of ​​100 miles, and report back if you find any special places!"

Zhao Yin then ordered: "Remember, you must not fly beyond 100 miles, we still have time, safety first!"

Several contracted beasts took the order and immediately took off, dispersing in all directions.

Half an hour later, all the contracted beasts came back.

"Master, no surviving buildings were found, and all the places I saw were ruins."

"Master, I didn't find it either."

"I didn't find it either."


Zhao Yin asked: "Didn't you see the end of the city either?"


All the contracted beasts shook their heads.

None of the contracted beasts found anything.

Now as they went deeper into the city, even the city wall behind them could not be seen.

Zhao Yin led the team to continue moving forward. After leaving the search area of ​​100 miles, he gave another order and sent out several more contracted beasts.

Soon, the contracted beasts came back, still without finding anything.

Zhao Yin continued to move forward. After leaving the search area, he pointed to the front and said to several contracted beasts.

"We will wait a hundred miles away. After you search this area, you will meet there."

Such an arrangement can save time.

But as time passed, no surviving building was encountered.

Nor could the end of the city be seen.

Finally, on the fourth day after entering the city, Tu Qi came back to report: "Master, a surviving building was found, but the end of the city was not reached yet."

After Zhao Yin waited for all the contracted beasts to return, he led the team to follow Tu Qi forward.

Twenty minutes later.

"Zhao Yin, there really is a surviving building!" Song Xiaodao shouted excitedly.

Little Loli now seems to be more concerned about finding surviving buildings than Zhao Yin.

She doesn't even care about going back!

At this time, the outline of the building five kilometers away can be seen clearly.

"Strange, it is different from the buildings I saw before!"

Ning Yue found something and said puzzledly.

It looked like a tower, 300 meters high, covering 1,000 square meters, and the whole thing was flat as if it was one piece.

There was no trace of any building, but it looked like it was cast in metal.

At the ‘top of the tower’, it looked like a big upside-down iron pot, round and plump.

From a distance, it was hard to tell what material it was made of.

Zhao Yin led the team to speed up their pace, and as they got closer, they felt more and more weird.

It has been a few days since I came to the city. Whether it is the surviving buildings or the rotten tiles and bricks left in the ruins, they are all ancient buildings of Daxia.

There is only one difference.

When I got closer, I found that the huge building did not have a single window.

There was only a round doorway, which was five or six meters above the ground.

The corpse demon was about to rush forward.

Zhao Yin grabbed him and said, "Don't move."

Everything here is unknown, and any weirdness may be fatal.

Zhao Yin then ordered, "Song Xiaodao, blow the wind!"

Song Xiaodao waved his hand and immediately set off a strong wind, like a tornado, gradually spreading.

Really fast, the tornado that covered the sky and the sun swept towards the "tower".

The dust covering the surface of the "tower" was blown away.

The metal material underneath was exposed, and the whole was black. Zhao Yin suddenly felt familiar.

Where had he seen this kind of building before, but he couldn't remember.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight.

[Extraordinary alloy object: seriously damaged, unable to identify the type, sturdiness 6000]

Even the Eye of Insight cannot identify it!

The sturdiness is a terrifying 6000 points!

However, now that the life space cannot be opened, even if Zhao Yin wants to take this big guy away, he can't do it.

Song Xiaodao made a lot of noise, but there was no crisis.

Zhao Yin raised his hand, boom!

He directly released five thunders and struck the "tower body".

The purple electric current was absorbed by the "tower body" in an instant, and then it became quiet.

Still nothing happened.

Zhao Yin was still worried and ordered: "Lao Niu, hit it a few times, go all out!"

He felt vaguely in his heart that this building did not seem to belong to this world. Confirming the previous conjectures, would the building be left by the invaders?

If so, then the possibility of crisis in the building would be much greater.

"Yes! Master!" Lao Niu responded in his heart.

It activated its supernatural power and suddenly crashed into the ‘tower’!


The huge sound of metal vibrations echoed in this desolate world.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the old cow crashed, each crash became louder than the last.

After crashing hundreds of times, nothing happened.

Zhao Yin finally spoke out: “That’s enough, old cow.”

“Yes! Master!” The old cow panted and walked back.

Zhao Yin looked back at all the people and beasts: “Everyone follow me in, be careful later!”

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