Zhao Yin shook his head and waved away this ridiculous thought.

Even if there were zombies that evolved to the SSS level, they would never have such a big head!

At this moment, deep in the dark cave.

A one-eyed corpse king was crawling on an irregular black crystal.

Wisps of unknown energy visible to the naked eye are escaping from the crystal.

After the Zombie King absorbed this energy, the blind fish eye was healing extremely slowly...


Suddenly, a sound broke through the air.

The zombie king suddenly opened his one eye with an angry expression, roaring!

It roared, stood up suddenly, and rushed out of the hole desperately.

The next moment, the Zombie King discovered the approaching zombie demon. It would never forget those golden bone wings.


The zombie king's three abilities were all activated at once!

armor! Brute force! Extreme speed!

He suddenly ran forward, the whole mountain of earth trembled, and countless pieces of earth were shaken down.

When the Zombie King ran to the edge of the cave entrance, he jumped up high in an instant, and with an angry fist, he hit the zombie demon on the head at high speed...

At this moment, the Zombie King's single eye revealed hatred.

At its speed, even if that golden, damn little zombie turned around and ran away immediately, it would be too late.

However, the corpse demon did not turn around and escape. The next moment, he quickly flapped his bone wings and rose rapidly.

Although it only rose a few meters, the Zombie King's body just passed under his crotch.

Then, boom!

The huge figure of the Zombie King fell downwards, creating a large human-shaped pit and raising dust all over the sky.

The moment the Zombie King left the cave, Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Seeing.

[Male zombie, B level, evolution level 100/95, strength 1400, agility 1280, defense 1800, spirit 105, awakening abilities: iron armor, brute force, extreme speed]

What a zombie king.

Its attributes are even more terrifying than that of the A-level zombie king from Asan Kingdom!

What's even more frightening is that he actually has three combat abilities!

At this time, the zombie demon had turned around and flew back at low altitude, and the zombie king was chasing after him angrily.

Zhao Yin actually saw that the corpse demon's face was full of nervousness at this moment.

He instantly thought of something.

At this time, the fierce battle can be explained. In fact, Zhao Yin had doubts before.

I just don’t have any evidence and I don’t want to accuse the corpse demon unjustly.

But now Zhao Yin couldn't care about this. The zombie demon had already arrived and landed beside Zhao Yin. Then he turned back and pointed at the zombie king who was chasing him: "Master!"

At this moment, all the panic in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of indignation!

Zhao Yin understood inexplicably that the corpse demon meant that it bullied your grandson, so go beat him to death!

Zhao Yin turned around and slapped the corpse demon hard on the head, scolding: "If you can't afford to offend him in the future, don't offend him, understand?"

The corpse demon rubbed his head and nodded aggrievedly.

Zhao Yin waved his hand and collected all the pseudo-mutated beasts, Wang Xiaolei and others.

They cannot participate in a battle of this level, and they will only die if they go up there!

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Yin distributed iced black tea and compressed biscuits to Song Xiaodao, Ning Yue, and the six real mutant beasts.

Then he shouted an order.

"Da Mao, in the gravity field, reduce his agility. You are mainly responsible for controlling this battle. You are not allowed to come forward to fight!"

"Ning Yue, release ice, slow down and lower defense!"

"My dear grandson, after the zombie king enters the gravity range, you are the first to step forward and petrify it to reduce its speed!"

"Other humans and animals are free to attack, but remember not to fight forcefully!"

"Today, we will kill this zombie king!"

Zhao Yin finished his words, ho ho ho ho!

All the mutated beasts felt the terrible pressure, and even the monkeys had fierce expressions, baring their teeth and grinning.


The monkey activated the power of gigantism. When its body size skyrocketed, its strength also skyrocketed, and then it shrank rapidly again.

This is when the enlargement is turned on, and the shrinking effect of the Silver Skin Fruit is turned on!

Facing this terrifying zombie king, the monkey chose to increase his speed by ten percent.

The next moment, the monkey turned on his crazy power again, the fire power...

Eventually, it transformed into a monkey with golden hair, the size of an ordinary macaque, and flames spreading all over its body.

Next, after Lao Niu activated his dual powers, his figure expanded rapidly and doubled again. He chose to increase his strength.

The three beasts, Lao Hei, Xiao Bai, and Bald Dan, all made the same choice as the monkey, shrinking their bodies and increasing their speed.

The master is talking about consuming the zombie king, so of course he chooses mobility!


Da Mao immediately opened the gravity field with all his strength, covering a radius of 500 meters.

Da Mao understood what his master meant. If he stepped forward to fight, once he was killed or knocked away by the Zombie King, the Zombie King would lose control.

At that time, with the speed of the Zombie King.

No man or beast here can resist!

After all the contracted beasts arranged their formation, the zombie king also arrived.

Seeing the sudden appearance of people and beasts, it was stunned.

There was a vague feeling of something bad.

But after all, it is the king of the forbidden area, and it has never encountered a stronger existence since it can remember!

The Zombie King roared angrily, stared straight at the zombie demon, and rushed over at top speed again.


Its big feet stepped on the ground, crushing countless bushes and weeds, leaving a series of huge footprints.

The terrifying speed and size set off a strong wind, blowing countless grass leaves and dust, forming a long dragon of smoke and dust behind it, covering the sky and the sun, with a raging arrogance!

The next moment, the zombie king broke into the gravity field.

Its figure suddenly paused, and its feet were unstable, almost falling flat on its face.

It finally stood firm, boom!

Boom boom...!

Ten purple thunders as thick as buckets hit its head one after another, paralyzing its limbs.

The zombie king finally showed shock on his face.

However, this was not over yet. The damn little zombie had already flown in, and his fist with orange-yellow petrification ability hit it hard on the head.


The huge impact force bounced the zombie demon himself away.

The zombie king's 1800 defense, coupled with the armor ability, is too terrifying. It roared at the sky without any damage.

However, it felt that its body was several times heavier than usual, and its limbs were paralyzed and uncoordinated, and it was completely unable to chase the zombies.

At this moment, the scales on the zombie king's head that were made of armor were petrified at a very fast speed, and its speed slowed down a bit.

It thought it was over, but it was not what it thought.

A thin girl waved her hand, and a large piece of ice mist condensed in the air, and then quickly shrank and enveloped the zombie king.

The next moment, the ground under its feet quickly condensed into frozen soil, and a thick layer of ice spread rapidly on its burly body.

The zombie king broke the ice layer, and another layer spread rapidly, covering it... It seemed that as long as it was in the ice mist, it would never be able to get rid of it completely...

At this moment, the zombie king's speed was reduced to slower than before the super speed ability was activated.

It wanted to break out of the ice fog and the gravity field, but it was too late.

A stick with flames suddenly hit its head!


Although it couldn't break the defense, it made the zombie king see stars.

The monkey hit it with a stick and quickly fled. The zombie king wanted to chase him angrily, boom!

Ten more thunders fell.

Then, it was the fist of the corpse demon with the petrification ability... Another large piece of ice fog rose, compressed rapidly, and then enveloped it again...

Under all the blows, the zombie king felt like he was stuck in a quagmire. Finally, that bad feeling turned into real fear...

However, this was just the beginning.

Wind blades and arrow feathers fell from the sky. Although they couldn't break its defense, they were consuming its energy at a very fast speed.

A damn little mouse, black all over, with green eyes, not much bigger than a dog, actually dared to attack it.

The sharp claws of the Rat King scratched the Zombie King with sparks, consuming the Zombie King's energy more than the arrows falling from the sky...

There was also a little kitten, jumping up and down at an extreme speed, trying to attack the Zombie King's one eye...


The Zombie King was helpless and wanted to wave his hand to kill these little things, but suddenly a huge monster came and hit it hard.

The Zombie King staggered, and the energy consumption this time was greater than any other time...

The next moment, boom!

Ten more thunders came, and a new round of attacks began...

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