[Talent Pill: Grade B, effect amplification and strengthening of a talent]

[Talent and ability potion: Grade B, type detection type advanced potion, after taking it, it will open the hidden talent and ability of the evolver's bloodline, the Eye of True Vision]

[Healing potion: Grade B, effect healing injuries, any life below Grade B, taking it will immediately regenerate broken limbs]

The contents of the three medicine bottles are all Grade B, with talents, abilities, and healing potions!

The information read did not have the note "energy loss"!

It means that they can all be used.

This is related to the light shield.

Zhao Yin used the Eye of Insight to look at the metal cabinet deliberately.

[Storage cabinet: Grade S, extraordinary storage furniture, note: time is ruthless, energy is about to be exhausted]

It is indeed an extraordinary item!

The storage cabinet seems to be more able to withstand the erosion of time than the space ring, sacrificing itself to save three medicine bottles.

At this moment, potions and pills seem to be extremely precious in this extraordinary civilization!

The owner here may be just a nobody in this city, but the fact that he can collect it so preciously proves that he valued it very much!

Zhao Yin remembered the word "medicine" he saw.

Could this be a medicine shop that sells extraordinary medicines?

Zhao Yin was shocked by his own idea. He sold extraordinary medicines as commodities?

How big a deal would that be? However, this is a high-level extraordinary civilization, so it is very likely.

Zhao Yin took out three bottles of medicine, gave the Eye of True Vision directly to Ning Yue, and told her to take it in her free time.

The Talent Pill was given to Song Xiaodao, and he couldn't favor one over the other.

Zhao Yin put the last B-level healing potion into the space ring.

He scanned the house again, and there was nothing worth remembering, so he took the two women and the beasts and left the building.

This city is very large, and the streets are very spacious. The black stone paved tiles have also been eroded by time, and they turned into powder with a light step.

Zhao Yin suspected that the floor tiles here were once as hard as the city walls, but the city walls were preserved by some force, while the floor tiles were corroded by time.

Same stone, different fate!

The buildings on both sides of the road collapsed, unlike the hometown where they were decomposed by vegetation. In the ruins, traces of buildings can still be seen.

Zhao Yin asked the beasts to look forward, one to find clues to go back, but... he wanted to find some more treasures.

Everything broke at the touch.

The monkey once found an equipment store, which had a lot of C-level to S-level equipment, but all of them broke at the touch.

Unlike the lockers in the previous medicine store, they were protected by buildings, so they could be preserved.

"Only in the buildings that did not collapse can there be things left." Zhao Yin guessed.

He no longer asked the contracted beasts to search the ruins, it was useless anyway.

The team walked on the deserted streets, rustling all the way.

In the unknown world, Zhao Yin did not dare to walk too fast.

Although he had not encountered any danger in this world for more than ten days, he did not relax at all.

Zhao Yin did not know the specific direction, so he chose to turn his back to the city gate he had entered before and walked deep into the city.

About two hours later, Zhao Yin estimated that he had walked at least hundreds of miles.

He still had not reached the end of the city.

The ruins in front of him seemed to be endless.

At this moment, Zhao Yin had an illusion, as if he was trapped in the hilly area before.

How big is this world?

It's just a city, but it's so big that it has no boundaries!

"Zhao Yin, there is a building there that has not collapsed!" Song Xiaodao suddenly pointed to the right.

Among the ruins, in the dim light, a building that is several times larger than the previous one is standing there alone!

"Go and have a look!"

This is the only building that Zhao Yin has seen that has not collapsed within hundreds of miles.

His eyes were dazzled all the way before, and he didn't see a complete building.

The team soon arrived in front of the building. Perhaps the building materials are better, and this place is more intact than the previous medicine shop.

It looks like an ancient three-story building, with colorful paintings on the walls. It can be vaguely recognized that it depicts a mountain village scene.

Peach blossoms are in full bloom all over the mountains, and a girl is walking under the peach trees with a basket of flowers... At the foot of the mountain, there is a farmyard built of black stone, with smoke curling up, children playing in the village, and old farmers driving yellow cattle to plow the fields...

The outline is very vivid and vivid. Even though the color has long been seriously peeled off, Zhao Yin is still a little dazed, a sense of being there.

Quiet, peaceful, and a long-lost feeling, as if called... happiness.

However, at this moment, this painting appears on the dilapidated ruins, which makes people feel melancholy.

"If the person who painted this painting was placed before the end of our world, he must be an amazing master!" Ning Yue said softly.

Zhao Yin is rarely interested in art, but at this moment he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Has there ever been such a peaceful village in this world?

Why would such a painting be painted on the wall in the city?

Zhao Yin thought of the endless hills again. Could it be because such a peaceful scene only existed in the memory of the people at that time? To them at that time, the scenery in the painting was the beauty of the world?

Only when the owner thinks something is beautiful will he paint it in front of his house.

Zhao Yin suddenly had an epiphany. If his world finally survived the zombie massacre, would someone paint such a peaceful picture in front of his door in the future?

Then would the future situation of the earth be the same as this world, and humans would eventually be destroyed and die.

After countless years, even the zombies disappeared?

Zhao Yin shook his head. He was not a sentimental person, but suddenly he felt a little sad.

On that day, Ning Yue, Song Xiaodao, Xiao Houzi and others, as well as the corpse demon and Wang Xiaolei...

Including Zhao Yin himself!

What should they do?

Will they also be buried with all mankind?

"Zhao Yin, what are you thinking about?" Ning Yue gently held Zhao Yin's hand.

Zhao Yin came back to his senses and laughed dumbly.

Now, whether he can survive in this world is still uncertain.

He looked at Ning Yue's pale face and whispered, "Go in!"

Song Xiaodao stepped forward and opened the door. Zhao Yin stepped in first. Just like the previous medicine shop, the same rotten and moldy smell rushed into his nose.

"It stinks!"

Song Xiaodao shook his head and said calmly, "Zhao Yin, there are so many skeletons here."

The monkey who followed in first also snorted.

Everything here has disappeared with the years, and only the skeletons can be seen lying on the ground.

As the contracted beasts poured in from outside the door, bringing a gust of wind, all the skeletons immediately began to collapse, and finally turned into blue-black ashes.

It scattered on the ground with other colored dust.

Zhao Yin suddenly saw that there was a skeleton that did not disperse.

The color of the skeleton was as white as jade, completely different from the other skeletons before. In the left finger of the skeleton, there was a black spear, and the right hand was holding a shield.

At this time, Song Xiaodao had stepped forward and reached out to grab the spear.

As soon as the finger touched it, the spear turned into powder!

"I knew it would be like this, all the good stuff has gone bad!" Song Xiaodao just opened the Eye of True Vision and saw that the spear was A-level!

However, the information she could read was incomplete, and she could not know the energy loss.

"This shield must also..."

She was only halfway through her words, and suddenly froze. She found that she actually lifted the shield.

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