Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 232 Mutated Rice and Mutated Soybeans

They were crops that were similar to the rice before the apocalypse, except that they were dozens of times larger. Each tree was bearing heavy ears of rice, and they were golden in color.

[Rice: F-level mutant crop, rich in nutrients, mature]

Zhao Yin immediately jumped off the old cow and waved to summon the two female slaves, Wang Xiaolei and Jiang Shan.

"Everyone, go harvest the crops!"

Zhao Yin was very excited. Rice was his favorite staple food before the end of the world.

I haven’t eaten it since the end of the world.

In fact, even in the past seven years, Zhao Yin had never seen mutant rice.

Mutated rice is extremely rare, and in previous lives, the seeds were controlled by major forces.

If ordinary survivors want to get it, they can only go to the auctions of major forces. Often a pound of mutated rice can fetch a sky-high price. As long as you are a Daxia person, who doesn't want to eat a mouthful of white rice?

Even if mutated rice is expensive, there are still middle- and upper-class survivors willing to buy it and try it.

This can be regarded as a tribute to the passing years...

Rice can not only make rice, but also make real porridge, which is by no means comparable to polenta and chestnut mush.

It can also make rice noodles and various pastries.

Zhao Yin can already predict that in the future, the living space will be filled with golden seeds and the air will be filled with the fragrance of rice...

Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue were also very excited.

They also joined the harvest army.

Some people chop down the rice, and some people are responsible for pulling down the rice and putting it into cloth bags...

Soon, all the rice was harvested, probably more than a thousand rice plants.

Mutated rice is not as tall as corn, and one plant can produce about 20 kilograms of rice.

A total of about 20,000 kilograms of rice was harvested.

Zhou Lili didn't even let go of the straw, and put everything into the space ring.

"Master, if these mutated straws are fed to herbivores, they will be much more nutritious than ordinary grass. They can also be used to build roofs. Dandan can also use them to make straw mats!"

After Zhou Lili finished speaking in a flattering manner, she did not forget to glance at Lao Niu.

At this time, Lao Niu could no longer bear it and started eating with a mouthful of straw.

Zhao Yin nodded: "Very good, I have recorded your contribution!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Zhou Lili bent down again, and immediately the scenery was endless...

As she was cooking for Zhao Yin recently, she could also eat the leftovers of mutated beast meat, and her thin body became a little plumper.

It looks more and more thrilling.

Zhao Yin didn't have much thought to appreciate it at this time and only glanced at it three times.

Next, the team moved forward again. Not far away, they saw another large area of ​​rice.

There are about two thousand trees.

Zhao Yin once again summoned the four people in the life space and ordered them to be harvested.

Soon, another 40,000 kilograms of rice was obtained!

At this time, Jiang Shan's expression was very complicated. He saw with his own eyes that Zhao Yin had obtained 60,000 kilograms of crops.

There is a feeling of seeing with your own eyes that others won millions by buying lottery tickets, but it was not the same as you.

"There are actually no zombies in the core of the forbidden area. It would be great if the boss and the others could come in!"

Jiang Shan didn't know what happened to Lu Ling and the others.

So many people died in the camp for the mutated crops. Is there any harvest at this time?

"There are too many mutated crops in the core of the forbidden area. Just a few hundred meters away, the man named Zhao got 60,000 kilograms of rice!"

At this time, Jiang Shan's heart was filled with regret.

He hinted to Lu Ling before and asked her to take people out of the forbidden area, but thinking about it now, she must have left.

If he had known that Zhao Yin had such strength and could kill all the zombies in one direction of the forbidden area, he should not have let Lu Ling leave!

Zhao Yin harvested 40,000 kilograms of rice and was very happy. There were more crops in the core of the forbidden area than he had imagined.

Zhao Yin simply called Xiao Bai and rode up. Let it fly into the sky,

Then Zhao Yin used his full eyesight to scan the entire core of the forbidden area, excluding the earth mountain, covering a three-kilometer radius.

Soon, he discovered several more rice fields, totaling more than 3,000 rice plants scattered in every corner.

In addition, on the other side of the earth mountain, there are more than a dozen soybean trees, which are densely covered with beans, which are also golden.

[Soybeans: D-level mutant crops, rich in nutrients, special effects: eating one hundred pounds of soybean oil will permanently increase your strength, and it is mature]

It's actually a D-level mutant crop, but the special effects it comes with are a bit rubbish.

It takes one hundred pounds of soybean oil to gain a little strength.

Who can drink soybean oil as water?

This is the type of long-flowing water, and it is also the special effect that Zhao Yin dislikes the most.

However, soybean oil itself has extremely high value and tastes better than corn oil.

Soybeans can be used to grind tofu, make pastries, sprout bean sprouts, eat them boiled, steamed, and even stir-fry...

For a moment, Zhao Yin thought that there would be countless kinds of soy products on the dining table in the future.

He immediately divided his troops into two groups and ordered.

"Old Hei, activate the ability to escape from the earth, take Ning Yue, Da Mao, Bald Egg, the vulture group, and the good grandson of the corpse demon to collect all those soybeans for me!"

"Remember, you are not allowed to approach that mountain without my order!"

After receiving the order, Lao Hei immediately activated his ability to escape from the ground.

In an instant, it enveloped Ning Yue and a group of contracted beasts, and sank into the ground quickly.

With Lao Hei here, the safety of Ning Yue and the contract beasts is guaranteed, so Zhao Yin has nothing to worry about.

At this time, there were still Song Xiaodao and Xiaobai beside him, Da Mao, Monkey, Lao Niu, and six giant rats.

And four people summoned from space.

Zhao Yin led them towards the nearest patch of rice...

Half an hour later, Lao Hei returned to Zhao Yin through telepathy.

Ning Yue took out more than a thousand kilograms of soybeans from the space ring.

The size was not much different from the soybeans before the end of the world, and the color was golden.

More than a dozen bean seedlings yielded more than a thousand kilograms, proving that the yield of soybeans was about 100 kilograms per plant.

It was higher than the yield of rice.

Zhao Yin put away the soybeans and continued to lead people to harvest the remaining rice.

Another half an hour later, all the rice was finally harvested.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and his eyes finally looked at the dirt mountain in the center.

Now, all of Zhao Yin's mutant beasts have evolved to level B.

And there are still a few life-saving cards in his space ring.

Even if it is not good, Lao Hei, who now has the ability of extreme speed, can escape underground with all people and beasts, which is definitely not a problem!

So, this is also the confidence of Zhao Yin to dare to come here!

"My dear grandson, no matter what you encountered there before, go and lead it out now!" Zhao Yin ordered.


The corpse demon immediately became excited, spread his bone wings, and quickly flew towards the earthen hill.

It seemed that he had been waiting for this moment.

Zhao Yin looked along the trajectory of the corpse demon's flight. There were two caves on the hillside of the earthen hill.

At this moment, Zhao Yin finally understood why there was always a sense of disharmony in this earthen hill.

The earthen hill was like a huge human head, with eye sockets, a nose, and a mouth...

From a distance, the two caves that the corpse demon flew towards looked like a pair of nostrils.

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