Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 252 Puff and A-level Butcher Knife

Zhao Yin turned around and told all the contracted beasts and corpse demons to stay outside to prevent the treasures from being destroyed by these guys. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

He took Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue into the third floor.

The first thing Zhao Yin did was to open the Eye of Insight and look at the big water tank.

[Water tank: an ordinary water tank made of clay, which can be used as a container]

[Nongfu Spring: Grade F, a type of extraordinary beverage, which replenishes 24 hours of water consumption after consumption! Note: Contains clean extraordinary energy and life elements]

It is indeed Nongfu Spring!

Zhao Yin saw the glow outside the door before, and he had a guess in his mind.

He immediately walked over and found that there were at least 300 liters of Nongfu Spring in the water tank.

A bottle of Nongfu Spring opened by Xingjing is about 500 milliliters, which means that this tank is equivalent to 600 bottles of Nongfu Spring!

"Nongfu Spring?"

Song Xiaodao followed Zhao Yin's actions and said in shock: "Why is Nongfu Spring stored in a large water tank?"

Zhao Yin didn't come back to his senses for a long time. According to normal logic, the water tank should be filled with well water or tap water!

Evidently, there is no tap water pipe in the restaurant kitchen.

"In this world, before it dries up, all the water is extraordinary?"

Zhao Yin felt it was too ridiculous. What kind of world is it?

But he soon thought of another possibility. This world can produce extraordinary spring water, but it is also very valuable. It is only because this restaurant is a high-end place at that time that extraordinary spring water is used to cook for diners.

Zhao Yin is more inclined to the second guess.

He didn't think too much and directly collected all the Nongfu Spring together with the water tank.

After that, Zhao Yin walked to the long table and opened all six wooden boxes.

[Compressed biscuits: Grade F, type of extraordinary food, replenishes energy consumption, notes: contains pure extraordinary energy and spiritual elements]

[Sandwich bread: Grade F, type of extraordinary food, replenishes physical consumption, treats injuries, notes: contains pure extraordinary energy and blood elements]

[Instant noodles: Grade F, type of extraordinary food, replenishes energy consumption, resists severe cold, notes: contains pure extraordinary energy and calorie elements]

[Canned tuna: Grade F, type of extraordinary food, replenishes Recharge physical energy consumption, immune to F-level virus, note: contains clean extraordinary energy, purification elements]

[Iced black tea: grade F, type of extraordinary beverage, replenish water consumption, within 60 minutes, stimulate basic attributes to double, note: contains clean extraordinary energy, potential elements]

[Puffs: grade F, type of extraordinary food, replenish physical energy consumption, resist high temperature, note: contains clean extraordinary energy, heat dissipation elements]

The Eye of Insight now sees the properties of extraordinary food more thoroughly.

All six wooden boxes are filled with extraordinary food and drinks, six types, packed in six wooden boxes respectively.

There are about one hundred bottles of iced black tea.

The remaining five boxes of extraordinary food, each box is about 200 pieces!

Zhao Yin looked at the box of puffs, and his eyes showed a strange color.

Whether in the past life or this life, he has never opened this kind of extraordinary food in the star crystal.

In the entire end of the world, he has never heard of the existence of such extraordinary food!

At this time, puffs and the other five extraordinary foods were placed together, looking so harmonious.

It was as if they were the product of the same civilization!

In the past, among all the extraordinary foods Zhao Yin had, the most special one was instant noodles.

It can resist severe cold, and another function is to resist ice-related supernatural powers!

But Zhao Yin never had the chance to use it.

Since the beginning of the apocalypse, in addition to Ning Yue, he had only met a vulture king with ice-related supernatural powers.

But at that time, he was only concerned about escaping from the hands of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture and had no chance to take out instant noodles.

They are both F-level extraordinary foods. If sandwich bread and canned tuna are used for treatment in battle!

Iced black tea and compressed biscuits are used to expand combat power in battle.

Then, instant noodles and puffs are in the same category.

Their functions in battle are to resist elemental supernatural powers!

One resists ice, and the other resists fire!

Should there be resistance to lightning, wind, earth, gold, etc.?

Each elemental ability is equipped with a kind of extraordinary food?

Compared with the extraordinary in this world, what the star crystal can bring to humans seems to be only incomplete.

Zhao Yin didn't know whether this guess was true.

If so, why is it incomplete? Did the designer of the star crystal also encounter trouble and could not bring the complete extraordinary to humans?

At this moment.

Zhao Yin had a vague feeling that the golden star crystal was not going to trap him to death here.

But it was to bring him to understand some truth...

Or, the designer of the star crystal was using his own way to tell him some secrets!

Zhao Yin's heart, which had been hanging for many days, finally let go a little.

He waved his hand to put away all six wooden boxes, then turned around, opened the eye of insight, and looked at all the remaining items in the room.

[Wooden cabinet: furniture made of fine wood, can be used to store items]

[Wooden table: furniture made of fine wood, can be used to display Wuping]

[Wooden table...][Porcelain bowl...][Porcelain plate...]

[Wooden chopsticks...]

Mostly some ordinary items.

When Zhao Yin's eyes fell on the strange-looking kitchen knife, his eyes fixed.

[Butcher's Knife: Grade A, Type Extraordinary Weapon, Solidity 510, Attack 600, Additional Effect: Swing Speed ​​+200, Special Effect Dissection: 0.1% Chance to Ignore Defense Below 5000 Points, Cut Open the Body of Living Beings and Pseudo-Lifeforms]

Zhao Yin immediately took the butcher's knife in his hand, and was excited.

Unexpectedly, an inconspicuous kitchen knife here would be an A-level weapon!

You know, in the end times, most evolvers are still using weapons below D-level.

His Gale Gun is only C-level!

In this life, the best weapon Zhao Yin has ever seen is the Autumn Water Sword, which is only B-level!

Moreover, the two effects of this butcher's knife are also awesome!

Two hundred points of sword swing speed, if Zhao Yin's own agility and the agility of other equipment are added, and then the swiftness ability is added, if he drinks a bottle of iced black tea...

Every time he swings a thousand swords, there is a chance that one sword will ignore the defense below 5,000 points!

The defense of an S-level zombie king is mostly between 2,000 and 3,000 points.

Only an S-level zombie king who awakens a defensive ability can exceed 5,000 points of defense.

But not every S-level zombie king can awaken a defensive ability...

Zhao Yin dared not think about it anymore. He felt that after he went back, he was already invincible in that doomsday!

He held an SS-level shield in one hand and an A-level butcher knife in the other. Isn't it possible to kill whoever he sees and whoever he wants to kill?

As long as his energy is not exhausted, even if a B-level zombie king summons an army, what does it matter?

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