"Got it... Master!" The little monkey looked embarrassed, glanced at the Qiushui Sword in his hand, and felt a little distressed.

Then, it worked hard to dig the city wall.

The black stone was many times harder than Zhao Yin had imagined.

With the huge power of the little monkey's dual superpowers, plus the sharpness of the Qiushui Sword, one sword could only cut off a piece as big as a fingernail.

πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar

Fortunately, as long as it can be cut, it will be cut sooner or later.

"Old Cow, dear grandson, you also go up and demolish it together!"

Zhao Yin ordered the old cow and the corpse demon, and the old cow could no longer hold back.

It activated the giant power superpower, and its strength was greater than that of the monkey.

It suddenly hit it, and the metal city gate was buzzing.

Suddenly, two pieces of stone the size of a fingernail were broken and collapsed by it...

The corpse demon was more direct, pulling out one of its ribs and digging at the city wall.

Although his strength was not as strong as that of the old cow and the monkey, his petrification ability was released, and a large amount of stone powder fell off every time.

His speed was actually faster than that of the monkey and the old cow!

Two hours later.

There was a loud bang.

The two huge city gates finally collapsed.

The two city gates were 13 meters high and more than 5 meters wide, like huge cattail leaves. As they fell, they set off a gust of wind, blowing the dust on the ground far away.

Zhao Yin strode forward, immediately cut his finger, and dripped a drop of blood on the city gate.

Equipment above SS level requires blood to recognize the owner and master the equipment with mental power.

But the blood fell on the door panel, and there was no reaction.

Soon, Zhao Yin understood: "This is a city defense building, and its function is to be fixed on the city wall. Unless the maker has a brain cramp, how can it produce the recognition effect?"

Zhao Yin waved his hand and directly put the two city gates into the S-level space ring.

"Zhao Yin, the buildings here are so strange."

All the people and beasts walked into the city wall, and Song Xiaodao pointed to a building in the distance that had not collapsed and said.

Three hundred meters away, among the many ruins, there was a dilapidated house that seemed to collapse as if the wind blew, similar to the ancient buildings of Daxia.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of Insight and found that it was just an ordinary building.

He didn't know where the opportunity to go back was, so he could only search blindly.

"Be careful, don't make any noise!" Zhao Yin turned around and ordered all the contracted beasts and corpse demons.

"Although it looks like a dead city, it is a high-level extraordinary civilization. Who knows what will be left behind!"

The corpse demons and contracted beasts followed Zhao Yin lightly, and the group approached the building carefully.

Outside the building, there were two stone lions more than three meters high, like the ancient Daxia house-guarding beasts.

But now, one of them has only a base left, and the other one has no head, only a headless body squatting outside the door...

Zhao Yin was worried that there would be an accident, so he used the Eye of Insight to check and found that it was really just a stone sculpture.

Outside the door, the walls and beams were mottled and dilapidated.

The former painted paintings were now blurred, and even the main door was missing a door.

Next to the remaining wooden door, a word could be vaguely seen: medicine!

It seemed that it was a word in the couplet, and there was no other word to compare with, so the meaning was unknown.

"Have the ancestors of Daxia been to this world?" Ning Yue whispered.

She was so shocked: "The style of this building is like the Tang Dynasty!"

Zhao Yin also stared at the word "medicine" in a daze, and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

If it is just a coincidence that the building is similar to Daxia, then what about this Chinese character?

Another world is also using Daxia's ancient characters?

"Could there be people like us who were deceived by the golden star crystal and came here? They couldn't get out, so they stayed here to have children and created this city?" Song Xiaodao said suddenly.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and knocked on her head: "Then what?"

"Then they lived here for many years, and finally found a way out, of course they left!" Song Xiaodao said affirmatively.

"There were star crystals in the Tang Dynasty?" Zhao Yin asked.


Song Xiaodao was speechless and looked at Zhao Yin unconvinced.

That's ridiculous. Little Lolita is thinking about having children all day long!

Zhao Yin didn't want to find out the answer yet. He took out the gust of wind gun and took it in his hand, and took the lead to step in.

A smell of corruption came from the room.

A human skeleton was lying on the ground, with hands, feet and head scattered everywhere, as if it was dismembered before death.

"Please make way!" Zhao Yin raised his foot and prepared to kick the skull at his feet aside.

After all, there was no grudge, and he was worried that the skeleton would be trampled by the contracted beasts.

Who knew that as soon as the leather shoes touched it, the skull suddenly turned into blue-black ashes and collapsed on the ground.

Zhao Yin was stunned. Weathered like this?

"What is this?" Song Xiaodao walked to a hand bone and reached out to pick up a ring.

As soon as it was touched, the hand bone turned into ashes.

The little girl didn't care at all and took the ring in her hand: "Zhao Yin, it looks like a space ring, why can't I read the information?"

Zhao Yin took it and turned on the Eye of Insight.

[Space Ring: Grade A, space equipment, with 10 cubic meters of space. Note: Time is ruthless, no one wears the extraordinary equipment, and the energy is lost]

In other words, this space ring has become a piece of scrap metal.

Zhao Yin gently squeezed it, and the ring turned into metal gravel and flowed away from the gap between her fingertips.

Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao were both shocked.

"Even extraordinary treasures cannot withstand the washing of time. How many years has this city existed?"

It is destined to be another answer that cannot be known.

"What a pity!" Zhao Yin said.

This extraordinary civilization seemed to have been annihilated by some force, not what Song Xiaodao had guessed.

Perhaps the skeletons themselves are from the aborigines here, and the architectural style and Chinese characters may be a coincidence.

Zhao Yin stopped worrying about this matter and looked back at the dilapidated house.

The furniture has disappeared over the years, and the different colors of dust on the ground may be evidence.

This building, only because of its materials, did not collapse like other buildings.

"Let's see if we can find any valuable clues." Zhao Yin said.

All people and beasts immediately took action.

Turn over all the dust on the ground.

For a long time, no clues about going back were found!

Zhao Yin frowned, his previous belief began to waver. In fact, he had never dared to think about another guess.

If the golden star crystal is originally a trap, if its designer and the designer of the ordinary star crystal do not belong to the same force at all.

If the purpose of designing golden star crystals is to lure and trap humans trained by ordinary star crystal designers to death here...

Then, maybe this place was originally a burial ground!

It's not impossible!

You must know that humans who can obtain the golden star crystal must be able to break into the forbidden area and kill the terrifying zombie king.

This kind of person is already considered top-notch among human forces!

Enemies of ordinary star crystal designers definitely have reasons to do this.

It’s just that Zhao Yin has never dared to think about this!

He was worried that he would lose the faith to go back.

Soon, Zhao Yin shook his head vigorously and waved away this terrible thought.

As long as he still has breath, he cannot sit still and wait for death!

At this moment, Ning Yue's voice came into her ears: "Zhao Yin, come and see!"

Zhao Yin turned around and saw Ning Yue standing in front of a wall, pointing at a metal cabinet door inlaid on the wall.

Remember before, it was no different from other walls.

At this time, the weathered wall peeled off, revealing what was inside.

Zhao Yin stepped forward and found that there was a metal lock on the cabinet, but it was now rusted.

He reached out and opened the cabinet door. A layer of light yellow light, the size of a football, was stored in the metal cabinet.

Inside the light mask, there are three medicine bottles stored.

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