Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 234 Golden Star Crystal and Eye of Insight

At this moment, all the people and animals were excited.

Under the control of several major super powers, even the super B-level zombie king can only become their sandbags.

It must be said that the beating is fun.

At the end, Zhao Yin lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth. He squinted his eyes and wanted to sing a song when he blasted out thunder powers.

Itโ€™s just that Zhao Yin needs to stuff a piece of compressed biscuit into Da Maoโ€™s mouth from time to time.

As time passed, an hour passed, and the armor superpower on the zombie king finally weakened slowly.

An hour and a half later, poof!

When the corpse demonโ€™s fist hit the zombie kingโ€™s head, the petrification directly shattered a layer of armor scales.

This book was first published in ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ— book bar โ†’ 96๐“ˆ๐’ฝ๐“Š.๐“ƒโ„ฏ๐“‰, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Finally, the zombie king has no new scales growing from under his skin.

"Song Xiaodao!" At this time, Zhao Yin shouted.

"Got it!"

Song Xiaodao was excited, the wind blew her ponytails, and the little loli rode the wind and instantly arrived behind the zombie king.

At this moment, the zombie king slowed down.

Song Xiaodao held the blood sword in his hand and slashed forward fiercely!

Boom 1

A blood-red sword energy suddenly spread out from the blade, puff!

The sword energy instantly sank into the zombie king's head.

Blood evil special effect!

Destroy mental defense below 200 points!

At this moment, the whole body of the zombie king was stiff, and all its thoughts fell into chaos.

At this moment, the zombie king wanted to rebuild his mental defense, which would take at least three seconds.

Three seconds of daze was enough!

Zhao Yin held the Zhuge Crossbow in one hand, and a black arrow appeared in the other hand.

[Sky-breaking Arrow: Grade A, type of extraordinary weapon, attack 1200, additional effect: hit the target within 300 meters, double the attack power, note: disposable weapon, disappears after explosion]


The Sky-breaking Arrow was automatically loaded into the crossbow body in an instant, and the next moment, wooโ€”โ€”!

The black arrow broke through the air, cutting through the air, making a ghost-like sound of breaking through the air!

Perhaps, the name of Sky-breaking was born from this1

Even Zhao Yin couldn't catch the trajectory of the Sky-breaking Arrow at this moment.

I saw a string of black blood flowers burst out on the head of the zombie king.

Then, boom!

With a loud bang, its entire head exploded!

"Are you still not dead?" Zhao Yin smiled.

The zombie king who lost his superpowers had a defense of 1800 points, and the attack power of the Sky-breaking Arrow, with the doubled special effect, had reached 2400 points!

In fact, all of Zhao Yin's previous commands were paving the way for this arrow.

The only weapon in his hand, the Sky Breaking Arrow, could break the defense of the Zombie King.

Sky Breaking Arrows are too precious, and he only has two of them!

So there must be no accidents.

Fortunately, there were no accidents!

As the huge body of the Zombie King fell.

All the contracted beasts became excited.


A group of flying in the sky and running on the ground all circled around the corpse of the Zombie King.

This is the strongest enemy they have ever encountered since they were born.

They were killed just like that!

Zhao Yin also smiled, and took Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue to the corpse of the Zombie King.

"You have consumed so much extraordinary food, and even consumed one of my Sky Breaking Arrows. Let's see how many Zombie King Star Crystals you can produce!"

Zhao Yin put away the Gale Gun, rolled up his sleeves, and personally picked up the brain of the Zombie King.

After a moment, his face changed.

"Zhao Yin, what's wrong, the Zombie King in the forbidden area doesn't produce star crystals?"

Song Xiaodao asked anxiously.

"There are only two star crystals!" Zhao Yin's face was gloomy.

He took out his hand, took out a rag, and wiped the three crystals clean.

A B-level corpse crystal, a blood-red star crystal, and the last one...

When Zhao Yin saw the color of the last star crystal, he was stunned.

Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue also widened their eyes!

It was actually... golden yellow!

"What is this?" Song Xiaodao asked curiously.

Zhao Yin couldn't come back to his senses. In the seven years of his previous life, he had never heard that golden star crystals had appeared in this world!

If he hadn't taken it out from the zombie king's head with his own hands...

If it weren't for the fact that this star crystal was no different from ordinary star crystals except for the color...

Zhao Yin would never believe that such a star crystal really existed!

Zhao Yin fell into thought. He didn't know what the golden star crystal could produce?

He just had a vague feeling that the things that the golden star crystal could produce were definitely different from ordinary star crystals!

In the seven years of his previous life, someone must have obtained this kind of golden star crystal.

But why was there no news?

Either someone got a treasure from the golden star crystal and then blocked the news, or the people who got the golden star crystal...are all dead!

It's not impossible!

Just like ordinary star crystals, they may also get bad things, such as forbidden things...

For unknown things like golden star crystals, it's better to be cautious.

So Zhao Yin didn't open it immediately. He planned to wait until everything here was over before considering when and how to open it.

Next, Zhao Yin opened the bloody corpse king star crystal.

A burst of white light flashed!

A sky-blue medicine bottle appeared in Zhao Yin's hand.

It is translucent, and the small half bottle of liquid inside is glowing...

[Talented superpower potion: SS grade, type detection system advanced superpower potion, after taking it, it will open the hidden talent superpower of the evolver's bloodline, the Eye of Insight]

SS-level Eye of Insight!

Zhao Yin took a deep breath, remembering that in the entire end of the world in his previous life, only one person had obtained the SS-level detection system superpower, which is also called the Eye of Insight!

Although all survivors want to get combat-type superpowers the most, the detection system superpowers above S-level are the rarest among all superpower potions of the same level!

Zhao Yin still clearly remembers that the man is called Liu Zili.

Although he is not a combat-type superpower, he is the object of competition for recruitment by major human camps.

With a pair of eyes, he can get a high status in major camps without doing any dangerous tasks.

Often when the camp encounters a crisis, all superpowers will protect him first!

Even if the camp was eventually destroyed, Liu Zili would be appeased by the hostile forces at all costs, and then hired to sit in their own camp with high salary...

All this is because the Eye of Insight can see secrets that low-level detection-type psychics cannot see, which can allow a force to develop rapidly.

Often the larger the force, the more places need him.

Later there was a rumor that the camp is changing, but Liu Zili is iron...

Zhao Yin immediately opened the psychic potion and drank it down.

Because he had taken the same kind of potion before, this time it was absorbed quickly.

A few minutes later, Zhao Yin felt a coolness in his eyes.

Then, he had an epiphany in his heart. The Eye of True Vision that accompanied him for seven years in his previous life had been assimilated by the Eye of Insight.

Zhao Yin opened his eyes and looked at his body.

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 341, agility 360, physical strength 280, spirit 450, talent B-level shooting, superpowers: SS-level eye of insight, A-level thunder system, SS-level swiftness, life countdown: 499963 days]

Eye of insight is already a top-level detection superpower!

In the future, when facing human survivors, you will no longer have a headache about not being able to see the other party's superpowers!

Although it is still impossible to detect SSS-level superpowers.

But Zhao Yin only needs to know that any superpower he cannot read is SSS-level, so he needs to be careful!

Of course, the other party may also have multiple superpowers like Zhao Yin himself, and it is difficult to tell whether the SSS-level is hidden.

Zhao Yin calmed down and looked at the golden star crystal in his hand with the eye of insight.

[Golden star crystal: top-level extraordinary medium, randomly activates extraordinary rules]

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