[Golden Bell Shield: SS level, defense 8000, special effect: consumes 100 points of mental power per second, releases Golden Bell phantom, doubles defense in all directions! Note: Time is ruthless, and the energy is about to be exhausted. After releasing the golden bell shadow three times, it shattered]

After Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight and checked it, he was pleasantly surprised.

8000 defense points!

And after activating the golden bell shadow, the defense power is doubled, providing 360-degree protection without blind spots!

Against the golden bell's shadow, even if they meet those two female corpse demons again, they will never be able to break through their defenses!

It's a pity that the Golden Bell Phantom can only be released three times.

And it consumes too much mental energy!


Zhao Yin guessed that if the Golden Bell Shadow was not used, the shield might be able to hold up for a long time.

The shield was neat and dark, made of an unknown material, and engraved with complex patterns. It was one meter and a half long and eighty centimeters wide. It could just cover most of the vital parts of the body when held in the hand.

Zhao Yin cut his finger and a drop of blood dripped in. Suddenly, the shield in his hand seemed to become weightless.

To be precise, it was like it had become a part of his body, and it was as flexible to use as his own hands and feet.

Somehow, a connection appeared in Zhao Yin's mind, as if the shield was wailing.

I don’t know if I am sad because the energy has been exhausted, or because I am sad for the passing of the previous owner.

A dead object actually showed emotions, which affected Zhao Yin's mood.

Zhao Yin immediately used the soul of the contract, and the majestic spiritual imprint boiled in his mind, forcibly annihilating the emotions that the shield brought to him.

At this time, without his instructions, Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue were already searching the room.

Song Xiaodao had the little monkey knock down the walls, and nothing of value was seen again.

Zhao Yin was not surprised by this. There was no energy shield protection here, and only equipment above SS level could survive.

Zhao Yin held the shield in his hand and said, "Go to the second floor!"

Thump thump thump!

He transformed into a monkey the size of an ordinary macaque and rushed up a broken staircase, knocking off the dust from the ceiling and falling on Zhao Yin and others.

"Monkey, can you step more gently on the horse?" Zhao Yin patted the flying dust from his hair and hurriedly followed him to the second floor.

The two women and all the contracted beasts and corpse demons immediately followed suit and rushed upward.

The contracted beasts seemed to find it a lot of fun, with excitement in their eyes.

"Master!" The corpse demon roared, coming first and following closely behind Zhao Yin.

After many days, these guys finally seemed to have regained some of their energy.

There is no difference between the second floor and the first floor. All the furniture has been turned to dust, and there are also a dozen skeletons displayed there.

Based on the scene he saw outside the door before and the layout of the building itself, Zhao Yin had a vague feeling that this place should have been a restaurant in the city before it was destroyed.

All the skeletons have traces of being chopped down with sharp weapons.

It should be a group of guests who were invaded by something unknown during the banquet and slaughtered them all...

The skeleton holding the SS-class shield must have been a great strong man during his lifetime. His bones have evolved to be much harder than others.

Such a strong man was already dead, and he didn't even make it out of the restaurant.

What kind of existence was it that broke in in the first place?

At this time, the two women and the contracted beast were searching, and the small second floor was quickly turned upside down.

All the bones shattered at a touch, and the equipment whose shape can still be seen is all A-level or above, but all the energy is exhausted and turns into dust with a gentle squeeze.

"Master, I picked this up."

Da Mao had a black lump in his mouth and suddenly heard a voice from his heart.

Zhao Yin reached out to take the black lump, wiped the saliva it left on Da Mao's head, and opened his eyes of insight.

[Mechanical Eye: Grade C, Category: Extraordinary Technology Product, Remarks: The remains of some kind of intelligent life body]

Intelligent life!

The combination of extraordinary and technology!

It doesn’t seem to be difficult to understand. It is the remains of an artificial intelligence robot. However, it is a combination of transcendence and technology and has evolved into life!

Is it a new species created in this world, or...are these intelligent life forms that broke into this place and started a massacre?

Zhao Yin remembered that before the end of the world, some people had proposed the theory that artificial intelligence would replace humans.

So, is this world destroyed by their own hands?

Everything is just speculation, and the real answer has yet to be discovered.

The mechanical eye on the hand does not show that the energy is exhausted. I don’t know how a C-level item has been preserved until now.

Zhao Yin put the mechanical eye into the space ring and led the team directly to the third floor.

The next moment, Zhao Yin felt his heart beat suddenly.

Because the entire third floor is surrounded by a light yellow shield.

Inside the light shield, there is no dilapidation like before, and there are no partitions on the entire floor.

There is a blazing white bead on the exquisite suspended ceiling, which emits bright light and illuminates the entire floor.

On the walls, the colorful paintings of Qionglou and Yuyu are outlined, completely covering the four walls, and the paint is still extremely bright.

Each pavilion has sloping eaves, carved beams and painted beams, golden roof tiles, colorful beams and columns, and between the pavilions, there are green and red flowers and plants, silver streams...

Under the illumination of the pearl above the head, the whole room looked magnificent, unlike the human world.

"Is the city depicted on the mural the same city as before?" Ning Yue exclaimed.

She vaguely saw a three-story restaurant among the many pavilions on the mural.

It was eight points similar to this restaurant.

But now the tiles of this restaurant were covered with dust, and most of the painted beams and walls had fallen off, revealing the black stone inside, which looked dilapidated.

Zhao Yin just glanced at the mural, then stepped forward to touch the energy shield. As soon as his finger touched it, the bead embedded in the ceiling shattered instantly.

Then, the energy shield also turned into a little glow and dissipated in the air.

Zhao Yin was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that the bead was probably also an extraordinary treasure.

It was it that protected the entire third floor and supported it for endless years, and it had reached its limit!

But Zhao Yin had not had time to use the eye of insight on the bead.

I don’t know what level of treasure it is!

The entire third floor was not furnished much, and it looked like the kitchen of a restaurant.

A long table with exquisite patterns carved on it was placed in the middle, with six large wooden boxes on it.

Next to the table, there is a dark red stove. The fire has long gone out, and a large black iron pot is still on the stove.

Next to it is a wooden table with cooking utensils, pots, spatulas, large spoons, kitchen knives, cutting boards...

There is also a large cabinet with at least hundreds of sets of bowls, plates, spoons and chopsticks...

There is a large water tank in the corner of the third floor. In the dark light, there is a faint glow coming out of the water tank...

Zhao Yin was shocked!

Where is the most valuable place in the whole restaurant?

Of course, besides the boss's boudoir, it is the kitchen!

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